My Maine Heritage - June 2023 - Person Sheet
My Maine Heritage - June 2023 - Person Sheet
NameElizabeth Scott
Birth Date18 Nov 1623
Birth PlaceRowley, Essex Co., MA
Memoalt. birth place: Rattlesden, Suffolk, England
Death Date10 Feb 1691 Age: 67
Death PlaceBradford, Essex Co., MA
FatherThomas Scott Sr. (1595-1654)
MotherElizabeth Strutt (1594-1675)
Misc. Notes
"She was of Ipswich and doubtless a daughter of Thomas Scott and his wife Elizabeth, who came over in the ship 'Elizabeth' in 1634, when nine years old. If so, she was thirteen years younger than her husband. This identity is confirmed by the repetition in her own family of the names of her parents, brothers, and sisters, Elizabeth, Thomas, Hannah, Sarah, Mary." -- Savage's General Dictionary.

"Thomas and Elizabeth Scott, each 40 years of age, came in the 'Elizabeth' of Ipswich, Capt. William Andrews, the latter part of April, 1634, with their children, Elizabeth, 9 years old, Abigail, 7 years old, Thomas, 6 years old, and Isaac Mixer, 4 years old."
(See Massachusetts Historical Collections, Third Series, Vol. X., p. 141.)

This Elizabeth Scott (mother of Mrs. John Spofford) subsequently married the Rev. Ezekiel Rogers (probably not the one who settled in Rowley, but a relative). She survived said Rogers, and was his widow in 1683.
Birth Dateabt 1611
Birth PlaceSelby, Yorkshire, England
Death Date6 Nov 1678 Age: 67
Death PlaceRowley, Essex Co., MA
MotherUnnamed (1589-1679)
Misc. Notes
Came from England in 1638, and settled in Rowley, MA.

JOHN SPOFFORD came to this country with a company of Yorkshiremen before 1643, as his name appears under that date on the record of the first division of lands in Rowley into homestead lots. He and his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Scott of Ipswich, lived in Rowley for about thirty years, and in 1669 removed to Spofford's hill.

An anecdote of John Spofford has been preserved for us by Miss Aphia Spofford in her Spofford genealogy: "During his residence at Rowley, a severe drought was followed by a great scarcity of food, and he repaired to Salem to purchase corn for his family and neighbors. The merchant to whom he applied, forseeing a greater scarcity and higher prices, refused to open his store to supply his want. Having pleaded the necessities of himself and others in vain, he cursed the merchant to his face. He was immediately taken before a magistrate, and charged with profane swearing. He replied that he had not cursed profanely but as a religious duty, and quoted Prov. 11:26, as his authority. The words are, 'He that with-holdeth corn from the hungry, the people shall curse him.' John Spofford was immediately acquitted and by the summary power of the courts in those days, the merchant was ordered to deliver him as much corn as he could pay for."

John Spofford, as appears from an affidavit, was fifty years of age in 1662, hence born in 1612; his will was made Oct. 7, 1678, and probated 6th 9th month, 1678, his wife and son Thomas joint executors. For fuller notice, see Introduction, page 29.
Marr Date1645
Marr PlaceRowley, Essex Co., MA
ChildrenElizabeth (1646-1724)
 John (1648-1697)
 Thomas (1650-1706)
 Samuel (1653-1744)
 Hannah (1654-1689)
 Mary (1656-1729)
 Sarah x (1658-1660)
 Sarah (1661-1713)
 Francis (1665-<1719)
Last Modified 21 Apr 2023Created 12 Jun 2023 using Reunion for Macintosh
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