The vital records given here are extracted from the town records microfilmed by the LDS church. It appears that the information was given to the town clerk AFTER the date of event (birth or death), so some dates may have been incorrectly remembered (much in the same way errors are introduced during a census). Each family is listed together in the original town records.
The microfilm of the original records is available from the LDS church. The film number is 11752. One reel.
This extract lists surname, given name, date of birth, parents, and date of death. No other information is included here. SOME CORRECTIONS HAVE BEEN MADE.
For more specific, exact details, please check the original records.
Please note: If a woman's name is given as: First LAST (UNKNOWN), then the last name is her married name and the maiden name is not known.
There are additional non-Penobscot-born people included (those who married into the HANEY/HENEY family.) For further information on HANEY family members, please contact Sioux L. Stoeckle
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