Criteria for Inclusion on GEN-MEDIEVAL Web Site


Inclusion in this site is by invitation. Anyone with a post they wish to include should post it to the newsgroup/list. Readers who see a post which they think should be included are welcome to pass on their recommendation to the maintainer of the site.

Posts should address a topic for which there is demonstrated interest, and fit into one of the following categories:
    Discussion/evaluation of competing theories
    Synthesis of recent progress
    Abstract/summary of a recent discovery/new theory
    Debunking of published descent.

Other contributions will be considered on an ad hoc basis. All contributions should be referenced, and should rely on primary and secondary sources. No article based solely on comparative analysis of more removed compendia will be considered.

ATs will only be considered if they contain information addressing innovative or controversial connections, and their implications. They should include a textual analysis of these issues. All redundancy should be eliminated by internal referencing. Abbreviated source information should be used for individual entries, with attached bibliography or reference to a bibliography page. Quirky surname, date, marriage or title presentation imposed by database constraints should be removed/standardized.

Contributors are encouraged to use, whenever possible, the standardized abbreviations suggested in the GEN-MEDIEVAL/soc.genealogy.medieval bibliography page.