Hampden County, Massachusetts - Springfield Area Cemeteries

Hampden County, Massachusetts Cemeteries - Springfield

Note: Locations and distances are approximate, and "as the crow flies."

If you have additional information on any of the listed cemeteries, or can add a name or two to the list, please let me know. Perhaps you have visited one of the cemeteries, or have information as to aproximate number of burials, history, etc.

Transcribed and submitted by Ellen Pack




Bay Path Cemetery

Blunt Park Rd. at Roosevelt Ave.


Beth Israel Cemetery

West Springfield - Kings Hwy at Piper Rd.


Cherry Lane Cemetery

Cherry St. at Central St.


Gate of Heaven

421 Tinkham Rd.

Newer burials, taking the place of St. Michael's Cemetery, now that it's almost full. Submitted by Carole Lord.

Hillcrest Park Cemetery

Parker St. @ Sunnybrook Rd.


Maplewood Cemetery

Parker St. at Wrenwood St.


North Cemetery

Cooper St. at Fairview St.


Oak Grove Cemetery

Tapley St. at Bay St.


Polish National Cemetery

Cottage St. at Robbins Rd.


Springfield Cemetery

Pine & Walnut Streets


Saint Benedicts Cemetery

Liberty St. at Armory St.


Saint Michael's Cemetery

1601 State St.

A huge, old Catholic cemetary from the early days of the city. Includes a "Child's Cemetery." Submitted by Carole Lord.

Saint Thomas Cemetery

West Springfield - Cass Ave. at Kings Hwy


Sinai Memorial Park

Cottage St. at Brookdale Dr
