Journal of Jonathan Phillips of Turner, Maine-(1841)

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Journal of Jonathan Phillips of Turner, Maine

1841 January 1 Friday wind variable northeast afternoon begins to snow at sunset a violent snow storm all the evening till I go to bed Job Young buried to-day

2 Saturday wind west pleasant snow fell last night six inches went to Brays paid 23 cts for postage of Argus received & 23 cts for balance of accounts Bought of Holt Box Hooks & Eyes paid 4 cts

3 Sunday wind west & north pleasant in forenoon Squals of snow afternoon

4 Monday wind west clear & cold went vilage got plank of Bicknell paid him 25 * cts for it got gallon mollasses of John Blake for Collins had charged C Packard paid me $8.30 for money he Borrowed 13 last May Solon Chase came here to board for the Shawl & pant tc tc

5 Theusday wind west clear & pleasant Collins went Canton to get shooes for his sled cart

6 Wednesday wind northeast snows little rain in evening moderately the Legislature of Maine meets to day it is to be wished that they may try to do something for the people and not spend their time all in party schemes for their own especial benefit

7 Thursday wind north south in evening rain little all day quite warm cuting appells in evening

8 Friday wind west warm & pleasant snow soft a good deal of it gone rained almost all last night today the 8 of January is the anniversary of the memorable Battle of New Orleans probably the means of Andrew Jackson being President of these United States Let us se that we are not to fond of titles & a Proffession so say we

9 Saturday wind north pleasant & warm went Luther Staples found considerable bare ground the rivers & brooks swolen with water

10 Sunday wind east cloudy and moderate weather nobody goes to meeting from this place verry negligant on the score of attending to religious duties times are altered since I was young and I do not believe much for the better on many accounts

11 Monday wind northeast cloudy snows a little rather warm heard today that the commite had declared John Fairfield governor on account of Brunswick votes not being sealed I doubt it but if it (is) true that the votes were not sealed we say heave them out have one rule that is the only safe way of living

12 Theusday wind west clear except blustering squals went to Mill to Clarks got ball of wicking of John Blake for Collins charged to him went to Brays at night after papers find there is no certainty about governor Kent will be elected by the house likely

13 Wednesday wind northeast cloudy wife made candles14 Thursday wind north clear & cold went to meeting Universal meeting house quite large meeting Mr. Vose preached in forenoon William French in afternoon Mr. Vose rather an experimental preacher Mr French Doctrinal rather smart for a man of his age Universalists getting into sistem more writing their sermons and growing as a denomination

15 Friday wind east & south cloudy moderate snows a little

16 Saturday wind southwest pleasant went Leeds Davis Millets stoped at north Turner Bridge Received of the Treasurer $1.68 for money due me for two dividends sleighing verry good

17 Sunday wind southeast rains almost all day snow is full of water

18 Monday wind northwest clear & windy cold went town meeting for Representative to Congress Littlefield & Long candidates third trial let Chushing Phillips nine dollars to pay Job Prince towards the factory Received fifty cents for pasturing calfes for C Phillips

19 Theusday wind west pleasant Collins went Canton

20 Wednesday wind west clear pleasant & warm Collins to vilage to shoe his sled Isaac Stiles & wife here on visit my Birthday 61 years old time seems short as we grow older and ought to admonished us that we have but little longer to stay here may I improve it as I ought

21 Thursday wind northeast snow storm

22 Friday wind west pleasant & moderatly weather for the season John Gorham here staid all night

23 Saturday wind westerly pleasant weather Mr Gorham here Maurice went to Hanover Keens Mill to get corn ground & Bolted Collins went to Wm Bradfords with his wife visiting

24 Sunday wind southwest moderate weather. Snows toward night fell 3 inches John Gorham here

25 Monday wind west clear & pleasant warm thaws John Gorham went away

26 Theusday wind north cloudy moderate went James Starboards carried my lasts to have pair boots made to post office for paper to Holts got pound pearl ash paid 10 cts cash

27 Wednesday wind west pleasant & warm thaws went vilage let John Blake 11 * pound candles 14 cts in pound 154 cts took twelve hering 6 cts ball wicking 10 cts skin silk and three skein cotton in all 86 cts in all 24 cts remainder crt hear of the death of Philo Briggs Burial tomorrow Balance in my favor 130

28 Thursday wind west pleasant went Jesse Drews in evening

29 Friday wind west pleasant & warm Benja, Conant & wife Luther Staples & wife here on visit stay all night

30 Saturday wind west pleasant in forenoon Little snow fell in last night grows cold in afternoon wind blows quite cold in evening

31 Sunday wind west clear & pleasant like March weather the end of the first month in this year time flies man dies

Feb 1 Monday wind northeast cloudy begins to snow at six o“clock beat out our corn

2 Theusday wind west pleasant & cool went post office paper dont come Collins bougth Harrison DeCaster stears to pay $20 ½ ton of hay heifer of Packards or $8 paid 5 of the 20 to day

3 Wednesday wind west grows cold & blustering Noah Packard and wife here * Likewise Abner Jones & wife & Davis Stiles & wife Harrison DeCoster had two Bushel corn Judith Caswell here

4 Thursday wind west cold & windy Collins started Portland5 Friday wind southwest cloudy went Wm Bradfords with Brother Jones & Stiles came home at night moon eclipsed this evening total

6 Saturday wind west clear & pleasant

7 Sunday wind west clear & pleasant moderate weather for season

8 Monday wind west pleasant & clear fine weather

9 Theusday wind southwest moderate went Ebenezer Hodges let him have note I held against him for an old sheep a debt that I considered poor Received letter from oston from Stevens & Company want Maurice to go to work for them

10 Wednesday wind west cloudy & clear snow last night 3 or 4 inches

11 Thursday wind northwest blustering snow drifted Josiah Staples & wife here

12 Friday cold & clear snow drifted people to Break tracks

13 Saturday wind northwest cold quite cold went Jairus Allens talked politicks a little we never think alike but I believe him honest in polliticks I wish everyboddy was

14 Sunday wind west clear & cold went to the funeral of David Millet died sudenly hurt himself scalding hog a leson to us all that the healthy have no security against death came home at night found my son I Iaac here from Shirley

15 Monday wind west verry cold Maurice started to Boston to work It makes me anxious fearing he will be unsteady and frequent bad company let him have $9 money

16 Theusday wind westerly cold & clear Isaac starts for home Suel my youngest * child gone with him another trial let him go on many accounts or reasons hope & pray that it may prove for the best in the end let him have fifty cents to buy him knife tc to Harrison Decoster had some hay

17 Wednesday snowstorm in forenoon clears at noon pleasant after Phillips Bradford & wife here on visit Anns birthday 18 years old the age that girls call themselves free but two more younger may I live to see them old enough to take care of them selfs

18 Thursday wind west clear & cold went vilage John Blakes store let him two * pound candles got quart rum & pound coton yarn Bought two pound allum of Philo Clark paid twenty cents cash

19 Friday wind southwest moderate Broke track myself & steers ¼ day wind blows * furious in evening filling all up again* 20 Saturday wind west clear & pleasant the steers Breaking tracks

21 Sunday wind west pleasant & moderate weather snow gives a little sent by ann four dollars to Jesse Drew to pay for the same Maurice Borrowed Last Theusday

22 Monday wind northeast & southeast cloudy look likely to storm sold Allanson * Merrill half ton hay for five dollars to be paid next October in cash if not paid I am to have his heifer two years old this Spring Ichabod Allen brought my mare home tonight been 16 miles paid me $1.64 cash

23 Theusday wind southwest in forenoon northwest afternoon blows gale very cold went Caleb Houses visit likewise to the funeral of Nathan Sawtelles daughter 13 years old a greivous visitation to him Otis Phillips & wife here at night

24 Wednesday wind west clear & cold went with Otis Phillips to Jabez Merrills Edward Stevens of Hartford burried today

25 Thursday wind west pleasant Algernon Bradford & wife here

26 Friday wind west pleasant & warm thaws considerable John Gorham here I let him have about two hundred of coarse fodder for his horse & cow

27 Saturday wind northeast snows most all day coarse soft snow Gad Hayford had * ton of foder half ton of english hay and half of straw & meadow hay John Gorham brought his cow here to be kept for her milk

28 Sunday wind west pleasant & warm received paper from Maurice at Boston the first notice of his getting there

Mar 1 Sunday wind west pleasant warm snow melts Hartshorn Bradford & wife here * Lombard had some hay

2 Theusday wind west went Luther Staples stoped Philo Cloarks sold him fourpair stockings at 20 cts per pr pair gloves silk 75 cts & stick twist 5 cts went Abner Jones at night

3 Wednesday wind variable some cloudy thaws some come home

4 Thursday wind northwest clear & cold went Minot carried Judith Packard excelent sleighing today the new President takes the Oath to Administer the Government and we hope that he will & not take up his time in dictating to Congress what they shall do Mr Harrison I trust will let the people manage and do no more than advise the foroner (former?) has ordered May the people always be jealous of their Liberties

5 Friday wind northwest & clear verry cold went Brittains Store sold 4 pound candles took it in sugar & salt Bought silk for dress part paid in Stockings tc gave note for Ballance $4.79 went Samuel fullers & made visit

6 Saturday wind easterly cloudy went Daniel Pratts visit Amos Shaw had 15 * hundred hay on Hartson Bradford account price 50 cts per hundred $7.50

7 Sunday wind northeast violent snow storm begun some time last night snow fell foot deep or more

8 Monday wind northeast snows little Alexander Holmes commenced work here today Town Meeting today

9 Theusday wind west pleasant went post office received paper with the inaugural address of President Harrison not all noncommital plain enough for whigs Harrison DeCoster had some hay

10 Wednesday wind west pleasant went vilage sold Caleb Blake 2 lb candles to quart rum the remainder in Salt Peter received of Luke Bicknell $1.50 towards Barley Last spring $4.50 in whole Collins had three dollars some time ago Bullard had some hay

11 Thursday wind west clear & cold went Buckfield to Argo Fobes to se yoke oxen Samuel Staples & wife here & Leonard Conant

12 Friday wind west in forenoon & clear afternoon signs of a storm begun to Dress * flax wife begin to spin it swingled 4 ¾

13 Saturday wind northeast a severe snow storm in forenoon dry & flies like a January snow continues to snow afternoon some & drifted verry bad

14 Sunday wind northwest clear & windy moderately people break tracks it looks as much like winter as it has at any time Ann went G Holmes to work

15 Monday wind west blows fresh roads full of snow G. Holmes here early his wife sick had fine boy before noon Mrs Sarah Maloon wido woman Died at the poor house last night

16 Theusday wind west clear & pleasant but cool the road verry poor snow deep and mealy more snow than usual at this time of year hay getting scarce quick at ten dollars

17 Wednesday wind southerly clear & pleasant but cool went funeral of Mrs Maloon * Noah Staples came here in evening an old acquaintance should auld acquaintance be forgot Jesse Drew had ton ½ hay #13 ½

18 Thursday wind west & south clear warm Collins bought of Charles Packard cow * & calf & yearling Bull for $27

19 Friday wind west pleasant warm swingled flax - 1 ¾

20 Saturday wind south & west verry warm Collins exchanged cattle with Josiah Packard gave $16 to Boot settled accounts with Garius Allen for his father

21 Sunday wind west blustering not verry cold snow melts considerable

22 Monday pleasant wind west CJ Richarson had 269 lb hay

23 Theusday wind easterly begun to rain towards night rained fast

24 Wednesday wind east warm snow melts fast Wm Bradford & wife here on visit John Gorham here

25 Thursday wind west warm Freeland Marble ½ ton hay John Gorham here

26 Friday wind northeast snows some went Holts sold pair stockings for sixteen * cents take it in silk thread went Brittains Bought brush for Collins paid in candles

27 Saturday wind all round cloudy rains in afternoon went vilage paid one cent J. Blakes for chalk had one shoe on colt at Rodgers

28 Sunday wind west clear snow melts fast

29 Monday wind south cloudy snows afternoon Collins begun to haul stumps on flat

30 Theusday wind north verry cold thaws but little in forenoon Collins to work on flat getting off stumps

31 Wednesday wind southwest cool went vilage got milk diper at Higings went Holts after paper Abner Jones & wife here

April 1 Thursday wind westerly snow squals Jonah Hall paid three Dollars to me for three pigs had last spring & left with me 3 Dollars to pay his taxes in this town

2 Friday wind northeast snows & rains thunder in night I swingled 1 pound ½ flax

3 Saturday wind west blows a gale & cold

4 Sunday wind west pleasant Jesse Drew gave me a note this evening $13.50 for hay had few days ago

5 Monday wind west blustering snow melts fast some snow & rain last night.

6 Thursday wind west went post ofice Holts found Report of Land Agent in ofice Sent me by some friend it exposes some Monstrous extravaganicies I should think

7 Wednesday wind westerly pleasant rather cool for season received paper from Maurice very large consider it a letter from him hope he is doing well swingled 2¾ flax

8 Thursday wind west & north clear & cloudy

9 Friday wind northeast cloudy snows all afternoon looks like winter snow is deep in the road in many places

10 Saturday wind northwest cool snow that fell yesterday not all melted went to Gamaliel with sleigh snow most all the way some places three feet deep heard that President Harrison is dead afraid that it is true having heard he was sick if so let us submit with out mumuring and say the lord gave the Lord taketh away Blessed is his name

11 Sunday wind north clear & cold the Death of General Harrison confirmed also he Death of Barnum Jones of Turner & Isreal Millet we are surrounded with Death Harrison died April 3 Jones 9th Millet 10

12 Monday wind east & south Ely Butler paid Collins three Dollars for two sheep he * had last fall Azel Alden mended pair shoes for me charged 6 cts to go towards use of Lumber Box

13 Theusday wind northeast snows all day looks like winter

14 Wednesday wind west clear & cold Beals brought two bushel corn & exchanged for barley

15 Thursday wind west clear & cold went vilage took paper out of post ofice paid 1½ cents from Boston laid there nearly two months swingling 1¼ flax

16 Friday wind west & south grows warmer looks pleasant tonight

17 Saturday wind southwest pleasant grows warm went Holts let him have note * against Caleb Gilbert Due $8 - 80 cents to be sent next Theusday by Seriah Merrill bought 6 oz Tea paid in Butter & for Mrs Harlow ½ pound paid cash & 2 nedles paid 1 cent saw & read President Tylers address to the people of the United States I call it good Whig Doctrine & if the Locos like it we will be agreed

18 Sunday wind northwest rained last night went Jairus Allens and got letter from Maurice at Boston glad to hear of his health and being contented

19 Monday wind west clear & cold freezes in the house in rooms where there is no fire hay scarce & Dear

20 Theusday wind variable northeast at night began to snow

21 Wednesday snows in morning rains all day after wind northeast cold & dismal enough

22 Thursday wind northeast cloudy & cool fast day the people assemble at Holts to play Ball & some quarreling I fear it would be better to go to meeting and hear a fact Sermon as once was the fasion

23 Friday wind northeast misty & cold & chilly went to Asa Coburn met general Turner prize the improvement Winslow Aldens farm heard of the Death of Jotham Briggs Died last night so Death is making its ravages Daughter of Wm Tuttle Died last night ( in Sumner Day before yesterday a Mr Butterfield killed his wife & two Daughters

24 Saturday wind northeast cloudy & misty went to Gilmores furnace got plough iron paid $3.19 besides the old iron Sixty cents went to vendue of personal property of David Millet late of Turner Saw Job Prince paid him $9.00 in cash to my factory share paid George Turner $2.47 for Jonah Hall for Taxes

25 Sunday wind northeast cloudy Jesse Drew took his Horses away fetched themlast night Said he would pay forty cents the horses belong to the foundary company in Canton hay is Scarce and cattle suffering

26 Monday wind east & south cloudy begin to plough on our plain land warm went Buckfield to vendue of real estate of Lewis Drew late of Buckfield Sold low not enough to pay debts

27 Theusday wind southerly warm & foggy Thawing Snow goes off fast mostly bare in opening

28 Wednesday wind west cold Josiah & Samuel Staples staid here tonight

29 Thursday wind southwest went to Mill Clarks bought forty Crackers biscuit paid 25 cts cash of Philo Clark Freeland Marble gave me some pease Clustye went Raising of Alfred Staples barn in afternoon

30 Friday wind northeast Snow & rain storm Severe Snow fell in morning I should think 6 inches in an hour it has been remarkably cold through the month past

May 1 Saturday wind northwest cool Snow on the high lands like Winter my health is poor and has been two weeks past Collins came in sick this afternoon threatened with fever

2 Sunday wind west more moderate Snow most gone I am still unwell mostly confined to the house Collins better

3 Monday wind north Snow in morning 2 or 3 inches deep Snow and rain Squally all day, verry cold for the season I am confined to the house Mr Wm Bicknell very sick Doctor thinks he will not recover E. Harlow had more Brittains

4 Theusday wind west cloudy & cool Snow to be seen on the high lands Collins went to Luther Baileys to exchange corn for peas & Billings Hoods to Change potatoes Neighbor Bicknell I hear is failing fast

5 Wednesday wind west & south clear & pleasant looks like Spring I have been out today went Seriah Merrills got six quarts seed corn Collins sowed some peas the first thing planted

6 Thursday wind easterly cloudy & misty & cool looks discouraging Collins begun to plant a few potatoes on flat.

7 Friday wind northwest clear & pleasant little warmer Snow to be seen on high lands that fell Monday last planted few hills corn on the flat my health rather better helped plant two or three hours

8 Saturday wind west & north clear & pleasant warmer looks promising for farmers the grass begins to look green hay is the scarcest that it has been for many years continued to plant corn & potatoes I have been out planting forenoon & afternoon turned young cattle to pasture give the cows no hay but little meal

9 Sunday wind west clear & warmer fine weather the grass is forward as common I believe grows fast Andrews preached at School house a small meeting I hear

10 Monday wind southeast cloudy & warm begins to rain towards night Soft & moderate finished planting on flat about acre & half Ichabod Allen had three pecks of Barley & ½ bushel of indian wheat Saturday last

11 Theusday wind northeast rains in forenoon cloudy after went to Clarks to mill Bought of Philo Clark ½ Bushel wheat paid 62½ cts cash likewise 2 quarts new rum & ½ pint gin paid 33 cts cash Sold him 4 pound Butter for 50 cents took it in 1 pound ginger 2 oz cinnamon and 40 crackers Mr Wm Bicknell Died this morning 6 o“clock

12 Wednesday wind north cloudy & showery ground wet & unfit for cultivation

13 Thursday wind north cool & some light Showers went to funeral of Wm Bicknell Mr Vose preached Subject Resurection of the Dead & future State of Happiness & Holiness he has the appearance of being Sincere & honest even if he is in Eror

14 Friday wind west showery clears up towards night & cool went meeting Vilage National fast Recommended on account of the President Rev. Adam Wilson preached Subject Providence of God & mans dependence a verry able Discourse if am any Judge Mr Greely made some Remarks & gave us a history of the life of president Harrison the Audience looked a little as if the opponents of Mr Harrison would make a party affair of Recommendation of President Tyler to Humble ourselfs before God alas I fear that party feelings have more weight on our minds than patriotism or true love of national Liberty

15 Saturday wind northwest clear cool & windy the ground over water courses in places frozen inch deep anchor frost on side of ditches

16 Sunday west cold & windy looks like April verry cold

17 Monday wind west cloudy in forenoon Showers & hail cool verry cool begun to * sow wheat Sowed Bushel the coldest weather that I Remember for many years Parker Sapore had my mare to Livermore 7 or 8 miles

18 Theusday wind northwest cloudy with frequent cold Squals of rain verry cold Sowed more wheat & some Barley

19 Wednesday wind northwest cold & Blustering people wear Mittens at work went* Vilage Sold Philo 2½ lbs Butter at 12½ pound Bought three lbs Cotton yarn 1.00 had Ballance charged to pay in Butter as soon as we can make it the weather looks pleasant tonight we live in hope expect to begin to plant corn on the upland to morrow let Collins 25 cts cash

20 Thursday wind west clear pleasant warmer than it has been for ten days began to plant corn on the high land

21 Friday wind west & south warm & pleasant quite warm

22 Saturday wind South Soft warm weather Leaves of trees begin to show green grows fast

23 Sunday wind Southwest Showery in forenoon & warm all day pleasant & fair afternoon looks promising for farmers Andrews held meeting School house my health feeble So nervous that I can hardly hold pen to write I never felt the infirmities of age so sensible as I have within a month or two Strong admonitions to be ready for disolution O Lord make willing to say thy will be done

24 Monday wind South & Southwest verry warm for the season people engaged in planting corn grass grows finely

25 Theusday wind southwest Some cloudy & Showery went Abner Joneses Stoped at Allenson Perrys bought 4 papers of garden seeds paid him 22 cts cash verry warm

26 Wednesday wind southwest showery light finished planting main field of corn planted some onions and Beets verry warm and pretty wet grass never grew faster at this time of year I believe Season looks promising

27 Thursday wind west warm & pleasant fine verrry fine & good weather for farmers Washington Gilbert here on visit glad to se him consider him a promising young man Some faults though but hope he will improve with age & experience

28 Friday wind southwest very warm uncommon warm went Vilage let Rodgers* have quarter veal he shod my mare left Calf skin a Dressers to tan he had one Sheep Skin that was taned to cost me two Shillins heard from Suell glad to hear he is well and contented

29 Saturday wind northerly grows cooler verry pleasant went Luther Staples at night to se the old man wifes father found him feeble Like the Lamp that the oil is most out the light is dim and flickering at the age of 89 years

30 Sunday wind easterly cool came home my health poor

31 Monday wind South Chilly

June 1 Theusday wind Southwest Showers in morning washed Sheep forenoon Sowed half acre Barley in afternoon Seth Bradford called here Took supper here

2 Wednesday wind west clear and warm a Squall towards night violent wind not much rain planted my Sweet corn & Some pole beans & squashes

3 Thursday wind northwest cold enough for winter clothes went Samuel Holts let him have ten yds Baging Cloth for Shilling yd to pay him for seven pound flax had in April last took goods for Ballance than Brittains Sold him the remainder of the piece 16½ yds for shiling likewise some stocking yarn & pair Stockings & took it in goods

4 Friday wind west cool Gamaliel Holmes & boy worked here towards pigs Betheral Harris worked towards Sheep skin he had in April or March all hands planting potatoes

5 Saturday wind west cool went Vilage to Mill Clarks carried two bushels ½ wheat ½ bu corn Bought of Philo Clark pair kid shoes had charged fetched Bonnet from Mrs Sampson for Cynthia owe 75 cts for repairs Collins came home from Portland Brought Presidents message I gave Mrs Faunce order on John Blake 50 cts pay for Cynthias house rent when at school last fall

6 Sunday wind west clear & windy Dry weather Andrews preached School house

7 Monday wind west clear cool in morning grows warm very warm as great an alteration as ever I knew in as short time Went Canton carried Jesse Drews wife got there very well considering her feebleness

8 Teusday wind west clear very warm indeed Jesse Drew let me have a wagon & fire frame & cultivator paid him in Stephen Packards notes and two notes against him had calf of Mary Butler for pig last year & to have one this year the remainder in potatoes & meal 2.50 it is not worth 1.50

9 Wednesday wind south cloudy & misty Sheared sheep Collins & Martin Harris finished planting potatoes Jesse Drew moved his family to Canton

10 Thursday wind west clear & pleasant went Leeds Davis Millet & Benjamin Trues staid at Trues.

11 Friday came to John Allens Staid diner went Benjamin Conants staid all night

12 Saturday wind west clear pleasant Came to Cyrus Leavitts Staid to Tea Stoped Luther Staples few minutes & came home

13 Sunday wind west clear & very dry Gameliel Holmes & wife & children here

14 Monday wind South Some cloudy verry dry weather

15 Teusday wind easterly begun to rain before day continued to rain till noon Soft fine rain looks promising for hay & crops generally how apt we are to dispair of the blessings of God and to doubt his goodness went to Vilage bought ¼ lb Tea of John Blake paid cash 16 cts

16 Wednesday wind west pleasant rather cool went Post Office North Turner found Letter from Stephen Packard complaining of my selling his note part Love & part Anger hardly know which most of I had on Reflection Condemned the act or I should feel dissatisfied with it but as it is I will keep calm and do hereby Resolve to do Something as I would be done by in the Circumstances so say I

17 Thursday wind west pleasant went Vilage paid Philo Clark all the account I owed* him namely pair of shoes took fortnight to-morrow & few cents short on yarn let him have to-day nine lbs Butter & few cents in cash paid Hozea Bicknell 50 cents in corn for waggon arm put in nearly year ago that is all the account he ever had against me

18 Friday wind south cloudy & broken sun shine Abner Jones here received a letter from Maurice in Boston well

19 Saturday wind easterly cloudy & rainy moderately

20 Sunday wind northeast cloudy some little rain Collins Mary & Ann went meeting Bates Meeting Goodman preached may it do them good as doth the upright Jesse Drew here

21 Monday rain Southwest peasant & warm went Canton Vilage and point

22 Tuesday wind west clear & warm Came home took back Stephen Packards note that I sold to Jesse Drew

23 Wednesday wind southwest verry warm Sumer like weather heard of death of Mrs Greely

24 Thursday wind northeast cloudy Some misty Sowed buckwheat & indian wheat went post office Saw corn spindled at S Holts verry early for corn in this country.

25 Friday wind South Cloudy & warm begins to rain 6 o“clock P.M. Collins & hired hand work on road heard of Death of Davis Millets wife of Leeds Daughter of Benjamin Trues Died this morning So Death is making ravages one after another

26 Saturday wind Southeast warm & verry rainy most all day G Holmes had two pigs

27 Sunday wind west verry warm Showers toward night went to the funeral of Davis Millets wife Elder Star preached the funeral sermon Rev Allen Greelys wife buried Friday last

28 Monday wind west warm & showery went Cornelius Jones paid Olive 42 cts for* fixing wifes Bonnet Seth Harris had one pig

29 Teusday wind brisk northwest warm went Cushing Phillips on visit Came homeat night 7 o“clock Soon after a most violent Shower with terrible wind blowing the fences to pieces tc.

30 Wednesday wind northwest Brisk & warm went post office after my paper heard of the Destruction of Several Buildings by the Tornado of yesterday find in my paper that the Whigs in Congress are uniting & progressing in the reform so much needed for to bring the country back to its former prosperity.

July 1 Thursday wind west pleasant the crops are growing fast the hail and rain hurt them some

2 Friday wind west cooler George French & wife here Should Auld Acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind Mr French is an old neighbor and a verry Steady good (man) I was glad to se them

3 Saturday wind west & clear & cool went Luther Staples Stoped at Philo Clarks Left 5 pounds 5 oz Butter to have pay in goods when he gets up some Tea Left some wool at factory to card

4 Sunday wind west clear & cool

5 Monday wind Southwest Slight Showers went vilage paid Morrill Cole 19 cts for * carding six lbs ¼ of rolls Sold Caleb Blake ½ Bushel corn took it in ½ pound Tea one Bottle of ink remainder in Alspice

6 Teusday wind Northwest clear pleasant & warm went to Hanover Keens to Mill carried two Bushel potatoes to Phillip Williams to pay for some borrowed in May to plant

7 Wednesday wind west clear good weather & growing

8 Thursday wind west Showery afternoon went vilage carried Mrs Harlow to John Blakes to sell her wool I carried it down I borrowed Seven Dollars of her & gave her my note left it with John Blake to pay Prince Treasurer of factory Bought of Philo Clark gallon molasses 34 cts peck Salt 25 cts Seven Sheets paper 7 cts it was due me for Butter left there Saturday last 5lbs 9oz made even accounts Rodgers shod mare hind feet paid him Bushel potatoes

9 Friday wind west pleasant hoeing corn growing weather for vegetation Jesse Drew here Bargained with me for waggon for $65 to be paid in ploughs & any iron castings that they have at Canton furnace to take the waggon in few days.The plough & castings to be put at a lower price than they sell at retail viz Cultivators @ $4.50 Boilers 5.00 fire frames 2012 ploughs at ½ doler less than they sell

10 Saturday wind Southwest & Northwest Showers in forenoon Cleared at noon blustering cool afternoon Collins & wife go to Minot I deliver the waggon I bargained yesterday to Jesse Drew to Ezra Bisbee Received no note nor pay for it

11 Sunday wind west cool Andrews preached School House Luther Staples here carried Roxanne home one Stalk corn silked

12 Monday wind west cool hoeing corn

13 Teusday west went post office carried wife to se Mrs Bicknell came home ound Mr Nehemiah Packard & wife after came my son Isaac & wife & David arble from Shirley so that I hear from my son Suel my babe hear he is well welcome news

14 Wednesday wind Southwest Company goes away Some sprinkle of rain

15 Thursday wind northwest verry warm

16 Friday wind west cloudy forenoon begun to mow little went mill Clarks Rogers shod Collins Horse Isaac & wife came back

17 Saturday wind west fine hay weather Isaac & Collins went Canton

18 Sunday wind west clear & pleasant Nehemiah Bicknell had my mare to Buckfield to meeting

19 Monday wind west pleasant & warm light Shower afternoon I went Wm B Brags carried for Colins $80 Dollars se it endorsed on his note

20 Teusday wind west clear & verry warm William French & his Mother & Sister here on visit

21 Wednesday wind west clear & hot making hay while the Sun Shines wife & Cynthia & Julian went Abner Jones“s before six o“clock about Seven miles

22 Thursday wind west clear & verry warm verry dry I am sick & lame not able to work and feel feeble indeed

23 Friday wind easterly cloudy rains some afternoon verry dry time

24 Saturday wind Southwest & some cloudy Collins reaping the rye Jesse Drew ere driving about to Buckfield tc, tc Caravan or Circus at vilage to pick up some change

25 Sunday wind Southwest cloudy in forenoon children went Buckfield meetingBurr Speaker great gathering to hear a man talk Burr is a talker to please the ear I suppose

26 Monday wind Northwest & squally with Sprinkles of rain in forenoon clear & cooler after Daniel Carey here & bargained for our wool at 2 Shillings pr pound to carry it to him in fortnight if we dont get more offered

27 Teusday wind west pleasant & cool verry Drye went Luther Staples & B.Conants & Stephen Packards & home again people generally engaged in haying busy time for farmers

28 Wednesday wind northwest cool & dry my health little improved

29 Thursday wind west rather warmer went vilage Saw John Dillingham Co. Cannery a curiosity indeed and his Bees hive verry curios indeed vegetation in some places dies for want of moisture
30 Friday wind Southwest we are haying Dry weather Stephen Packard Brought me a wagon to pay me for note I held against him for 40 Dollars & 25 cts.

31 Saturday wind Southwest cloudy some looks like rain May it come for the drouth * is heavy upon us Ellbridge Harlow had my mare & waggon to vilage

Aug 1 Sunday wind all around the Compas looks like rain but dont come except sprinkle verry dry the most so that I ever knew I went to meeting to Mr Bates meeting the first time this sumer Joseph Copeland died aged 91 years one of the first Settlers in this (town) came from Scituate Ms

2 Monday wind west clear & verry warm So dry that the corn in places withers & other vegetable likewise the dryest that I ever remember to have seen we finished mowing our english hay

3 Teusday wind west clear & hot the Skye looks like Brass & the earth feels like Iron dry dry dry indeed I am confined by lameness and feebleness poor frail being surely

4 Wednesday wind west clear & warm went post office corn & potatoes withering under the Scorching sun my health rather better than yesterday desire to be thankful

5 Thursday wind west cloudy mostly Some light Showers went Wm Bradfords found his wife sick health is poor received letter from Isaac Phillips & Suel Phillips they write they are well

6 Friday wind west clear & warm not so hot as it has been some days went on the plains after whortle berries

7 Saturday wind west clear & warm went vilage Collins Merrill colt shod and Step on wagon - Rodgers David Gorham & wife here

8 Sunday wind west & South Some cloudy towards night looks little like rain Terrible dry.

9 Monday 7 P.M. wind south & Southwest cloudy Some light showers some signs of more

10 Teusday wind west clear went Daniel Careys carried him our wool 285¼ valued $95.08 took 80.00 & the remainder in note paid Collins 80 when I got home carried 34 lbs for Samuel value 10.58 Bought of John Blake ½ pound Tea paid 5 cts cash Abner Jones & wife here & Isaacs wife & Jesse Drew

11 Wednesday wind west cloudy some I went Canton with wife found my daughter Drew comfortable Staid at James Staples all night Stoped Brittains paid him 4.79 cts for note he held against me & 83 cts for accounts of pail

12 Thursday wind west warm went back to Mr Drews staid till 5 o“clock then came home

13 Friday wind west clear & dry very dry had green corn & new potatoes for dinner

14 Saturday wind Easterly, clear & dry went vilage to mill Bought of John Blake gallon mollasses 30 cts Saleratus 10 cts paid cash got for Collins pound Saleratus had it crted

15 Sunday wind west clear & dry all drying up I never saw it so dry before this time of year

16 Monday wind west clear & warm went Augusta with Ann Isaac“s wife & Sally Marble went with us on their way home staid at Davis Gorhams

17 Teusday wind west clear & verry warm went 4 or 5 miles with Julia to se her on road warm verry warm indeed I am quite unwell Stay at Gilman Turners onight near the State House a relation Should Auld Acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind no no

18 Wednesday wind west clear and warm paid a Silver Smith 25 cts for repairing fan & belt buckle bought Coffee mill of Mr Hallet paid 71 cts two lbs coffee of somebody else paid 25 cts paid for Ann 4.75 to S. Q. Phillips for goods

19 Thursday wind west clear & verry hot fine shower at the South part of this Town but none here

20 Friday wind west clear & warm Collins Stevens here from Boston & Samuel Phillips from Augusta I carried Stevens to Daniel Chases in Buckfield and back to my house

21 Saturday wind west I carried C. Stevens to Uncle Blossoms

22 Sunday wind North and East looks like rain we pray that it may come it is or ought to be the means of making us Sensible of our dependence So may it be

23 Monday wind northwest clear and cooler no rain yet dry indeed Collins and Samuel started to Boston

24 Teusday wind west clear and dry went vilage paid 42 cts for wifes cloak coloring * 75 for Anns to Harback at factory

25 Wednesday wind west clear & dry went Brittains Bought six yds callico at 7 cts* 42 paid cash went over Boar Mountain to James Starboards to get my lasts saw some of the best wheat on Mountain that I have ever seen Collins and Samuel got home from Boston

26 Thursday wind west and south warm & clear Sarah Warner here to work for Ann I paid her 17 cts for work done some time ago for Cynthia

27 Friday wind southwest some cloudy some signs of rain Daniel Pratt & wife here on visit

28 Saturday wind southwest went Abner Jones on visit & to Luther Staples at night

29 Sunday wind easterly cloudy & looks like rain went meeting Bates meeting afternoon than home John Gorham here staid all night

30 Monday winds east cloudy begins to rain about 10o“clock moderately & softly continues all day the first rain to wet much more than a dew for more than seven weeks

31 Teusday wind east cloudy & rainy moderately in the forenoon afternoon it * increases fine rain looks as if it would wet the ground pretty well the grass is dried all up to appearances Elbridge Harlow had my horse and waggon to ebron

Sept 1 Wednesday wind north mostly cloudy clears away it has been a beautiful rain * went vilage afternoon bought of John Blake 2½ red wood paid 15 cts cash got two ½ cotton yarn for Collins had crt paid Mrs Sampson and Andrews 75 cts cash in full of all accounts for the girls Bonnets tc tc tc

2 Thursday wind west warm fine weather I pulled beans in forenoon afternoon* went post office Holts took letter for Betsy Chase & two papers for myself paid 18¾ cts for letter Jesse Drew here evening talked polliticks tc tc

3 Friday wind west clear warm husked some corn Saved seed forward indeed brought into the barn all that growed on 3¼ of an acre

4 Saturday wind calm & cloudy warm toward night Showers rain powerfully went to Jairus Allens wife on visit Staid all-night on account of rain

5 Sunday wind north cloudy considerably cool Collins & his wife and Ann went meeting to the new meeting house by Richmonds the ground is pretty wet grass begins to show wet

6 Monday wind northeast cloudy cut up some of our corn on the hill ripe gathered seed in good order corns the forwardest that I have seen it for years perhapshe drouth might be the means in part there appears to be a prospect of considerable of a harvest for all the drouth let us be thankful

7 Teusday wind west warm & pleasant went Carthage with wife on visit to John Staples Staid all night

8 Wednesday wind west warm traveled over the intervale tc Staid all night at Staples

9 Thursday wind west warm went to Biron among the mountains to John Stockbridges staid all night

10 Started back Staid at Edward Stockbridges in Dixfield the weather beautiful the country mountain & valey picturesque indeed Some spots of intervales - excellent

11 Saturday came home found my family well as common heard the melancholy news of the Death of Seth Copeland in the prime of life Said to be a verry honest man and gaining the Confidence of the Town by it an honest mans the noblest work so says Pope

12 Sunday wind variable some cloudy warm

13 Monday wind north cloudy went Town Meeting for the election of Town Officers * no choice of Representative Wm B Bray had majority of votes second trial in one week Received of Daniel Carey 75 cts Ballance of note held against him for wool

14 Tuesday wind west clear & pleasant husking corn good & early better than we expected when the drouth was heavy upon us

15 Wednesday wind north clear & pleasant husking corn & went mill to Keens carried new corn went Post office got my paper found my news paper in it the presidents Second veto to the Bank Bill two vetoes in one Session So So

16 Thursday wind north pleasant little cooler good weather for harvesting rather dry for grass have to fodder the cows & oxen

17 Friday wind all round Some cloudy Wm Tuttle worked on road with oxen for us * Holmes Surveyed

18 Saturday wind northwest clear & pleasant grows cool toward night went vilage had wool carded at the factory 7 lbs & ¾ paid 32 cts cash

19 Sunday wind north & south clear & pleasant

20 Monday wind Southwest cloudy Town Meeting adjourned from last Monday for the hoice of Representative Choice Charles Andrews on third ballot all partys Dissatisfied

21 Teusday wind Southwest cloudy & chilly went Augusta with my wife on visit to David Grahams

22 Wednesday at Augusta wind north cool and cloudy attended Temperance Convention of the Washington Temperance Societies heard several speakers verry interesting hope they will hold out and think they are more likely to than any former Societys

23 Thursday wind north cloudy & cool came home stoped at Dr Magguires & took * dinner Bought at Chandlers 1 Sugar Bowl 1 Cream Pitcher 1 Sauce Bowl paid 33 cts

24 Friday wind southwest cloudy Collins carried forty-two pound wool to be worked * into cloth at factory at Turner Village by Cole & Harback

25 Saturday wind southeast cloudy & rainy & warm

26 Sunday wind west clear & windy went meeting Bates meeting heard of the Death f Deborah Staples Daughter of Josiah Staples of Minot buried today

27 Monday wind west clear & windy David House here threshing our wheat had * 29½ Bushels

28 Teusday wind Southwest pleasant & warm grass grows like May went Keens mills & post office & Caleb House after Tailoress Bethiah House

29 Wednesday wind southwest cloudy & rainy Muster day one man got his knee wounded so much for carelessness probably rum was at bottom Mrs Elaine Bradford Died yesterday Daughter of Ezra & Lovis Carey aged about 33 years

30 Thursday wind northeast cloudy & rainy & cool

Oct 1 Friday wind northwest windy & cool went vilage took 3¾ yds of keryamene Cloth of Harback towards wool Collins carried there paid 9 cts for dye stuff at factory bought of Caleb Blake dozen Buttons stick twist Skin of silk two yards of cotton cloth paid 35 cts cash

2 Saturday wind north clear & cool frost this morning the first time this fall went mill Keenes carried two Bushel wheat new Bought of Holt gallon mollasses & two Skeins of Silk paid cash 42 cts

3 Sunday wind northeast cloudy & cool looks like snow storm John Gorham here swearing about the cold weather and the country verry unhappy man I pity him he has no wife to comfort him & make & mend his stockings tc tc tc tc

4 Monday wind northeast violent rain Storm & wind uncomfortable to husk corn in barn creatures suffer out doors

5 Teusday wind northeast cloudy grows warmer finished husking corn diging potatoes after John Gorham went home this forenoon

6 Wednesday wind north cloudy carried Bethiah House home paid her 37½ cts for * her work Abel Chandler here Jesse Drew here I exchanged horses with him he o give his note for twenty five Dollars to paid in one year with interest the first time he comes down from Canton it being dark to-night when we traded & he in urry having to go to Canton to-night the horse I have of him is the old Lewis Drew mare

7 Thursday wind north clear & pleasant grows warmer toward night verry pleasant for the season I am not verry well troubled with lameness & feebleness

8 Friday wind east cloudy rain in evening diging potatoes Abner Jones & wife here heard of the Death of Bradford Rose of Green a verry Steady friendly man

9 Saturday wind north cloudy & rainey Abner Jones & wife here Collins killed a pig verry small

10 Sunday wind northwest Brother Jones & wife went home this morning Collins & wife & Ann gone to meeting

11 Monday wind Southwest after this morning white frost on the hills but not enough to kill potatoes only the part of the leaves went mill to Keenes Collins & William Tuttle diging potatoes on flat been planted five months & not very large neither.

12 Teusday wind northwest pleasant went Luther Staples to se my wifes father found him feble but comfortable his memory good heard of the Death of Wm Bradford 2d died last night Jona Bullards waggon shop Burnt this morning with all his tools and stock

13 Wednesday wind northwest clear & cool diging potatoes finished diging on flat the red are good better than I expected

14 Thursday wind northwest verry cool diging potatoes uncomfortable dug beets and carrots 5 Bushel Beets hard frost the ground frozen some

15 Friday wind northwest in morning ground frozen so that it cleaves up in flakes diging potatoes wind shifts to southeast by eleven o“clock and rains before twelve o“clock rains all afternoon Suden change

16 Saturday wind north cool & cloudy went Abner Jones“s Cynthia came from Canton most sick of cold

17 Sunday wind northeast cloudy & cool uncomfortable carried my wife to Ely Butlers to se his sick mother an object of charity poor & old the poor we have always with us

18 Monday wind northwest cool finished diging potatoes Got good crop 422 * Bushels Sold my mare to Esther Holmes for thirty dollars took her note fifteen Dollars in one year & fifteen in two years with interest

19 Tuesday wind northwest cool & Blustery went post office found my papers tc called at Mr Aldens for my wife

20 Wednesday wind Southwest some cloudy Mr Stevens came after his sheep found two one missing I found one of my own dead in pasture and I Butchered one

21 Thursday wind northwest cool & some cloudy went Buckfield Received of * Samuel F Brown $25 in part of my claim on the estate of Lewis Drew late of Buckfield Bought 11¼ lbs of sole leather of white at Buckfields village paid $2.70 cash took two ploughs at I Bridghams on Jesse Drews account one marked 11.50 the other $9.00 Bought of W Long one Skein cotton thread paid him four cents

22 Friday wind northwest pleasant for the Season went Bradfords village Bought of Jesse Bradford pound raisins paid 6 cts cash went Asa Bradford and paid him $41.00 for a note he bought of Jesse Drew the foolishish Bargain I believe that ever I made may I remember it and there I learnt or had a chance to learn how to recon intrest by ading intrest to intrest however I believe that friend Bradford is as honest as most men we should be careful how we promise and not give men a chance to compound intrest against us

23 Saturday wind west Collins returned from Augusta

24 Sunday wind west warm in morning misty showers Snow on the mountains toward noon there was a thunder Shower Sharp lightening Showers for Several hours with considerable hail Mr Nehemiah Packard & wife here

25 Monday wind northwest blustering went vilage to Stephen Brays on visit Bought * of Philo Clark ½ pound Tea paid 31 cts cash Wm Rodgers shod mare

26 Teusday wind Southwest verry cold & chilly I started to Bridgeton on visit Stoped at Harrison at Simeon Coswells Stayed all night the coldest day that I ever rode in waggon

27 Wednesday wind northwest cold went to Davis Stiles in Bridgeton

28 Thursday wind west cool & uncomfortable afternoon went David Briggs on visit and back to Mr Stiles

29 Friday wind Southwest Started home as far as Wm Bradfords grows warmer Stayed at Wm Bradfords

30 Saturday wind west pleasant and warm a great afternoon Came home heard of the Death of Daniel Blake verry suden sick but two days so we se the uncertainty of life

31 Sunday wind Southwest warm & pleasant went Luther Staples found his father verry feble Daniel Blake Buried today

Nov 1 Monday wind west warm as Sumer people work nothing but shirt and trousers on went Mill Keens

2 Teusday wind Southwest ver warm I went Jabez Merrills in evening intending to hear Temperance address but disappointed there was none there A great excitement all over the country may it hold out

3 Wednesday wind west in morning Cooler Some frost grows warmer in course of the day warm in evening as Sumer remarkable weather

4 Thursday wind Southwest cloudy & chilly Dura Bradford at my house I went to Vilage with him

5 Friday wind northeast rains most of day warm

6 Saturday wind northwest grows cold snow on the mountains to Reuben Lybeys after horse & Cyril Merrills after winowing mill

7 Sunday wind northwest clear & blustering Collins & Mary & Cynthia went meeting

8 Monday wind northeast began to Snow 10 o“clock and fel as fast as ever I saw it I went in the morning to Keens mill at the mouth of 20 mile river the snow fel so deep that I had hard work on the horses had to get home trees side of the road bent over so as to fill the road up in many places

9 Teusday wind north clear pleasant the snow 9 or 10 inches deep level not blown about Collins finished threshed peas & oats winnowed them 20bushels & ½ Barley 16½

10 Wednesday wind northwest clear & cool the Snow holds on pretty well considering the ground is not frozen I went to Keens Mill Carried bushel & ½ wheat got saw at Cyrus Merrills killed sheep to eat in family

11 Thursday wind northwest cool & clear

12 Friday wind west & south cloudy light Showers of Snow

13 Saturday wind northwest pleasant & warm snow melts

14 Sunday wind west warm & pleasant Snow rather moist Gameliel Holmes & family here

15 Monday wind north cloudy & rainy Harrison Decoster had ten sheep to pay Six pound wool pr head half next year in June Aaron Cox had yearling stear to pay five dollars and fifty cents in one year Cash

16 Teusday wind northwest violent wind & cold freezes all day

17 Wednesday wind west clear & cold went S. Holts sold him 5 pound Butter at 15 cts Bought gallon Molasses at 37½ cts ½ lb spice at 12½ cts & 25 cts in Tea So that makes us even in that trade & all others

18 Thursday wind west clear & pleasant but cool Collins set a fire frame in the kitchen that I had Jesse Drew last Sumer

19 Friday wind northwest pleasant & warm Snow thaws Collins went Canton brought me a fire frame for foreroom & pair of fire dogs got them on Jesse Drews account the dogs he owed more paid him last June

20 Saturday wind northwest Snoed all day moderately verry damp dont amount to much

21 Sunday morning wind northwest clear & pleasant & so through the day

22 Monday wind east cloudy & rainy So cold that it froze most of the forenoon Cyrus Merrill paid me ten Dollars on a note I hold against him and I paid him all the Taxes in his Bills against me amounting to $12.58

23 Teusday wind west pleasant & warm Snow melts

24 Wednesday wind west windy & warm we Butchered our pork one weighed 321 the other 318 pounds

25 Thursday wind west thanksgiving day by and with the advise of the Council the Govenor Reccommends to abstain from all unnecessary Labor & Recreation and he might say not eat too much

26 Friday wind northeast Snowstorm Moderately

27 Saturday wind northwest clear & blustering wind & cold

28 Sunday wind west cool but pleasant grows warmer

29 Monday wind northwest cloudy begins to Snow at noon Severe Storm all the afternoon quite cold for this time of year

30 Teusday wind northwest clear & cold looks like Winter

December 1 Wednesday wind west clear & pleasant went mill to Keens and post office to get my paper

2 Thursday wind west clear & pleasant went Minot Josiah Staples Mrs Arvilla wife of Martin Harris Died this morning

3 Friday wind west cloudy came home brought Judith Coggwell John Gorham here in evening

4 Saturday wind Southwest cloudy rains afternoon went to the funeral of Martin Harris at the School house Adam Wilson preached the text through fear of Death one all their life time Subject to bondage Mr Wilson is a man of considerable talent in my opinion

5 Sunday wind west clear & pleasant

6 Monday wind west clear & blustering School in this Dist begun this morning ira Jones Died the first of this month of Tiphus fever as I hear More Deaths this year than ever before in this town in the same time

7 Teusday wind west clear & cold had a new fire frame set in South fore room Collins done the work

8 Wednesday wind southwest clear & pleasant thaws little the ground in the open field mostly bare & frozen hard

9 Thursday wind west cloudy & warmer thaws considerable in afternoon with some misty showers

10 Friday wind Southwest cloudy & warm Looks like rain nine o“clock it does rain with the wind northeast

11 Saturday wind northeast cloudy & steady rain all day the most rain that has fell at one time for some months

12 Sunday Morning wind northwest clear & pleasant continues so through the day

13 Monday wind Southwest very pleasant indeed went vilage Bushel wheat for Collins got small piece of cloth at factory that was dressed for Collins bought 7lbs & 2oz stove funel of Higings paid him 89cts. cash

14 Teusday wind northeast warm looks like rain Collins set up fire frame in north room

15 Wednesday wind north cloudy & foggy warm light Snow this morning most all went off today

16 Thursday wind easterly cloudy Some misty afternoon G. Holmes returned from Augusta brought from Gorham & Phillips 2lbs Coffee 1½ of Sugar I gallon mollasses for 69cts pr Bill paid them in Butter 3/15oz amounting to 69cts so that trade is even

17 Friday wind northeast violent Snow Storm all day hail & little rain in evening makes crust

18 Saturday morning wind northwest Snow fell yesterday and last night I should think a foot deep rain at last hard crust begins to snow again light flaky snow Snows all day the wind hauls to the northwest Seven o“clock in the evening the wind blows terribly the Snow has pretty much done falling

19 Sunday wind northwest clear & cold roads verry bad on account of hard crust

20 Monday wind west clear & cold verry cold

21 Teusday wind west clear & cold William Turner here

22 Wednesday wind west clear & cold verry cold

23 Thursday wind southwest cloudy towards night cold went to Luther Staples

24 Friday wind east forenoon Smart rain till noon then clear & pleasant with wind at west Martha Conant buried to-day John Bisbee drowned last week Thursday

25 Saturday wind west clear pleasant fine Christmas the Pages paid 61 Dollars * toward the oxen they had of us year ago received letter from Isaac well.

26 Sunday wind west fine day

27 Monday wind South pleasant warm went Seriah Merrills heard of the Death of the wife of Luther Merrill Jun buried Friday last

28 Teusday wind Southwest cloudy warm wife sold pair footings to America Bartlett for 4 Skeins Silk

29 Wednesday wind west pleasant went Hebron James Dunhams Carried Judith Cogswell pleasant visit bought basket of a pedler paid 25 cents cash

30 Thursday wind Southwest cloudy warm Snows evening

31 Friday wind Southwest pleasant Snow thaws Some in evening violent Squall of wind & Snow So ends the year of 1841

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