My Maine Heritage - June 2023 - Person Sheet
My Maine Heritage - June 2023 - Person Sheet
NameElizabeth “Betsey” Bettey Gurney
Birth Date5 Jan 1761
Birth PlaceBridgewater, Plymouth Co., MA
Memoalt date: 1763
Death Date7 Mar 1841 Age: 80
Death PlaceWoodstock, Oxford Co., ME
Burial PlaceCushman Cem., Woodstock, Oxford Co., ME
FatherElisha Gurney (1731-1818)
MotherJane Kingman (1729-1815)
Misc. Notes
Birth Date29 Dec 1760
Birth PlaceUpton, Worcester Co., MA
Death Date1 Mar 1833 Age: 72
Death PlaceParis, Oxford Co., ME
Burial PlaceCushman Cem., Woodstock, Oxford Co., ME
FatherLemuel Perham Sr. (1735-1814)
MotherMary Molly Butterfield (1735-1820)
Misc. Notes
Came from Upton, MA to Paris, ME about 1790, and in 1813 removed to Woodstock, where his son Jotham had settled. This area became known as the Perham Neighborhood.
Marr Date15 Sep 1780
Marr PlaceUpton, Worcester Co., MA
ChildrenMartha “Patty” (1781-<1813)
 Jotham (1784-1864)
 Lemuel (1788-1865)
 Lovicy (1794-1826)
 Joel (1797-1877)
 Betty Betsey G. x (1797-1798)
 Azel Azael (1805-)
Last Modified 4 Oct 2014Created 12 Jun 2023 using Reunion for Macintosh
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