My Maine Heritage - June 2023 - Person Sheet
My Maine Heritage - June 2023 - Person Sheet
NameMary Perry
Birth Datebef 26 Jun 1602
Birth PlaceSawbridgeworth, Hertfordshire, England
Death Date15 Dec 1659 Age: 57
Death PlaceRoxbury, Suffolk Co., MA
Birth Dateabt 1590
Birth PlaceNazeing, Essex, England
Death Datebef 30 May 1652 Age: 62
Death PlaceRoxbury, Suffolk Co., MA
Misc. Notes


"In 1945 Walter Goodwin Davis proved that prior to migrtion William heath lived in the parish of Nazeing, Essex (W. G. Davis, The Ancestry of Annis Spear 1775-1858, of Litchfield, Maine [Portland, 1945], 29-34). The parson of Nazeing was Rev. John Eliot, who later became famous in America as 'the Apostle to the Indians.' William Heath had three children baptized at Nazeing in the period 1625-1629, although it was not his home parish. Davis documented that William's wife, Mary, was the daughter of Thomas Crampthorne of nearby Sawbridgeworth, Hertfordshire. Davis did not, however, further pursue these tantalizing clues.

"In 1978, as noted above, further evidence came to light when Peter Waine, County Archivist for Hertfordshire, presented proof that William Heath resided in the parish of Great Amwell, Hertfordshire, prior to living at Nazeing, Essex (Register, 132:20-21). The Great Amwell parish registers show that William Heath married his first wife, Mary Cramphorne (sic), there in 1617. Waine also proved that prior to migration, Elder Isaac Heath had resided in the adjacent parish of Ware, Hertfordshire, where in 1629 he married Elizabeth Miller. Although no firm conclusions were drawn, Elder Isaac heath was identified as possibly being the Isaac heath baptized at Ware on 13 February 1585/6.

"Recent research undertaken by the present author has confirmed the earlier findings of Davis and Walne, and has established that the heath brothers and their kinfolk all originated in the adjoining parishes of Ware and Great Amwell, Hertfordshire..."

A list of Ware, Hertfordshire baptisms, marriages and burials follows.
"William1 baptism not found at Ware, Herts.; bur. at Roxbury, Mass., 30 May 1652. Peter Walne, County Archivist for Hertfordshire, suggests that William may have been born at Great Amwell during the period, Oct, 1586 to May 1590, when there is a gap in the records (Register, 122:21). If so, his birth would necessarily be in early to mid-1590, in order to fit his birth between his brothers George and John; such spacing is consistent with the date of his first marriage and the birthdate of his first wife. He m. (1) at Great Amwell, 10 Feb. 1616/7, Mary Cramphorne (sic), bp. at Sawbridgeworth, Herts., 16 Jan. 1592, bur. at Great AMwell 24 Nov. 1621, daughter of Thomas and Mary (Lyndesell) Cramphorne."
"New England Historic Genealogical Society"
"Rev. John Eliot's Record of Church Members"
Volume 35 - Page 23

"William Heath, he came to this Land, in the yeare, 1632, & soone after joyned to the church, he brought 5 children, Mary, Isaak, Mary, Peleg, Hanah."
"New England Historic Genealogical Society"
"Abstracts of the Earliest Wills"
Volume 4 - Pages 286 & 287

"William Heath. (May 28, 1652)

"The last Will & Testam of Willm Heath of Roxbury in manner and forme following.

"Item I give unto my loving wife during her natural life ye newe end of my house that I nowe dwell in both aboue & below and half the great barne and half the barne yard together wth all my Arable land and meadowe that I am nowe possessed of Together wth all my Cattell & moveable goods upon this Condition following ffirst that shee shall pay all my debts, secondly that shee shall pay my daughter Mary Spere Tenne pounds wth in one yeare after my death. Thirdly that shee shall pay my daughter Hanna Tenne pounds wthin two yeres after my death. And when shee hath paid all my debts & legacies the remainder of the benefitt I give wholley unto my wife as better expressed during her naturall life and I doe make her my whole executrix.

"Item 2ly. I give unto my sonne Isaac p'sently to possesse the old end of my dwelling house' &c. After death of wife' my two sonnes shall have all my howse and lands in Roxbury' 'sonne Isaac my eldest sonne a double po'con and my son Pelig a single porcon.'

"Item 3ly. I give unto my daughter Mary that I had by my ffirst wife fforty shillings a yere out of all my lands to be paid by both my sonns that is to say my sonne Isacke to pay twenty shillings a yere & my sonne Pelig twenty shillings a yere during the whole tyme of her natural life and they to begin at the tyme of their mother's death and they enter on the land and I doe intreate my wife in the meane season to have a motherly care over hir and see yt shee want nothing that is convenient for hir.

"And I doe intreate my three friends that is to say my deare brother elder Heath John Rugles & Phillip Elliott to see this my will performed & my lands equally devided according to ye true intent of this my last will.
Witnes Isaac heath, Phillip Elliott, John Rugles.

"21 day 8 mo 1652 taken upon Oath by Phillip Elliott, John Rugles to be the will of Willm Heath as above before me John Glover.

"The Magistrates approve of this will so as they bringe in the Inventory by the next Court 17 Nov 1652. Edward Rawson Recorder."
"New England Historic Genealogical Society"
"Emigrants from Hertfordshire 1630-1640"
Volume 132 - Page 20 (January 1978)

"HEATH - In the treatmant of William Heath (d. Roxbury, Mass., 29 May 1652), Walter Goodwin Davis credits Heath with two wives, the first unknown and the second, Mary Cramphorne, who accompanied him to New England. Evidence from some Hertfordshire parish registers indicates that the order of wives is wrong; moreover, there is some confusion as to the assignment of children to the two wives.

"On 10 February 1616/7, he married at Great Amwell, Mary Cramphorne, and by her had Mary, baptized 10 May 1618, and Isaac, baptized 21 May6 1621. [Walter Goodwin Davis, 'The Ancestry of Annis Spear 1775-1858, of Litchfield, Maine {Portland, Me., 1945}, 32-34; H.R.O. D/P41/9.] In both cases he is identified as of 'Ware End' of the parish. On 24 November 1624, Mary, wife of William Heath of Ware End, was buried at Great Amwell. [Ibid]

"On 22 January 1622/3, William Heath of Amwell and Mary Perry of Sawbridgeworth were married at Gilston, a nearby parish. [H.R.O. D/P41 1/1. A slightly differently worded version appears in D/P41 1/2, the succeeding volume, in which the eccentiacally spelled and written entries at the end of the first volume are recopied, mosre legibly and understandably.] No children of this marriage were baptized at Great Amwell. However, three children Peleg (30 January 1624/5), Mary (2 September 1627), and Hannah (5 November 1629) were baptized at Nazeing just across the county boundary in Essex. William's second wife, Mary, may have been the daughter of John Perry and baptized at Sawbridgeworth 27 June 1602. [H.R.O. D/P98 1/1.] This John can probably be identified as he who married Annes Peerce at Sawbridgeworth on 5 October 1585. [Ibid]

"It will be noted that two daughters, both baptized Mary, were born of these marriages. Heath's will shows clearly that both of these daughters survived to adulthood and came to New England. The reason for naming a second daughter Mary was undoubtedly that the first was infirmed from childhood, as shown from William Heath's will: [To] my daughter Mary that I had by my ffirst wife fforty shillings a yere out of all my lands to be paid by both my sonns...during the whole tyme of her natural life and they to begin at the tyme of their mothers death and they to enter on the land and I doe entreate my wife in the season to have motherly care over hir and see yt she want nothing that is convenient for her. [Quoted in Davis, Ancestry of Annls Spear, 33.]

"The immediate antecedents of William Heath and his brother Isaac are not known..."
ChildrenPeleg (<1625-1671)
 Mary (<1627-1674)
 Hannah (<1629-)
Last Modified 18 Jul 2012Created 12 Jun 2023 using Reunion for Macintosh
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