My Maine Heritage - June 2023 - Person Sheet
My Maine Heritage - June 2023 - Person Sheet
NameCapt. Daniel Buck Sr.
Birth Date2 Sep 1756
Birth PlaceHaverhill, Essex Co., MA
Death Date18 Nov 1826 Age: 70
Death PlaceBucksport, Hancock Co., ME
OccupationSea captain; store owner
FatherCol. Jonathan Buck Esq. (1719-1795)
MotherLydia Morse (1718-1789)
Birth Date1762
Birth PlaceYork, York Co., ME
Death Date24 Dec 1841 Age: 79
Death PlaceBucksport, Hancock Co., ME
Marr Date24 Apr 1783
ChildrenSarah (1785-1826)
 Eliza (1787-1861)
 Harriet (1789-1817)
 Maria (1791-1817)
 Jonathan Sewall (1793-1813)
 Lucy Moulton x (1795-1814)
 Rufus (1797-1878)
 Daniel x (1797-1798)
 Infant x (1798-)
 Daniel (1799-1869)
 Richard Pike (1806-1884)
 Mary Langdon x (1808-1811)
Last Modified 26 Dec 2017Created 12 Jun 2023 using Reunion for Macintosh
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