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March 2, 2016 Meeting and Computer Lab Sessions

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Paypal now accepted

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February Newsletter

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Welcome to the Western Massachusetts Genealogical Society. The purpose of this Web Site is to introduce ourselves and let you know the types of services we provide to our members who are seeking information about their ancestry in the Western Massachusetts area. Click on the link above to contact us. We would love to hear from you.

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We are a proud supporter of Rootsweb®. Rootsweb® is the oldest and largest free online community dedicated to family history. You'll find millions of members communicating on thousands of message boards in this expansive environment for learning, collaborating and sharing with others. Register and Log-in to Rootsweb® and learn about your family history today and search their database of hundreds of thousands of records, join message boards and mailing lists, and view related websites to help you learn more about your roots.

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This image is from the original glass negative that is part of a collection of photographs taken by Reverend Hollis A. Campbell.  The photographs were taken from 1895 to 1896 and are some of the oldest know photographs of Agawam and Feeding Hills, Massachusetts. Photograph courtesy of the Agawam Historical Society.

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