Middlesex County Newspaper Abstracts

The Arlington Advocate, 8 December 1899

The latent savagery in the blood of the most civilized and enlightened, works its way to the surface with slight provocation, youth, manhood and age being in greater or less degree liable to fall into the pit. Recently Mr. Catrino, the fruit dealer, has lost a number of hens by theft, and an enquiry into the cause led to the rounding up of a dozen or more boys living with their parents near the centre and bringing them to the police station on Monday for an interview with Chief Harriman. It appears that these boys had built a camp for themselves in the woods in the back of the J. S. Crosby farm on Mystic street and formed a club called White Wings. The club meetings were frequent and consisted mainly in a sort of feast on food obtained by questionable means, and cooked in the most primitive way. The boys promised to abandon the camp and make a money restitution, so the matter was not carried to court.
Submitted by dja

The Arlington Enterprise, 16 December 1899

Train No. 7 leaving Boston at 6.42 a.m. and due in Arlington at 7.01 ran into a milk wagon at the crossing at Swan place on Wednesday. The wagon was driven by Patrick Ahern, and owned by Mr. G. H. Russell of Belmont. The horse had one of its forelegs cut off. It was subsequently shot by Chief-of-Police Harriman. The wagon was smashed and the driver thrown to the ground and injured. Dr. Hooker, who attended the driver, sent him to the Mass. General Hospital. It is understood that his injuries are not serious.
Submitted by dja

The Arlington Advocate, 29 December 1899

Tuesday afternoon one of the workmen employed on the enlargement of St. Malachy church was severely hurt by the falling on his head of a block belonging to the derrick used in hoisting heavy material. How the block came to fall, no one seems to know, but Frank Magee, of Somerville, happened to be under it and received the main force of the blow on his head. Sever scalp wounds resulted, which Dr. Keegan properly dressed and then had the man conveyed to his home.
Submitted by dja

1899 Newspaper Abstracts
Middlesex County Massachusetts

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