Middlesex County Newspaper Abstracts

The Lowell Weekly Journal, 19 April 1861

Tuesday, April 16, 1861.
   OUR MILITARY READY FOR DUTY. The call for two regiments of troops from Massachusetts, being known in this city yesterday afternoon, and it becoming known at a later hour that the Sixth Regiment was one of those from the troops to be selected, the armories of the Lowell companies were crowded last evening by the members and outsiders, many of the latter anxious to enlist. About fifty or sixty members were added to the rolls of the several companies last evening and this morning. Col. Jones of this (Sixth) Regiment was present and made a speech to each company, to the effect that when their country called for their services all personal considerations should be forgotten, and they should respond with a zeal becoming true soldiers. He said that the Mayor had called upon him and requested him to say that if there were any who had families dependent on them for support the city would provide for them as the families of soldiers. This was received with applause. He also said that the State would provide them with overcoats, knapsacks, haversacks, &c., and cautioned them to provide themselves with flannels. Many of the men were busy nearly all night in making preparations, and at an early hour this morning the city was astir with members of the different companies. Crowds lined the passage way to the different armories and the sidewalks on Market Street.
   Many citizens came forward with liberal offers of money, clothing and other necessaries to furnich those who were illy provided, but we cannot give individual instances to-day, though we hear of many instances worthy of being recorded. The morning opened with a rain storm, making the atmosphere as gloomy as the minds of our citizens at seeing so many young men go forth from our midst.
   About nine o'clock, the companies belonging to the Regiment out of the city arrived and the whole Regiment congregated in Huntington Hall. The following comprise the officers of the regiment and companies, with the number of men reported in the ranks to-day :—
   Sixth Regiment Infantry.—Colonel Edward F. Jones, Lowell ; Lieutenant Colonel, Walter Shattuck, Groton ; Major, Benjamin F. Watson, Lawrence ; Adjutant, Alpha B. Farr, Lowell ; Quartermaster, James Munroe, Cambridge ; Paymaster, Rufus L. Plaisted, Lowell ; Surgeon, Norman Smith, Groton ; Chaplain, Charles Babbidge, Pepperell.
   Company A (National Greys), Lowell—Captain, Josiah A. Sawtell. 3 commissioned officers, 49 privates.
   B (Groton Artillery), Groton—Captain, Eusebius S. Clark, Groton. 3 commissioned officers, 27 privates.
   C (Mechanic Phalanx), Lowell—Captain, Albert S. Follansbee. 4 commissioned officers, 32 privates.
   D (City Guards), Lowell—Captain, Jas. W. Hart, Lowell. 4 commissioned officers, 42 privates.
   E (Davis Guards), Acton—Captain, Daniel Tuttle, Acton. 5 commissioned officers, 31 privates.
   F (Warren Light Guard), Lawrence—Captain, Benjamin F. Chadbourne, Lawrence. 5 commissioned officers, 49 privates, 2 musicians.
   H (Watson Light Guard), Lawrence—First Lieutenant John F. Noyes, Lowell, commanding. 2 commissioned officers, 49 privates.
   I (Lawrence Light Infantry), Lawrence—Captain, John Pickering, Lawrence. 5 commissioned officers, 46 privates, one musician.
   The Lowell Brigade Band, George Brooks, leader, also accompanies the Regiment to Boston. At ten o'clock, by invitation of the Mayor, a large number of our citizens met at his office, and from there went to Huntington Hall, where the troops were assembled. Col. Jones ordered the troops to be drawn up in solid column in front of the speaker's stand, and the doors were opened for the crowd who rapidly filled the hall.
   Col. Jones introduced Mayor Sargeant to the audience, who was received with loud cheers. Rev. Dr. Blanchard read the 80th psalm, and offered a fervent prayer.
   Mayor Sargeant then came forward and addressed those present. He remarked that for three quarters of a century they had been accustomed to see the citizen soldiery parade in peace, ready, however, for any emergency. To-day they are called into active service and he was glad to see them here with full ranks. The soldiers present had the good wishes of every citizen. (Cheers.) Seventy five years ago our fathers established this government. It is your duty to defend the institutions which they founded and to see that they are maintained. For his part was willing to trust the question in the hands of those that he saw before him, knowing that they would do their whole duty. His remarks were frequently applauded.
   A. R. Brown, Esq., was the next speaker. He said that there could be but one course for a loyal people to take at the present time, and that was loyalty and Union. (Cheers.) There should be no divided sentiment on the questions of the day. He was in favor of sinking all party distinctions. He had full confidence that the soldiers before him would do their whole duty, in defence of the flag of our country, the constitution, and the liberties which our forefathers fought to secure.—He would give them one word of parting advice. Spare property, spare families, spare the defenceless, for you are citizen soldiers. But when you find an enemy of your country and the constitution, smite him like a Sampson. Be temperate and be careful of yourselves for your country needs your services and cannot spare you. He trusted that they would return with victory perched upon their banners.
   T. H. Sweeter, Esq., was introduced and said, we feel that we are right, that you are right, that you leave no traitor behind. Believe that God is on your side, and in conclusion he would wish them God speed and that success might attend their efforts.
   Capt. Peter Haggerty regretted that he was not of their number ; that he was not one to receive the proud homage that had been paid them this day. A year ago he was sailing up the Chesapeake and landed at Baltimore. He heard the band playing “Hail Columbia,” which did not cause the enthusiasm which that tune should, but on leaving that city, the band played “Yankee Doodle,” and all were enthusiastic.—He wished them success in their mission. His remarks were received with great favor.
   Hon. Linus Child next addressed the assembly. A crisis had arrived in the history of the country which must be met, and he was glad to witness so noble a response. Their reliance should be on the God of armies. You are going forth to defend the laws, liberties and the Constitution of your country. The prayers of those you leave behind will attend you. Remember that you go from Middlesex County—from the county in which stands Bunker Hill, and which contains the fields of Concord and Lexington. (Enthusiastic applause). You go forth to defend the flag of your country and the benediction of all will be with you.
   Col. G. F. Sawtell said that he had no speech to make, for this was a day of action. Your country calls for your services and if you need aid, call upon us and we will aid you.
   Hon. Tappan Wentworth said that he had witnessed a scene somewhat similar to this in the war of 1812, but he never expected to live to see the soldiery called upon to protect their country from internal foes. You live under a free government and he would call upon them to protect it. Remember that the flag of your country was first unfurled in this county, and, protect it. When you return you will be received with honors such as you may deserve.
   The exercises closed with a benediction by Rev. Dr. Blanchard, after which Col. Jones took command of the regiment and the spectators retired. Cheers were given by the citizens for the Sixth Regiment and for Col. Jones, and by the soldiers for the citizens of Lowell and others. The occasion was one of great and solemn interest to all present, nearly all of whom were parting with relatives or friends.
   At a quarter before twelve o'clock, the whole Regiment took an extra train for Boston, where they will await further orders. They carry with them the wishes of the whole community for their health and prosperity, and an ardent wish that they may soon return with unbroken ranks, and honors resulting from taking part in the peaceful settlement of the great question which now agitates the country and fills every patriotic citizen with alarm.

   ONE of our exchanges says that Charles S. Millet, of South Reading, Mass., who had joined a Georgia secession company, returned home recently, and had the honor of being burned in effigy.

   MR. JOHN E. BOYDEN, well known as the landlord of the Gloucester House, Gloucester, Mass., was found dead in bed in a room of his hotel, Saturday morning. It is supposed that he died of heart disease.
   MATRIMONY AND WAR. This morning a man, a member of one of our military companies, which has gone to Boston, was married to the woman of his choice, and leaves behind a wife rather than a sweetheart to feel the anxiety which must prevail in the heart of every soldier's wife. May he soon return to gladden the bride of a morning with his presence.
   PATRIOTIC OFFERS. We learn that quite a number of our citizens holding positions of profit and responsibility have tendered their services to the National and State authorities in the present emergency. We could give names had we liberty to do so.
   POLICE COURT. Roger Coursey, for an assault on his wife, was fined $5 and costs, and put under $200 bonds to keep peace for six months.

HEADQUARTERS, Boston, April 16th, 1861   
   Whereas, the exigincies of the service, in the judgement of the Commander-in-Chief, require that the number of privates in companies of Infantry and Riflemen shall be raised from fifty to sixty-four, he hereby orders, by virtue of the authority in him in such case vested, by the one hundred and forty-third chapter of the Acts of eighteen hundred and sixty-one ; that the companies of Infantry and Riflemen shall be limited to sixty-four privates ; and all officers commanding companies of Infantry and Riflemen, and persons empowered to raise new companies, are hereby directed to fill up their rolls to the limit hereby fixed, with the greatest promptitude.
   Major Generals Sutton, Morse, and Andrews will promulgate this order to their respective commands.
   By command of his Excellency, John A. Andrew, Governor and Commander-in-Chief.
HEADQUARTERS, Boston, April 16th, 1861   
   Whereas, the exigincies of the country, as disclosed in the Proclamation of the United States, dated the 15th day of April current, demand the patriotic services of the citizen soldiery of Massachusetts, and a requisition had been made upon this Commonwealth for four regiments, of ten companies of sixty-four privates each, for immediate service as militia.
   His Excellency, the Commander-in-Chief has ordered that all companies of Infantry and Riflemen of the Volunteer Militia be immediately increased by additional enlistments to the number of sixty-four privates each, and that all new Infantry companies hereafter to be organized enlist that number.
   In this manner opportunity will be afforded to a portion of the patriotic citizens who are ready to serve their country in arms, to gratify their desire, and from the continued manifestations of loyalty which have been made to the Commander-in-Chief since the issue of the Proclamation of the President, he does not doubt that in thus affording facilities for immediate enlistment, he is appealing to a public sentiment which is eager to respond to every demand.
   All persons, therefore, desirous to serve and capable by law of bearing arms in the militia, are invited to enlist forthwith in some company now existing, and those wishing to form new companies are hereby assured of every proper encouragement by acceptance at headquarters
   Let them do it at once—enlistment papers will be furnished at the office of the Adjutant-General. Uniforms are unimportant, but comfortable clothing, especially changes of underclothing, are absolutely needed.
   All that can be done in the limited time afforded will be done for the comfort of the troops ; and all contributions to this end by the liberality and patriotism of citizens will be gratefully accepted on their behalf.
   The Commander-in-Chief embraces this occasion to express his sense of the promptitude with which the various commands responded to General Order No. 4, and with which the summons to repair to Boston this day has been obeyed, under many disadvantages of haste and inclement weather.
   The overcoats and other equipments ordered during the winter for 2000 men are ready to be served out, and immediate measures will be taken to supply equipments in further quantities.
   Major Generals Sutton, Morse, and Andrews will promulgate this order to their respective commands.
   By command of his Excellency, JOHN A. ANDREW, Governor and Commander-in-Chief.
WM SCHOULER, Adj. General   

   THE ACTON COMPANY. The promptness with which the Davis Guards of Acton, responded to the call made upon them is worthy of all praise. The commander did not get his orders until past six o'clock, on Monday evening (we hear that he was in this city at the time), but promptly set to work to get his company together.—During the night, the privates were notified, although living in seven different towns, and were ready to march in the morning. The company passed our office about eight o'clock the next morning, having come from Acton (a distance of fifteen miles), during the morning, and were reported to Col. Jones, and ready to march at his command. The Davis Guards were named in honor of the first victim in the struggle for the freedom of our country at Concord.

   FORM OF THE PRESIDENT'S CALL UPON THE STATE EXECUTIVES. The following is the form of the call on the respective State Governments for troops, issued to-day through the War Department :—
   SIR—Under the act of Congress for calling out the militia to execute the laws of the Union, to suppress insurrection and repel invasion, &c., approved February 28, 1795, I have the honor to request your Excellency to cause to be immediately detailed from the militia of your State the quota designated, to serve as infantry or riflemen for the period of three months, unless sooner discharged.
   Your Excellency will please to communicate to me the time at about which your quota will be expected at its rendezvous. It will be met as soon as practicable by an officer or officers to muster it into the service and pay of the United States. At the same time the oath of fidelity will be administered to every officer and man.—The mustering officers will be instructed to receive no man under the rank of commissioned officer, over forty-five or under eighteen years, or who is not in physical strength and vigor. The quota for each state is as follows : Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Delaware, Michigan, Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin, one reg. each ; Massachusetts and Tennessee two each ; Ohio, three ; New Jersey, Kentucky and Missouri, four each ; Indiana and Illinois, six each ; Pennsylvania, sixteen ; New York, seventeen ; Arkansas, one ; North Carolina, two ; Ohio, thirteen instead of three ; Maryland, four ; Virginia, three. It is ordered that each regiment consist of 780 officers and men.
   The total number thus called out is 73,391. The remainder is to be composed of troops of the District of Columbia, thus completing 75,000.

   THE FEELING AT THE SOUTH. Virginia. The President's proclamation receives general execration. The public mind is fearfully excited, and the secessionists declare that nothing could be more favorable to their cause. Military men say they would sooner die than respond to such a call.
   North Carolina. The President's proclamation is received with perfect contempt and indignation. Union men openly denounce the administration. The greatest unanimity prevails. There was great rejoicing here at the news of the reduction of Fort Sumter.
   Kentucky. Recent news considerably paralyzes the people. Companies are enlisting for the Southern Confederacy. It is rumored that several will start to-morrow. The people generally deplore the positions in Mr. Lincoln's proclamation. Mr. Toombs has received a dispatch from Messrs. Breckenridge and Magoffin of Kentucky, stating that the people are greatly excited and sympathizing with the people of South Carolina.
   Alabama. President Lincoln's response to the Virginia Commissioners is considered as a declaration of war.

   VIRGINIA CONGRESSMEN. Hon. Sherrard Clemens, of Virginia, has sent a card to the Wheeling Intelligencer, declaring that he cannot be a candidate for re-election to Congress, notwithstanding he is continually pressed with solicitations. He says that the duties and promises to his family demand his retirement from public life. Roger A. Pryor is announced as a candidate for re-election.
Wednesday, April 17, 1861.
   THE SIXTH REGIMENT. The Sixth Regiment arrived in Boston from this city yesterday about one o'clock, and from the depot they marched to Fanueil Hall. They were received with enthusaistic cheers by the thousands who lined the route of their march. They remained there until about half past four o'clock, when they marched up State and Washington Streets, with the Brigade Band, to Boylston Hall, which had been fitted up for them. They were everywhere, as before, greeted with cheers, waving of handkerchiefs by the ladies and other demonstrations of enthusiasm. The march was through a pelting storm, but neither the ardod of the soldiers or the people was dampened. Throughout the day, as the companies and regiments passed thro' the streets, they were honored with the most cordial cheers. Such scenes have rarely been witnessed in the public thoroughfares of Boston.
   It was decided, yesterday afternoon, to send the Sixth Regiment to Fort Monroe, Point Comfort, Va. The regiment will be enlarged to 600. In this connection we may state that the cost of Fort Monroe was $2,400,000. Its garrison is 450 men, guns 371. It is expected that the troops will be sent in the steamer Massachusetts, lying at Long Wharf, and we learn by the conductor who came up with the first regular train, that they leave at nine o'clock this morning. Old Point Comfort is in Norfolk County, Virginia, where the James River empties into Chesapeake Bay.
   The following letter, written to us by a member of Company H., will be read with interest, showing, as it does, the patriotism which will cause the members of this Regiment to render a good account of themselves :—
   BOSTON, April 16th, 6 P.M.
   The sixth regiment are rendevoused in the armory of the second battalion of Infantry (formerly known as Boylston Hall), who with the kindness of true military gentlemen have tendered the use and occupation of all their rooms to the members of the sixth. We have been quartered since our arrival in this city at Faneuil Hall and the old cradle of liberty rocked to its foundation from the shouting patriotism of the gallant sixth. During all the heavy rain the streets, windows and house tops have been filled with enthusiasm ; grey-haired old men, young boys, old women and young, are alike wild with patriotism.
   Gen. Butler is in the armory and says we will sail to- morrow morning for Fort Munroe.
   The boys are ready and anxious.

THE FEELING IN DIFFERENT STATES.—Maine. Gov. Washburn has called an extra session of the Legislature to convene at Augusta on Monday next. The Governor has received a despatch that Maine's quota of troops will be required by the 20th of May. A leading capitalist of Portland left for Augusta yesterday to tender a loan of $50,000 to the state in behalf of citizens of Portland. A great public meeting was held in Bangor last Monday evening. . . .
   [Connecticut.] . . . The Hartford Light Guard have voted unanimously to tender their services to the Governor, and a new company has been formed in that city, who will offer their services to the General Government. At New Haven, Jeff. Davis was hung in effigy and a Custom House flunky, who expressed himself in favor of the South was jostled about not very gently. The Hartford Courant says that there is a perfect storm of indignation throughout the State at the news from Fort Sumter.
   New Jersey. Orders will be issued to the Major Generals of the four divisions of the State for one regiment from each. The Governor has ordered a company to the State Arsenal, under apprehension that the arms may be taken away. Some think his apprehensions are groundless. An attack on the True American office is apprehended, because the American flag is not displayed.
   Pennsylvania. The Ringgold Flying Artillery, of Reading, Capt. McKnight, consisting of 108 men and four field pieces, have received a requisition from the Governor, and have left for Harrisburg. Seven companies of Pottsville have responded to the President's proclamation, and go to Harrisburg to-day. The citizens are raising funds to aid the families of the volunteers. There is activity in all other parts of the state.
   Kentucky. Although Governor Magoffin has officially refused to respond to the call of the President, Secretary Cameron has received an offer of volunteer regiments from Kentucky, and he has accepted the offer. The offer is received with great satisfaction. Kentucky will remain true to the Union.
   Maryland. Governor Hicks of Maryland has responded to the call for troops from his State. He will send the flower of the militia of Maryland. The State of “Charles Carroll of Carrollton,” will never be recreant to her patriotism of other days.

   APPOINTMENTS. The following Postmasters have been appointed for Massachusetts: Lewis E. Gleason, Reading ; L. D. Shattuck, Danvers ; George Hervey, Medford ; J. A. Coolidge, Winchester ; Newell Sherman, Waltham ; J. B. Nichols, East Haverhill ; Nathaniel Cowdry, Greenwood ; John Foster, North Andover ; Wm. Stilton, Bradford ; Moses F. Robinson, Jamaica Plain ; Wm. H. DeCosta, Charelstown ; E. P. Hill, Haverhill.

   “WHEN we come from Massachusetts, we will not leave a single traitor behind, unless he is hanging upon a tree.”—Gen. Butler to a South Carolinian in Washington last January.
   THE FEELING IN LOWELL. Never has there been a time in the history of this city when there has been such a unity of feeling among all classes as exists at the present. All party distinctions seem to be buried, and all are united in a determination to do their part in sustaining the Union, the Constitution and the laws.—Now and then an isolated individual will attempt to speak against the universal sentiment, but the words of indignation, the frown and the hint soon silence all such. Lowell has a great interest at stake in maintaining the Government, and has, with unprecedented alacrity, already sent forth two hundred of her young men—a portion of her bone and sinew—to protect it, and holds in reserve many times that number, should future exigencies arise to demand their services.
   GEN. BUTLER. This gentleman, who, it is well-known, was the Breckenridge candidate for Governor in this State, is behaving nobly in this exciting and trying season. He proposes to take the field in defence of his country's flag, and to put down the rebellion in such States as would trample it in the dust, and it is probable that he will soon be in actual service, if he is not already. Last night, in an extra train for his accomodation, at a quarter to nine o'clock, he left Boston for this city, important business requiring his presence here. He was off again this morning for Boston, and we are informed that Adj. Haggerty, of his staff, has been summoned by telegraph, to be in Boston as soon as possible. We believe that Mr. Haggerty left at 12 o'clock. Lowell will have her share of men in the field, and we have no doubt we shall hear an honorable report of their behavior. We are gratified that Gen. Butler has taken an honorable, prompt, and patriotic stand.

   WHAT IS BEING DONE IN MASSACHUSETTS. The Adjutant General's office and the private room of the Governor, at the State House, were thronged by persons yesterday, anxious to obtain commissions, or to be empowered to raise companies of volunteers. Among others, the Governor has a letter from a clergyman of an interior society in this State, who asks that the law making him exempt from military duty may be repealed in his case. He signs himself as the clergyman of the parish.—Yesterday forenoon, Mr. D. K. Wardwell, who served with honor through the Mexican war, was empowered to enlist a company of volunteers.
   The city government of Lawrence met yesterday morning and appropriated $2000 for the benefit of the families of those who had left the city to defend their country's flag.
   The Taunton Light Infantry before leaving home yesterday morning, were addressed at the depot by Hon. S. L. Crocker.—A fund has been raised for the benefit of those who have gone. The departure of the Guards was witnessed by thousands of citizens, who cheered them enthusiastically.
   In Marblehead, which sends three companies, the sum of $1900 was raised for the aid of the families of those belonging to the companies, one individual giving $200 and several others $100 each. $1000 more will be raised for the same purpose. Marblehead had the first company in Boston, as was the case in the revolutionary . . .
   Gov. Ellis of North Carolina, as well as Gov. Magoffin of Kentucky, peremptorily refuses to comply with the requisition of the President for a quota of troops to defend the Union. It is doubtful if any border State, except Maryland, will respond to the call, and government, therefore, will need all the men required from the North forthwith. The arrival of Massachusetts troops is anxiously looked for.—The hardy sons of the Bay State will meet with a warm reception from regulars and volunteers. At the present hour the city is quiet. The most intense feeling exists.
   It is reported that Hon. George Ashmun has been sent to Canada on a secret mission. No orders have yet been issued to blockade the southern ports or to stop the mails. The President has issued orders to garrison Harper's Ferry, and Forts Washington, Monroe, and others. The route between Philadelphia and Washington will be guarded by western troops.

   AN HONORABLE ACT. Mayor Sargeant, this morning received a letter containing a check for $100 from Judge Crosby, desiring that it might be forwarded to Paymaster Plaisted of Col. Jones' regiment, to be by him distributed among the soldiers who, from the suddenness of their departure were unable to properly prepare themselves for the new service into which they have been called. The contribution is a generous one, and is indeed well applied. We take the liberty of publishing His Honor's letter to the Mayor :—
Lowell, April 16th, 1861   
   MR. MAYOR:—Southern treason has at last culminated in seizing Fort Sumter, and we have no choice left us but to meet the traitors wherever they may present themselves. Rumor has become fact.—Our men have been called, and have left us. More will undoubtedly soon follow. They have left at the tap of the drum, without wavering and without preparation ; they have left homes without shutting their doors, friends without adieus, and their hammers on their benches. We must comfort those friends and prevent loss in their business. We who stay at home can well afford to do all this for them, and make our sacrifices in money and care for our country, our constitution and laws. The burden of this struggle must rest upon every man's shoulders in some form. I am willing to meet my full share of it.
   Let us have a large committee of men and women to be called the Nightingale Band, who shall gather and distribute funds to the families of soldiers who need, and furnish paymasters of our regiments with money and such supplies for the sick and wounded in camp, as rations and medicine-chests cannot bestow. As some of our men may at once need such funds in camp—a new exposure and life to them—please accept my first contribution, and send it to Lieutenant Plaisted, paymaster of Col. Jones's regiment, for the last named purpose. Yours very truly,
Thursday, April 18, 1861.
   THE RESPONSE OF DIFFERENT STATES.—Maine. The Rifle Guards of Portland voted Tuesday night to tender their services to the Governor, as part of the State regiment. Governor Washburn has convened the Legislature to meet on the 2nd inst.
   New Hampshire. The citizens of the State of John Stark are responding promptly to the call of Governor Goodwin for enlistments. The recruiting officer of Concord is completely overrun with volunteers. Great enthusaism prevails. The more wealthy citizens who are too old to enlist come forward and freely offer large amounts of money to help keep the ball in motion.
   Rhode Island. The Legislature has passed the bill authorizing the raising of a regiment. The large sum of $500,000 has been appropriated. Major General Burnside is appointed Colonel of the Rhode Island Regiment, Brigadier General Pitman, Lieutenant Colonel, and Colonel John S. Slocum, Major. These officers have all seen active service, and the appointments give the greatest satisfaction. Gov. Sprague will accompany the regiment.
   Vermont. Governor Fairbanks responds that one regiment of the Green Mountain boys will be immediately raised.
   Connecticut. Governor Buckingham telegraphs to the Secretary of War: “Your requisition will have immediate attention.”
   New York. Recruiting is brisk in New York city. All the city regiments announce a determination to respond to duty when ordered, but there are individual cases in most of them against serving against the South. At a meeting of the merchants and brokers yesterday forenoon it was resolved to call a mass meeting on Saturday in Union Square, and that all business be suspended. A subscription was opened and liberally responded to by merchants, to get out the Seventh Regiment for any duty required. The sentiment among the merchants is for sustaining the Government. A large mass meeting was held in Buffalo on Tuesday evening, . . .
   [Ohio.] . . . on Ohio for thirteen regiments is just received, and will be promptly responded to.” The City Council of Cincinnati has tendered the Governor a quarter of a million in hard cash.
   Michigan. Gen. Cass in a speech yesterday on the occasion of the Board of Trade unfurling the national flag, strongly favored supporting the national government. Oakland County alone offers to raise the regiment required of Michigan.
   Iowa. The Burlington Branch State Bank of Iowa has offered to advance all the money the Government requires to equip the troops.
   Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Legislature has adjourned sine die. The Governor's Guard have tendered their services. Volunteer companies are forming up in all parts of the State. Governor Randall telegraphs: “The call for one regiment will be prmptly responded to, and further calls when made.”
   Indiana. The Bank of Indiana has tendered to the Governor all the money required to furnish the troops to sustain the government. The First Regiment of the Indiana volunteers leave to-day for Washington.
   Minnesota. Gov. Ramsey has issued a proclamation for one regiment of volunteers in response to the call of the War Department.

   THE FLOATING BATTERY AFTER THE FLEET. Some person, profoundly impressed with the bravado of the secessionists, created quite a facetious excitement at Willard's Hotel, Washington, on Monday morning by posting what pretended to be a dispatch from “Cape Hatteras Light,” announcing that the “United States fleet has just passed, under sail and steam heading North, and closely pursued by the Charleston floating battery.” Probably like the boy's fox, the floating battery was “a leetle ahead.”

   THE SOUTH NO LONGER TO BE FED OR ARMED BY THE NORTH. At Cincinnati, yesterday, the chief of police seized thirty boxes of guns on the steamer Ohio, which were marked for Little Rock, Arkansas.—The guns were shipped at Parkersburg, Va., and are supposed to have come from Harper's Ferry. Heavy shipments of powder were also stopped. All steamers have been prohibited from taking provisions to the South. A large consignment of bacon for Charleston via Nashville were taken off the steamer Glenwood.

   THE FLAG OF OUR COUNTRY. Flag-staffs are being erected on the City Government and Market House Buildings, by order of the Mayor, from which the American flag will be suspended. The Mayor has sent to Boston for two fifteen feet [sic] flags, and the one on the City Government building will be raised this afternoon, should they arrive in season. There is a flag floating between Wentworth's Building and the flag staff on the opposite side of the street. G. T. Williams has also a small flag suspended from the door of his periodical store. The occupants of the Wamesit Steam Mills will also raise a flag from the top of their building without delay. We shall run out of our colors, which are being got ready for service. In a few days the flag of our country will be waving in more places than during the last Presidential campaign ; but there is now but one party.
“The Star Spagled Banner, long may it wave,
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.”
   FIRE THIS MORNING. About half-past three o'clock this morning, fire was discovered in the paper box manufactory of T. L. Tuxbury, on Middle Street. The damage by water is considerable ; by fire, slight. The fire originated in a pile of coarse paste-board waste, and communicated to the wood work of an outside door at the back side of the building, which was somewhat burnt.
   Mr. T. is insured in the Thames office, Hartford, Ct— James Cook, Esq., agent for Lowell. The fire department was out, and soon drowned all signs of the fire.
   DIVORCES. In the Supreme Judicial Court, on Wednesday, before Judge Chapman, Mr. James W. Kershaw, of this city, obtained a divorce from the bonds of matrimony from Emma Kershaw on the ground of desertion. C. Cowley appeared for the libellant ; no appearance for the libellee.
   Rodusca R. Emerson was also divorced from Jeol D. Emerson, and the custody of the three minor children decreed to the mother. Alimony was also allowed to her for support of herself and children. Brown & Alger for the libellant.
WASHINGTON, D. C. April 14th, 1861.   
   The Capital just now is a very interesting point. The sooner we see the gleem of Northern bayonets here the better. The District volunteer militia and the regulars will be perfectly reliable when they find themselves backed by a large Northern force, and not till then. The people here are Southerners inclined to be union men, but still with a lurking taint of secession in their blood. The advent of the gallant Seventh Regiment of New York is anxiously awaited by all Northern sojourners here. New York and Pennsylvania should come first: Massachusetts should follow after. The appearance of Massachusetts troops here in advance of other Northern states, would have an unfavorable effect for very obvious reasons.
   There are plenty of secessionists here in the Department ; but as soon as martial law is proclaimed, it will be best for them to clap a padlock on their lips straightway, otherwise they may have short shrift and a speedy burial. Amusing encounters take place at the hotels. A colonel of the Volunteer Militia yesterday announced in front of Willard's Hotel that he would not fight for the Government against Southern invaders ; whereupon a Pennsylvanian stepped forth and told him he was a perjured knave, at the same time demanding his name, that he might report him at the War Department. The people of Baltimore appear to be loyal. It has been said that the passage of Northern troops to garrison the Capital would be arrested at Baltimore, but it is not probable. Indeed the better portion of the Marylanders are copnscious of their critical position at the present terrible emergency. Their State would become “a dark and bloody ground” if it should attempt to obstruct the Federal Government.
   The people of this country should bear in mind the individuals who have brought this to pass : James Buchanan, Mason of Virginia, Jeff. Davis, Slidell, Cobb, Floyd, and Cushing. Davis bent the Pierce administration wholly to his evil purposes, Buchanan followed and put the finishing stroke to the treason of well-known leaders. A terrible retribution is in store for the men above named. No man who has recently had any complicity with these men ought to be trusted.
   The New York Herald is beginning to tack ship. It has been one of the vilest agencies of political demoralization ever tolerated in any civilized community.
   POSTMASTERS APPOINTED. Albert Stacy has been appointed postmaster at Concord, and C. W. Fisk at Groton.
   GEN. BUTLER. After assisting in the embarkation of the Sixth Regiment, Gen. Butler came home again in a special train last evening, and left again for Boston this morning. He starts for Washington this afternoon, and will be met in Worcester by his aids, Maj. W. H. Clemence and Capt. Peter Haggerty, of this city. We also learn that William O. Fiske goes as private secretary with Gen. Butler.
   THE NATIONAL GUARDS. BOSTON. At a meeting of this company last evening, Col. Cowdin presiding, Adj. Alfred W. Adams of this city, was chosen captain, and accepted the office. He was in Boston yesterday, and tendered his services to the commander-in-chief. Adj. Adams did service in Mexico during the war, and the smell of gunpowder will not be offensive in his nostrils.
   A GOOD DELEGATION. Twenty of the volunteers who left this city on Tuesday morning, were employed on the Massachusetts Corporation. We doubt whether any other corporation in the city is so fully represented in the defenders of the country's flag, as the Massachusetts. We are also informed that quite a number of those who have gone were connected with the John Street Congregational Church.
   DRS. BURNHAM and BASS tender their professional services free of charge to any and all such as may request it of the families of those gallant and noble-hearted men of the city of Lowell, who so generously and promptly responded to the call of our country to defend the honor of her flag and the preservation of the Union.
   THE GALLANT SIXTH. The destination of this regiment having been changed from Fort Munroe (as announced yesterday) to Washington city, the troops embarked last evening about half past seven o'clock, at the Worcester depot for new York city. They were escorted from Boylston Hall to the depot by the Second Battalion of Infantry, and the route of their march was lined with thousands of people, who manifested their feelings by the wildest enthusiasm. There was an immense crowd about the depot, who, when the train started, at a quarter before eight o'clock, with two engines and twenty-one cars, gave vent to their enthusiasm with the loudest cheers, amid the firing of cannon, and the ringing of bells.
   The Sixth Regiment during the day and a half that they remained in Boston, was the “observed of all observers,” the leading theme of the papers, and the praise of all tongues. Well may the citizens of Lowell, Lawrence, Groton, Acton, and other places from which the members of this regiment have gone, feel proud at the ovation paid to their fathers, brothers, and sons for their gallant and prompt action in being the first volunteer regiment in the country to respond to the call of the President. It shows that the “Spirit of '76” still lives in old Middlesex and Essex Counties.
   Before the regiment left, it was made up to ten companies by the addition of the Stoneham Light Infantry, Capt. J. H. Dike, and the Washington Light Guard of Boston, Capt. Sampson. The ranks of the different companies were filled up with men from other regiments so that it contained 650 men when it started. In the morning an affecting scene took place in the adoption of a “Daughter of the Regiment,” Miss Lizzie Clauson Jones, daughter of Col. Jones. She was led along the line by Major Watson, and was received with the greatest enthusiasm. She is a pretty little miss of ten years. She does not go with the regiment, but their remembrance of her will inspire the troops should they ever be called into action.
   At 11 o'clock the regiment marched to the State House, where those of the troops who had old muskets were furnished with the new rifled musket. Each man was also furnished with two flannel shirts, drawers and pair of stockings. They were marched in from the rear by companies, and came out in front, receiving hearty cheers from the large crowd assembled as they marched down the steps. They will be accompanied by the Lowell Brigade Band, thirteen pieces, George Brooks, leader.
   Rev. Charles Babbidge, of Pepperell, Chaplain of the regiment, leaves his congregation, who were paying him a good salary, having volunteered to act in that capacity at a moment's notice. He is in politics a Democrat.
   Previous to their departure, the regiment was drawn up in arms in front of the State House, when the regimental colors were presented to Col. Jones by Gov. Andrew, after remarks by the Governor and a reply from Col. Jones. The following were the speeches:—
   Gov. Andrew said as the official head of the troops in Massachusetts, he bid the 6th regiment an affectionate farewell. They were now to depart to scenes to which they were called by every incentive of patriotism and love of country. They were to go from the cheerful homes and firesides of Massachusetts, to assume the duties of soldiers, to ultimately return from victorious war, after protecting the integrity of their country and sustaining the honor of that flag whose starry fields have swept the seas and the land, and always in triumph. (Immense cheering.) Under the immediate command of him who now stood by his side (Gen. Butler) they were to be led to join the hosts of patriots, to be led by him who is the hero of an hundred fights in the service of his country—him whom God has spared, that before he tastes of death, again under his victorious lead the glory of the American people may be maintained and the honor of their country be placed on a pinnacle as high and immovable as the everlasting hills. (Tremendous cheering.)
   The State had done all in her power to send them forth prepared for the strife, and now that they were to depart, the prayers and benedictions of our whole people would follow them. He knew they would never return until they brought back assurances that all had been done that the utmost valor of patriotic men could accomplish.
   Vociferous cheering followed the close of his speech, and the colors were then presented.
   Col. Jones almost overpowered by emotion, received the standard and said:—
   Your Excellency—The regiment under my command gratefully express their thanks for the honor of this occasion, and I accept this standard. So help me God I will never disgrace it!
   Great cheering followed this brief and pithy speech, and with ringing cheers young men cried, “Good for you, Colonel!” “That's the way to say it!” and old men bared their gray heads to say a fervent “God bless you, Colonel, we know you will do your duty!”
   The colors were then taken into the ranks, and troops passed in review before the Governor and his staff, and took up their march.
   An immense crowd was present on this interesting occasion, and testified their delight by vociferous cheering.
   The regiment will be met by a United States officer in New York, and immediately forwarded to Washington.

   We have a dispatch from Boston stating that there is a report in that city that Virginia has refused to secede. It is stated, though we cannot vouch for it, that there was seven majority against secession in the convention!

   A LETTER post-marked at Manchester, N. H., arrived at the Portland postoffice, last week, bearing the following direction: “The youngest, unmarried, blue-eyed lawyer in Portland, Maine.”

   ACTON. This morning an effigy was found hanging on the Davis monument at Acton. It was labelled with the name of one of the members¹ of the Davis Guards, who refused to go with his company, and bore the words “Afraid to go.” Acton is all alive, and will raise more men if needed.

   THE RIGHT SPIRIT. There having been some considerable talk relative to the immediate formation of a volunteer company, to go at once in service, if required, some of our citizens are ready to encourage the movement by liberal contributions towards outfits, &c. We understand that George F. Richardson, Esq., proposes that as soon as the requisite number for a full company has been secured (sixty-four), he will give his check for $100, and will also use his influence to raise $1000, to be put at the company's disposal. We have no doubt that the last named sum would be contributed without delay. Who will start the volunteer company?
   The names of Mr. P. A. Davis and I. N. Wilson have been suggested as good and suitable persons to raise a new military company. Both these gentlemen have served as officers in our city companies and are fully competent ; both are old Californians and have seen enough of life to be go-ahead officers.
   Every hour increases the enthusiasm, and we have no doubt that a new company, to be at the disposal of the Governor, will be raised and ready for service within a few days.
   The Mayor telegraphed to Gov. Andrew this forenoon to know if arms could be furnished to a new company, and if he receives an affirmative reply, a company will doubtless be enrolled within twenty- four hours.

   NEWS FROM THE SOUTH. Jefferson Davis, President of the so-called Southern Confederacy has issued a proclamation granting letters of marque to privateers to prey upon the commerce of the United States. Perhaps he will find a response, but the laws of the United States, not yet repealed, punish piracy with death. How great the contrast between the proclamation from President Lincoln and this usurper at the South!
   It is reported from Montgomery that 150,000 more troops are to be called into the field at once. There is a rumor that Fort Pickens had been attacked.
   The proclamation of President Lincoln is reported to be condemned and ridiculed in Augusta, Ga., and the offers of Northern volunteers as mere gasconade. Sales of cotton are reported to be very small.
   Virginia. The report that the State Convention [had] passed a secession ordinance is, at least, premature. The report that the secessionists had seized Harper's Ferry is believed to be without foundation. The arsenal is guraded by regulars.
   Missouri. Gov. Jackson refuses to comply with the requistion for four regiments of troops. He has a great horro of making war upon the seceded states, and regards the requisition of President Lincoln as “illegal, unconstitutional and revolutionary in its object, inhuman and diabolical, and cannot be complied with.” What tender feelings these Southern Governors have all at once shown themselves to be possessed. Why did they not make the same suggestions to the seceders months ago when they first commenced their “illegal, unconstitutional and revolutionary” designs?
   Kentucky. Breckenridge proposes to confront the Government, by calling a convention in Kentucky, and to confront the extra session of Congress with fifteen states. We suppose he means by that to have the members take their seats from all the Southern States, seceded or otherwise.—Mr. Breckenridge is to speak at Lexington and Louisville.

   A ridiculous rumor is prevalent in Italy that the Federal Government has selected Garibaldi as its commander against the cotton state rebels.
Submitted by dja
1 — On page 8 of the Acton Historical Society's booklet Letters From Acton is a letter from W. H. Gray to Capt. Daniel Tuttle of the Davis Guards, dated April 21, 1861 which states “Mr. Bennett has been hung in effigy for his cowardice and for the manner in which he talked to you.” A subsequent letter to Mr. Tuttle, from John Johnston, dated May 15th 1861 says that “Bennet has Seceded to S. Acton they Say he is Seting [sic] up the Custon [sic] Boot & Shoe business”. The 1865 Massachusetts census lists a 35-year-old Samuel Dexter Bennet, shoemaker, in the household of Tilly Robbins in South Acton. Also in the house is a 35-year-old Martha Maria Bennett, seamstress.

1861 Newspaper Abstracts
Middlesex County Massachusetts

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