Special Publications
Publications for $5.00 each:
- HP1: Harford County, Maryland Divorce Cases 1827-1912: An Annotated Index, by Henry C. Peden, Jr., 1999 (35 pages)
- HP2: Union Chapel United Methodist Church Cemetery Tombstone Inscriptions, Harford Co., MD, by Henry C. Peden, Jr.,
- SP 2: Death Notices from the Bel Air Times, 1882-1899 (32 pages)
- SP 3: Harford County, MD, Bible and Family Records, Vol I (27 pages)
- SP 4: Harford County, MD, Bible and Family Records, Vol II (27 pages)
- SP 9: Index to Herrick's 1858 Map of Harford County, MD (26 pages)
- SP13: Illegitimate Children of Harford Co, MD, from Minute Books of Harford County Circuit Court, 1800-1900 (29 pages)
- SP15: Harford County, MD, Bible and Family Records, Vol III (27 pages plus surname index to vols I-III)
- SP17: Deaths and Marriages in Harford County, Maryland, and Vicinity 1873-1904 from the Diaries of Albert Peter Silver (35 pages)
- SP18: Bible and Family Records of Harford County, MD, Families, Vol IV
- SP19: Dr. John Archer's First Medical Ledger, 1767-1769 (New Castle, DE) (35 pages)
- SP22: United States Census of 1880 for Churchville Precinct Third Election District, Harford Co., MD (34 pages)
- SP23: Bible and Family Records of Harford County, Maryland Families Vol. V Compiled by Henry Peden
- SP24: Bible and Family Records of Harford County, Maryland Families Vol. VI Compiled by Jaqueline Reed
- SP25: Joseph A. Pennington & Co., Havre de Grace, Maryland Funeral Home Records Vol I: 1882-1892 Compiled by Jaqueline A. Reed
- SP26: Joseph A. Pennington & Co., Havre de Grace, Maryland Funeral Home Records Vol II: 1877-1882, 1893-1900
- SP27: Abstracts of Wills, Harford County, Maryland 1800-1815. Compiled by Henry C. Peden and Christopher T. Smithson
- SP28: First Occurrances of Surnames of Harford County, Maryland. Land Records Index Compiled by Jon Harlan Livezey
- SP30: Abstracts of Depositions in the Court Records of Harford County, Maryland, 1781-1833. By Henry C. Peden Jr.
- SP31: Registration of Voters In Harford County, Maryland. 6 Districts in 1865. Compiled by Margaret S. Bishop.
Publications for $8.00 each:
- SP 5: Abstracts of Death Certificates from the Files of Herbert S. Bailey, Funeral Director, Darlington, MD, 1921-1961, Vol I, A-L (50 pages)
- SP 6: Abstracts of Death Certificates from the Files of Herbert S. Bailey, Funeral Director, Darlington, MD, 1921-1961, Vol II, M-Z (51 pages)
- SP 7: Index to Naturalization Records of Harford County, MD, A-L (50 pages)
- SP 8: Index to Naturalization Records of Harford County, MD, M-Z (51 pages)
- SP10: A Medical Ledger of Dr. John Archer of Harford County, MD, 1786-1796 (55 pages)
- SP12: U.S. Census of 1900 for Town & Precinct of Aberdeen, MD (46 pages)
- SP14: Harford Circuit of the Methodist Church: Birth & Marriage Register, 1809-1815, and Minutes of the Quarterly Conferences, 1831-1842 (MHS Manuscript MS-4-424) (59 pages)
- SP16: 1831 Tax List for Harford County (40 pages)
- SP20: Survey Field Book of David & William Clark in Harford Co., MD 1770-1812 (40 pages)
- SP21: Abstracts of the Ledgers & Accounts of the Bush Store & Rock Run Store 1759-1771 (47 pages)
- SP32: 1823-1824 Taxpayers of Harford County, Maryland, District 2 (Hopewell X Roads). Images from The Historical Society of Harford County Court Records. (51 pages)
- SP33: Ancestral Charts Vol 5. Submitted by the Membership. Assembled & Indexed by Henry Peden. (57 pages)
- SP34: Ancestral Charts Vol 6. Submitted by the Membership. Converted to Ahnentafel Books by Mary B. White & Doug Washburn. Assembled & Indexed by Doug Washburn.(41 pages)
- SP35: Ancestral Charts Vol 7. Submitted by the Membership. Converted to Ahnentafel Books by Mary B. White & Doug Washburn. Assembled & Indexed by Doug Washburn.(39 pages)
- SP36: Ancestral Charts Vol 8. Submitted by the Membership. Assembled & Indexed by Henry Peden. (22 pages)
- SP41: Abstracts of ESTATE DISTRIUBUTIONS, HARFORD COUNTY, MD 1846-1854. Abstrated and Indexed by Christopher T. Smithson
- SP45: Genealogical Information Gleaned From the Diaries of Rev. Thomas S. C. Smith of Harford County, Maryland, 1857 to 1869
Compiled and Annotated by Henry C. Peden, Jr., MA, FMGS
- SP46: Non-Associators in Harford County, Maryland at the Onset of the Revolutionary War, 1775-1776
Compiled from Dr. George W. Archer’s Research and Annotated with Other Data and Family Information
by Henry C. Peden, Jr., M.A.
- SP47: Distribution of Surnames, Harford County, MD, Marriage License Index 1778-1926.
Compiled by Jon Harlan Livezey
Publications for $12.00 each:
- SP11: Harford Co., MD, Taxpayers in 1870, 1872, & 1883 (133 pages)
- SP29: Index to Martenet's 1878 Map of Harford County, Maryland. Compiled by Society Members. (86 pages)
- SP37: Transcriptions from the Business Records of J. C. Taylor Marble Works, Jarrettsville, MD. Vol I. Transcribed by Richard Appel. Indexed by Doug Washburn. (62 pages)
- SP38: Transcriptions from the Business Records of J. C. Taylor Marble Works, Jarrettsville, MD. Vol II. Transcribed by Richard Appel. Indexed by Doug Washburn. (62 pages)
- SP39: Transcriptions from the Business Records of J. C. Taylor Marble Works, Jarrettsville, MD. Vol III. Transcribed by Richard Appel. Indexed by Doug Washburn.
- SP40: Older Churches and Thier Forgotten Familes Assembled by Peggy Bishop. Indexed by Richard Appel.
- SP42: Transcriptions from the Business Records of J. C. Taylor Marble Works, Jarrettsville, MD. Vol IV. Transcribed by Richard Appel. Indexed by Doug Washburn.
- SP43: Transcriptions from the Business Records of J. C. Taylor Marble Works, Jarrettsville, MD. Vol V. Transcribed by Richard Appel. Indexed by Doug Washburn.
- SP44: Harford County Land Records JLG-A (1777-1778) Abstrated and Indexed by Jon Harlan Livezey.
Future Special Publication: TBA
Publications can be purchased at The Historical Society of Harford County. Walk-in sales are subject to a 6 percent Maryland Sales Tax. Please see the receptionist at the front desk.
For mail orders, please add $2.50 for postage for the first publication, plus $1.00 for each additional publication ordered. Make checks payable, in U.S. funds only, to the Harford County Genealogical Society at 143 North Main St., Bel Air, MD 21014.