Misc. Notes
NVR to 1850, Births, page 83, Gayer, Damaris, d. Will[ia]m, Oct. 24, 1673. [w. Nathaniel Coffin (s. James and Mary), d. William and Dorcas (Starbuck) (first w.), 24th, 10 mo. [dup. 2 mo.[, P.R. 38.]
Birth Date16 Oct 1671
Birth PlaceNantucket, Nantucket Co., MA
Memoalt date: May 1671; alt loc: Dover, NH
Death Date29 Oct 1721 Age: 50
Death PlaceNantucket, Nantucket Co., MA
OccupationSea captain
Misc. Notes
NEHG Register, “The Coffin Family”, April 1870, Vol. 24, page 305; NVR to 1850, Births, page 312, Coffin, Nathaniel, h. Damaris (d. William Gayer and Dorcas (Starbuck)), s. James and Mary (Severance), ___, 3 mo. 1671, P.R. 38.
The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, 162 vols., 1847-2009., page 193, ??, 1927, “Memoirs”, “Nathaniel, 1671-1721, who married Damaris Gayer, daughter of William and Dorcas (Starbuck) Gayer”; NVR to 1850, Marriages, page 298, Coffin, Nathaniell and Damariss Gayer, 17th, 8 mo. 1692. Intention not recorded. [Nathaniel, s. James and Mary (Severance), and Damaris Gayer, d. William and Dorcas (Starbuck) (first w.), P.R. 38.]; NEHG Register, July 18??, page 262, Births, Deaths, etc, in Nantucket, “Nathaniell Coffin and Damaris Gayer were married 17th: of ye 8th mo: 1692; by me Willm Worth Justice of ye Peace.”
NVR to 1850, Deaths, page 174, Coffin, Nathaniel, h. Damaris (d. William Gayer and Dorcas (Starbuck)), s. James and Mary (Severance), 29th, 10 mo. 1721, P.R. 38.
Marr Date17 Aug 1692
Marr PlaceNantucket, Nantucket Co., MA
Marr Memoalt date: 17 Oct 1692