NameJohn Canwell Sr.
Birth Dateabt 1770
Birth PlaceEngland
Death Dateabt Mar 1810 Age: 40
Death PlaceWayne, Kennebec Co., ME
Memolikely robbed and murdered
Misc. Notes
Listed on 1790 USC for Winthrop, Lincoln Co. [now Kennebec Co.], ME (pg. no. 47; 1 1 3), along with Reuben Wing and several other Wings. Also listed on New Sandwich [now Wayne], Lincoln Co. [now Kennebec Co.], ME (1 2 2)?? Son John Jr. is too young to be accounted for here. Another relation?
Son John lists him as born in England on 1880 USC for Sumner, ME.
From Maine Families: Bk 3: Hopkins, Murch, Faunce, Canwell, etc by Harold Perham:
pp. 176-210 (207-210 missing)
From the History of Wayne (1898) p. 178
From History of Monmouth and Wales, Maine:
John Canwell was from England and located in Wayne, Maine. he was a drover, and at times handled large sums of money. He left home in March, 1810, for Portland, with a drove of cattle, and never returned. His horse, overcoat, and spurs were brought back by a stranger, who stated that he would be at home again in ten days. Nothing plausible could be conjectured concerning his fate until the Baptist church at Wayne was repaired, years afterwards, when they found the bones of a man supposed to be those of Mr. Canwell. (pp. 818-819).
Mr. Canwell was twice married, and had five children. His name still clings to the grassy hill-side that was his home, and is known today as the Canwell pasture. Some lonely graves, and excavation which was once a cellar, in the pasture on the east side of Lovejoy Pond, mark the place where John Canwell’s two wives are buried, and the site of the house.
p. 179
In the Canwell pasture is still seen the cellar which marks the site of the home of Otis Readin, his wife Esther, and their three children. The father died in 1801, and the name of the mother appears for several succeeding years on the town records....
To the best of my knowledge, these are the children of John Canwell of Wayne, and his two wives:
1) Hannah Canwell b. 1793, who married John Readen b. 1798
2) John Canwell b. 1798, who married Melinda Wing b. 1798
3) Oliver B. Canwell b. 1801, who married Philena Andrews b. 1805
4) George Canwell b. 1807, who married Hannah Burgess b. 1812
5) Jeremiah Canwell b. 1810, who married Lucy Ann [Burgess] -- he is the only child by second marriage of John Canwell to Mehitable [ ]
The other two children recorded on the 1810 USC are not known to Mr. Perham, and no other information found as yet, Sept. 1, 1973.
Birth Dateabt 1774
Birth PlaceMassachusetts, USA
Death Dateabt 1807 Age: 33
Misc. Notes
1 May 2001
1861-85=1776. Could this be a sister of Otis or a sister of Sarah? Yes, apparently she is a sister of Otis (Maine Families Bk 3).
Misc. Notes
She is listed as head of household at time of 1810 USC for Wayne, Kennebec Co., ME living with seven children.