chkrdcem cemetery

New Portland, Maine

Go North from New Vineyard on State Route 27 to the junction of SR27 & SR146. Take a left on the Chick Road. Go about 2 miles to the Old Chick Farm and take a right in the long drive. The stones are in a large field on the right. There are two or more unmarked graves and cemetery is in very poor condition. Please secure the Property owners permission before entering the field.

Dates after 1981 taken from Franklin Journal
Information in ( ) with -ed are added by us, the editors
(flag) denotes a military affiliation
This record is set up alphabetically by Surname,
not by row or lot as the stones appear in the cemetery.

Copied 1977 by George & Janet Thompson

  John,  d.10-15-1810  age 59
  To die is gain

  John Turner, son of S.P. & F.E. Strickland
  d. 9-9-1826  age 2y 3m
  Lord he is thine, and not my own,
  Thow hast not done me wrong:
  I thank thee for the precious loan
  Afforded me so long.

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