Fat men Society of Androscoggin Co., Maine 1870




FAT MEN 1870


From the Evening Journal of Lewiston, Maine
21 Jan 1870
Courtesy of Elizabeth Keene Young
Name Born Height WT# Birth Place occupa' resident
ADDITION Isaiah B 10 Nov. 1823 6' 205# Leeds farmer South Leeds
ADDITON John Calvin 11 June 1814 5'11" 200# Greene real estate agent Auburn
ALDEN O F1841 6'1" 203# Livermore mason E Livermore
ALEXANDER James 1819 5'9.5" 218# stable keeper Brunswick
ALLEN Benjamin17 Mar 1797 5'8" 210# Greene farmer Greene
ALLEN Melvin A 26 Apr 1835 6'4.5" 223# Hebronfarmer Buckfield
ANDERSON Samuel Dr 9 Mar 18075'8.5" 225#Deering, NH physician Bath
ANDREWS William30 July 18195'10.5" 210# Turner machinist Lisbon
BAILEY Samuel 6 Mar 17935'8" 232# Minot farmer Minot
BAKER F H 1842 6' 215# soap manufacturer Gardiner
BANGS John 1840 5' 11" 210# Webster blacksmith Webster
BARRON James 18305'10.5" 251# clerk Topsham
BARROWS J H 1831 6' 238# physician Gardiner
BARTER Daniel Pike 1800 5'10" 222#Auburn wood cutter.
BARTER Daniel P 1800 5'10.5" 222#Gilmanton VT--
BATCHELDER H A 1834 5'11.5" 222#. mechanic Waterville
BEALS Rufus...Turner..
BEAN F W 1822 6'2" 233# farmer Augusta
BEAN Nathan?.... Auburn
BERRY Osborn R12 Feb. 1838 6'2" 218# Denmark blacksmith Lewiston
BESSEY C K 1817 6'2" 205# farmer Wayne
BICKFORD Seth H6 May 18295'9" 200# Lewiston farmer & butcher Lisbon
BICKNELL D B 18426'2" 212# Buckfield farmer Poland
BICKNELL Hosea 18 May 1803 5'7" 204# Hebron carriage maker Lewiston
BISSELL W E 1830 6' 207# Auburn
BLACK Alvah 1818 6' 228# lawyer Paris
BLAKE Oliver1804 5'10" 210# Gorham laborer Lewiston
died 16 Sept 1885
age 65y 3 m
.250# Lewiston ..
BONNEY C B 1833 6'1" 221# Peru farmer Turner
BOOTHBY Roswell C 16 Jan 1840209# Leeds milling E Livermore
BOWIE Royal13 Dec 1840 5'8" 202# Durham farmer Durham
BOWLES Freederick 1833
died 24 Mar 1901 ?
5'9" 204# Livermore farmer Livermore
BRACKETT George 1813 5'9.5" 347.5# North Hermon
BRADBURY Charles Augustus15 June 1842210# Greene
farmer Greene
BRADBURY E A 18436'1.5" 210# Auburn ..
BRADFORD Lewis?.... Auburn
BRADLEY Charles.... Lewiston
BRIDHAM _________ .....Lewiston
BRIGGS H W 1829 5'11" 201# Livermore farmer Livermore
BROOKS B?.... Auburn
BROWN E Wood 1830 5'11" 262# Poland farmer Minot
BROWN Edward 1808 5'10" 223# Turner farmer Turner
BRYANT Hiram 1817
died 1 Aug 1878
5'11" 208# Turner farmer Turner
BUCK Ambrose1822...stable keeper Lewiston
BURGESS Stephen James 1829
(died 26 Jan. 1893)
5'9.5" 200# Fairfield merchant E Livermore
BURNS G G1834 6' 220# truckman Augusta
BUTLER Francis Gould 31 Mar. 1812 6'1" 245# farmerFarmington
CARR I A 1831 5'11" 204# farmerReadfield
CHAMBERLIN William 1834 6'1.5" 211# Auburn insurance agent Auburn
CHISAM Harvey 1810 5'11" 265# . merchant Augusta
CLARK Amos Jr 1814 5'10" 210# Greene farmer Greene
CLARK Philo 1805 6' 200# Minot farmer & Miller Turner
COBB Jonathan Levett Haskell5 Aug 18245'9" 204# Lewiston manufacturer Lewiston
COBB Zenas
(father of J. L. H. Cobb)
COLE John W 1825 5'9" 210# Poland painter Poland
COLE Levi T1829 5'9" 206# Poland shoemakerPoland
COLE Osgood 1833 5'11" 247# Poland shoemaker Poland
COLLINS Benjamin 1823 6' 229# Monson policeman Lewiston
COOMBS J D 1837 5'10" 205# Bowdoin carpenter Lisbon
COOMBS Thomas 25 Jan 1801 6' 215# Brunswick farmer
COOMBS William Dunham 21 Jan 1830 5'9.5" 205# Lisbon trader Lisbon
COWINNG William H 1810 5'10" 220# Gardiner depot master Lisbon
COX Thomas J 1807 6' 225# merchant Dixfield
CRAFT Martin 18006' 220# West Auburn shoemaker Auburn
CRAM Ganzelo 1820 5'11" 203# East Livermore farmerEast Livermore
CROCKER Joseph 1813 6'2" 234# Minot Minot
CUNNINGHAM George 1837 4'9" 217# Vermont laborerLewiston
CURTIS Albert 1808 5'11" 230# farmer Brunswick
CURTIS Luther1821 5'10" 210# insurance agent New Sharon
DAGGETT John Carroll 29 Jul 1833 5'11" 210# Greene farmer Greene
DARRAH Warren C 5'9" 205#.. Lewiston
DAVIS Eliphalet 1807 6'1" 231# Poland farmer Poland
DAVIS Joseph 1807
died 28 March 1873
6'206# Durham farmer Durham
DAVISJoseph F1828 5'8" 203# Lewiston butcher Lewiston
DAVIS Joseph W .....Auburn
DAVIS Mansfield..... Auburn
DAVIS Nathaniel E 1826 5'8" 213# Lewiston farmer Lewiston
DEARBORN T W 1820 6' 248# wood dealer Monmouth
DEERING Charles W 1836 5'10" 227# stable keeper Bath
DENNETT Nathaniel 1810 5'10" 240# Bowdoin farmer Webster
DEXTER R..... Auburn
DIXON Harmon 1815 5'11" 228# Wales stone cutter Lewiston
DOUGLASS O G 18376'3" 207# Bowdoinham trader
City Marshall
DOUGLASS Waitsill Webber 1 Nov 1818 5'9.5" 210# Durham house carpenter Wales
DURGIN Jos... .watchman Augusta
DRAKE Charles 208# Auburn cigar maker Lewiston
DRESSER Lucius 1814 5'10" Turner farmer & currier Turner
DRESSER Randall 1841 6' 208# Lovell store clerk Lewiston
DUNBAR Josiah 1819 5'11" 245# Bridgewater Minot
DUNHAM Lucius C Aug 1840 6' 205# Leeds baker Lewiston
DUNN John S 1825 6'2" 220# Poland farmer Poland
DURELL Charles Franklin 22 Apr 1834 5'11"207# Portlandmerchant Oxford
DURGIN Jos Poland
DYER Moses 1 Oct 18095"8" 216# Durham shoemaker Turner
EATON Ebenezer G. Rev 1807
died 13 Aug 1883
200# Greene
EATON John 1815 5'10" 260# Auburn farmerWebster
EMERSON Andrew ....farmer Litchfield
EMERSON O S .....Auburn
EMERSON S G 1845 6'3" 205# Litchfield
EMERSON Samuel .....Auburn
EMERY Charles1828 6'5" 206#boot & shoe dealer Lewiston
FAIRBANKS Jonathan 1812 6'1" 220# Harrison clergyman Livermore
FARR C John1818farmer Lewiston
FAUGHT Columbus K.1832 6'1.5" 210#Policeman Lewiston
FIELD Robert 30 Jan 1835....Lewiston
FLAGG Charles 1824 5'11" 205#brickmaker Auburn
FOGG Nathan Lewiston
FORD Marshall 4 Sept 1807 5'10.5" 220# Readfield carpenter Lewiston
FOSS B B .....Auburn
FOSS James O..... Auburn
FRANK Z J 1834 6'1" 223# Poland trader Poland
FRENCH Justus Turner
FULLER Joel 1789 6' 220# farmer E Livermore
GERRY J S Poland
GILBERT Marselle 1849 5'10" 205#Leeds farmer Greene
GILSON Archelaus T 1846 6'6.5" 230# Poland farmer Poland
GIVEN Joseph 1838 6' 207# Wales farmer Wales
GODDARD Isaac Lewiston
GOODWIN Gee O 1847 6' 205# Minot ME shoemaker Minot
GOULD Oliver 1817 5'10" 201# wholesale grocer Augusta
GRAY Hartley 18?? 6'1" 215# Embden farmer E Livermore
GREENLEAF Eugene D 1835 6' 201# Boston MA manufacturer Webster
GROSS Daniel 1802 6'1" 254# Danville pork packer Auburn
GULLE A G 1842 6'1" 210# Augusta farmer E Livermore
HAM Jacob Barker24 Mar 1824 6' 212# Lewiston trader Lewiston
HAM Worcester 1824 5' 11" 202# Wales farmer Wales
HAMLIN Charles Henry 27 May 1810 5'10" 240# Augustadrygoods merchant Augusta
HAMMOND William 1840 6' 201# engineer Brunswick
HANNAFORD C C 1811 5'11" 200# New Gloucester farmer Lisbon
HANSON Levi C/G 1823 5'7" 215# Westbrook lumbermanLisbon
HARDY Sylvia Miss 1825 6'10.5" 366# Wilton Wilton
HARTWELL George G 18155'10" 207# Auburn artist
sign painter
HARTWELL I N 1818 5'9.5" 205# merchant Augusta
HARVEY D 1835 5'10" 260# manufacturer Bath
HAVEN A G 1851 6' 363# Chelsea MA
HAYFORD Sumner 1818 5'11" farmer Hartford
HEATH S E 1833 5'11" 230# Litchfield
HIGGINS Mijah 1816 6'2" 219# steam work Lewiston
HILTON William F 10 Aug 1819 6' 226# Winthrop butcher Lewiston
HINDS E G 1824 6' 220# Livermore farmer Livermore
HINES Gilbert 1801 6'201# Livermore landlord Livermore
HINKLEY Andrew 1831 5'11" 205# Lisbon cattle broker & butcher Lewiston
HODGES Daniel 1807 5'10" 214# Belgrade gentleman Lewiston
HOLMES Thomas 1826 5'11" 200# Litchfield
HOOD Otis Jr 1837 5'8" 221# Turner shoemaker Turner
HOWARD Everett 1821'9" 238# farmer Augusta
HUBBARD John 1819 6'1" 207# farmer Fayette
HURTS James F 1817 5'9" 205# Englandmanufacturer Webster
HUTCHENS G A 1833 6'6.5" 207# Minot shoemaker Auburn
HUTCHINSON Dexter 1816 6' 212# Litchfield farmer Wales
HUTCHINSON Edward 1820 5'8.5"230# Buckfield shoemaker Auburn
HYDE Henry 210# laborer E Livermore
JILLSON A T 18466'5.25" 230#Otisfield
JERRIS Peter1831barber Lewiston
JONES Barnum 210# Lewiston
JORDAN Albion 1838 5'11" 200# Websterfarmer Webster
JORDAN Isaac 1824 5'11" 202# Lewiston clerk Lewiston
KEEN Benjamin 4 Nov 1814 6' 233# Turner lumberman Turner
KEEN Edward 21 Oct 1806 6' 208#Turner farmer Turner
KEEN Hanover 1801 6' 236# Turner farmer Turner
KEEN Jacob 1791 6'2" 223# Turner retired Turner
KEEN John 19 Feb 18176'6" 227# Turner joiner Turner
KEENE Lincoln 1807farmerAuburn
KELLY Major 1822 5'10" 210# manufacturer Washington Plt
KING S H 1825 6'2" 236# tanner & currierMonmouth
KINSLEY Lyman 1838 230# Auburn
KINSLEY Simeon 1832 6'1.5" 203# Auburn
KNEELAND S R 5'11" 202# Lewiston
KNIGHT Enoch ?? 6'3"
KNOWLTON Daniel 1814 5'10" 254# Minot farmer Auburn
KNOWLTON Harrison Auburn
KNOWLTON Hosea Minot
LAMB Russell 1816225# blacksmithLewiston
LANE Alden 1810 5'9" 215# landlord E Livermore
LANE Jonathan Auburn
LAPHAM William B 21 Aug 1828 5'11" 208#Woodstock physician Woodstock
LARKIN Michael 1809 5'10" 230# Ireland tailor E Livermore
LEACH H B 1825 6' 225# Canton farmer Livermore
LEACH ________ 210# Lewiston
LEADBETTER Horace 1818
(28 Nov. 1813)
6' 278# Leeds farmerSouth Leeds
LEARD Hezekiah 1787 5'10" 314# Augusta
LIBBY Conelius 1814 6' 200# Scarboro' farmer Wales
LITCHFIELD H 1825 5'10"?? calker Bath
LITTLEFIELD M J 1821 6' 215# Cornish pumpmaker Minot
The President of
the Fatman Society
(born 1794- died 1873)..Minot?. Auburn
LITTLEFIELD J W 1825 6'4" 221# machinist Augusta
LITTLEFIELD Joshua (? died 22 Mar. 1887 ae 90y 8m)? MinotAuburn
LITTLEFIELD Lewis( died 13 Sept 1884 ae 64-3-19)Minot? Auburn
LOMBARD Hardin 1817 6' 250# Wales farmer Wales
LOMBARD I C 1829 6'1" 242# Auburn
LOMBARD Luther L Capt1813
died 12 May 1880
78y 3m 26d
6' 220# Wales shipmaster Webster
LONGFELLOW A B 1824 6' 207# merchant Augusta
LUDDEN Manderville T17 Feb 1830attorney at law Lewiston
LYDSTON William 1825 5'10.5" 215# Bowdoin Street
LYFORD Jesse B 1820
died 31 Aug 1895
East LivermoreMaine State SenatorLewiston
MACK Orville F 1830 5'11" 235# traveling salesman Charlestown MA
MAHONY _________ Lewiston
MAINS William 22 Nov 18395'11" 223# Webster machinist Lisbon
MARR Elbridge Gerry 11 Jan 1811 214# farmer Litchfield
MARR Henry Col.1802
(died 12 May 1880
age 78y 3m 26d)
5'11" 205# Wales farmer Wales
MARR Winter 31 Mar 1815 5'9" 223# Lisbon farmer Lisbon
MARTIN I N 1828 6' 212# engineer Portland
MAY Samuel Ellery 3 Dec 1832 5'10" 200# Winthrop broker Lewiston
MAYBURY N 1829 6' 251# Casco farmerTurner
McCLUM _________ Lewiston
McGILLICUDDY Patrick 1821 5'11" 220# Irelandshoe maufact'r & farmer Lewiston
MERRILL William I 1844 6' 200# Lewiston farmer Lisbon
MERROW Aaron 11 July 1806 5'11" 213# Minot farmer Poland
MERROW Eliphalet 19 Jan 1815farmerAuburn
MERROW Lewis Thorton 15 Sept 1808carpenterAuburn
MILLETT A R 1827 5'10.5" Auburn doctor E Livermore
MITCHELL A C 1821 5'11" 200# Yarmouth policeman Lewiston
MITCHELL Naham 1803 6' 200# Turner farmer Turner
MORRISON Cyrus 1817 6'3" 202# E Livermore farmer E Livermore
MORRISON John B 1821 6' 260# farmer Farmington
MORSE Richard D 1828 6' 205# Livermore blacksmith Livermore
MOULTON Jona. 22 Apr 1823
died 7 Nov. 1887
5'8" 227# merchant Wayne
MOWER Lemuel 1795 5'8" 205# Greene farmer Greene
NASON Benjamin W 1819 5'8" 205# Windham farmer Durham
NEAL S F 206# doctor E Livermore
NICHOLAS Henry N 1833 5'10" 213# E Livermore farmer E Livermore
NILES Joseph 22 Jan 1822 5'10" 205# Webster harnessmaker Webster
NOBLE Eleazer R father of
Mayor Frank Noble
205# Lewiston
NORRIS F D 1837 5'10.5" 202# West Peru farmer E Livermore
NUTTING Aaron17 Apr. 1826 3'2" 92# LisbonWatchmaker
Town Clerk
has a brother as small as he is"
This would have to be
(born in 1819)
(born 1817)
4'4" 92#
OAKES Sylvester 1820 5'5" 210# Temple doctor Auburn
ORMSBY D V B 1819 6'2" 261# insurance agent Farmington
ORR H C 1828 6' 248# master mariner Harpswell
O'SULLIVAN C 4'2" 112# Ireland Lewiston
O'SULLIVAN Cornelius 1837 3'8" 110# Ireland Lewiston
PARKER Frederick B. 6 Jan 18425'11"203# Greene farmer Greene
PARKER Ingerson8 Oct. 1808 5'10" 201#Greene farmerGreene
PARSONS Joshua 1797 5'8" 205# Minot
PATCH David 1828 5'9.5" 244# Portland trader Minot
PATTERSON Joseph W 2 July 1809 5'10" 220#trader Augusta
PENLEY Seward Auburn
PENLY Enoch ??Auburn
PHETTEPLACE D 210# Lewiston
PHILLIPS Washington 6' 235#Turner Lewiston
PHIPPS P A G W 1825 5'11" 208# farmer Chatham NH
PIERCE Charles A 1842 6'1" 208# Poland paper maker Minot
PIERCE Nathaniel 1821 6'10" 226# gentlemen E Livermore
PITTS Almon 1813 6' 200# Livermore carpenterLivermore
PRATT Elisha 1815 5'11" 203# Turner farmer Turner
PRATT J F 1831 5'10"215# physicianNew Sharon
PRAY A C1837 5'9" 202# Livermore farmer Livermore
PUMPILLY Samuel Capt.?
(see page 41)
PULLEN Kneelan B 1824 241# Waterville trader Lewiston
RECORD S T 1828 5'9" 225# Hebron policeman Lewiston
RICHARDSON V M 1816 5'8" 208# trader Jay
RICHARDSON W T 225# millman Lewiston
RICKER George H 1852 5'10" 220# Poland produce broker Poland
RICKER ______ 1800 5'11" 240# Berwick farmer Webster
ROBBINS John M 10 Nov. 1824 5'10" 205# Greene cattle broker Greene
ROBERTSON G A 1841 5'11" Augusta
ROGERS Charles 1792
died 12 Mar 1870
5'11.75" 245# Windham farmer Lisbon
ROSE Charles B 200# clergyman Greene
ROSE Cyrus 1818
died 27 Sept 1902
6' 201# Livermore farmerLivermore
ROSE Harrison 3 Nov. 1815200# Greene farmer Greene
ROUNDS William H19 July 1832 5'10" 225# Danville trader Minot
RUSSELL Stephen A 1834 5'11" 225# jeweller Augusta
SANBORN James S (died 30 Aug 1919)244# merchant Lewiston
SAUNDERS John E 1844
died 1 Jan 1919
5'10" 215# Norway blacksmith Poland
SCABERLING Jacob 1808 5'11" 251# Hamburg
farmer Minot
SCRUTON Fred 200# Lewiston
SEVERY J T 1815 6'3" 240# hotel keeper Dixfield
SEVERY John Lewiston
SIAS Horace 1844 6'2" 215# carpenter Jay
SIMPSON ________ Lewiston
SMALL Enoch(died 1 Mar 1878) Auburn
SMALL Isaac 1794 6' 2" 203# Wales farmer Wales
SMALL Willard18376'3.5" 225# Levant insurance agent Auburn
SMITH Caleb C21 Oct 1818 6'2" 220# Lisbon millerLisbon
SMITH Dexter 1819 225# Litchfield
SOULE Summer 1830 5'9" 203# Livermore boot/shoe manuf Livermore
SPRINGER Joseph 1807 5'9.5" 210# marble workerAugusta
STINSON Bradley V 1822 6' 220# farmer Richmond
STRICKLAND Lee Colonel14 July 1806
(see page 38)
died in the fall of 1873
5'10"205# Livermore farmer Livermore
SWETT Eben1801 5'8.5" 230# butcher Brunswick
TALBOT G E 1822 5'11" 220# Turner farmer Turner
TARBOX Plummer Chaseb 25 Mar 18276' 245# New Gloucester trader Lewiston
THOMPSON Abel23 Feb 1818 5'10.5" 215# Bowdoin blacksmith Lisbon
THOMPSON John D 1847 5'11" 201# Lisbon farmer Lisbon
THOMPSON John S 1795 6'1" 205# Biddeford farmer Lisbon
THORNE Aaron Ddied 7 Dec 1897 Lewiston
THORNE Benjamin Wdied 24 May 1905 Lewiston
THORN Edmund Lane 1804 233# telegraph operator Bowdoinham
TOWNSEND Elisha Turner
TRACY Caleb Bdied 19 March 1870Lewiston
TREAT Ezekiel 1807
died 25 June 1879
5'10" 233# Wales merchant E Livermore
TRUE E 1829 6' 213# Wayne farmer E Livermore
TUCKER D S 1820 6' 227# New Sharon
TURNER George W 1826 5'10" 212# Turner farmer Turner
TURNER Otis1840 6' 201# telegraph operator Augusta
TYLER J G 1815 6' 212# Pownal farmer & marketman Durham
VARNEY John 1817
died 1 May 1892
6' 200# Durham blacksmith Durham
VERRELL Daniel L1841
died 3 May 1897
5'11.5" 200# Windham shoemaker Auburn
WALKER Charles 16 Sept 1837 5'8" 230# Rumford traderLewiston
WALKER Nathan 5 Aug 18166' 210# Paris farmer Poland
WHITE Charles L1815 5'11" 201# granite worker Augusta
WHITE Gancelo29 Jan 1819 6'2.5" 210# E. Winthropfarmer E Winthrop
WHITEHOUSE B W 291# S Vassalboro
WHITEHOUSE O C 1819 5'10" 244# dry goods merchant Augusta
WHITEHOUSE P W 1826 6'5" 285#farmerAugusta
WHITMAN Franklin 1827
died 21 June 1885
5'7" 210# Turner farmer Turner
WILCOX J E 219# Lewiston
WILLIAMS Oscar 1836 5'9" 227# conductor Bath
WILLIAMS William G 11 Aug 18205'10" 225#LitchfieldRuns Carding Mill Litchfield
WING Harrison Benjamin 1 Mar 1834 6'1.5" 285# locomotive
WING L M 1829 6' 201# Livermore farmer Livermore
WING Salmon Alden 15 Jul 1813 5'10" 225# Leeds farmer South Leeds
WING Walter W 1812 6' 205# Livermore farmer Livermore
WING William 13 Jan 18296' 202# Leeds farmer South Leeds
WITHAM William 1801 5'10.5" 246# Minot farmer Minot
WOOD W Horatio. 6'.5" 203#. farmer E Livermore
YOUNG E H 1837. 205# .railroad man Augusta

The Speeches:

Hon. F. G. Butler of Farmington, argued that the brain of men is to some extent dependent on their physical ability, and hence he felicitated the Convention that their avoirdupois was so great. The county of Franklin to which he belonged, he thought ought to be glad on this occasion, for although their delegation of men was not extensive, they had here a woman of whom they may well be proud - Miss Hardy of Wilton (Loud applause) Let me give you a toast:
The Fat Men's Convention of the County of Androscoggin; long may it wave.
Luther D. Curtis Esq of Franklin, thought the 200 pound ladies ought to have been invited too, for have numerous ladies who can worry the beam terribly at 200 lbs. He closed by endorsing the fair sex in the following:

The nation mourned,
And man looked wild,
And man was unhappy
Till woman smiled.

(Loud laughter)
Hon J. B. Ham on behalf of the Committee of arrangements presented Mr. Haven of Chelsea with an elegant silver pitcher and goblets, as the offering of the Convention to the fattest man. Mr. Haven begged to be excused from a speech.
Mr. Ham said he hoped this Convention would be repeated as a State Convention to which every body cried:
Mr. Swett of Brunswick, was called on and said he was not a speech maker, but a man of action, and brought down the house in a roar by his test of a good landlord.
Mr. Robinson of AUgusta said when he saw the call for the Convention he determined he would come, and he was certain that hereafter when he met a corpulent man, he should greet in him a man pleasant to meet for a social hour.
Mr. Waterhouse, the landlord, was called for and said:
I am happy to see so many generous faces. God bless you.

S. F. Waterman, Esq., of Poland, related a fat story. A few years ago a gentleman applied at Mechanic Falls for conveyance in the station below. Elder Brown, a good joker, was the depot master. No passenger train was due. It is against the rules, said he to pass passengers on a freight train, but I can bill you as freight. The traveler assented; was weighed and billed and put on the car. WHen he was taken out at the next station the bill was presented to him as follows:
MR. _____ to Grand Trunk Rail Road. DR. For One Bullock, 320 lbs, 60 cents,
-- Just twice the passenger fare. That gentleman was the worth President of the day, who now occupies the chair. My toast is: Our President, though a cheeky man, may his shadow never be less.
(Great Laughter)
Mr. Littlefield said the phraseology of the bill was "One full grown man. The joke was played, and he was to late. Mr Bulter of Farmington told a good story. This brought out Swett of Brunswick again in pantomimic style.

Col. Lee Strickland of Livermore, told a story and lauded fat people. His sentiment was "The Men's Convention - May it cause mothers more to cherish fat babies."
Mr Ormsby of Farmington told a story at the expense of Mr. Curtis of New Sharon, who sat at his side. Mr. Curtis, traveling in Chesterville village, found there a State liquor agency whose clerk he discreetly told that he was the agent appointed by the State to test the State liquors. The clerk was all attention and waited on Mr. Curtis to the cellar where he tested the best he had to his stomach's content. He then bid the liquor agent farewell, saying that in his examination of liquors he never tested the same kind but once a day, and that hereafter he would be there twice a week! (Uproarious laughter) Curtis left without further inquiry.

The Finale

AT 8 P.M. the Convention was dissolved - but not its members, by any manner of means. It was voted throughout a great success. Credit is due to our committee, of which Hon. J. B. Ham was chairman, for the entire success of the Convention, which, as a social gathering is unquestionably the richest and best ever enjoyed in Maine. We may say here that a generous collection was taken in the Convention to purchase a present for Miss Hardy, the fat woman, who so courteously responded to a telegraphic invitation that she be present.
The Convention throughout was conducted in the most creditable manner - no unseemly disorder of any kind occurring. We trust that fat men may meet again!

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David C. Young,
Maine Author, David C. Young
Photo of David C. Young
David Colby Young
Maine Author of Genealogical Reference books