Essex, Mass. 1840 Census

Essex, Mass. - 1840 Census

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1840 Census of Essex, Mass.
Kurt Wilhelm, April 2000


Since 1830, population of Essex increased by 8% to 1,450. The number of families/ households increased by 14% to 292. There are 73 surnames in the census, which is 14% higher than the number of surnames in Essex in 1830.

  1. The 1840 Census
  2. The population of Essex in 1840
    1. Total Population
    2. Population by age, gender, race
    3. Population by surname and family size
    4. Occupation
    5. Revolutionary War Pensioners
    6. Disabled
    7. Schools
  3. References
  4. Index
  5. Transcription

  1. The 1840 Census

The 1840 census of Essex is found on pages 315 through 324 of the Census {1}. The census lists heads of families, and enumerates family members by age, sex, and race. Also enumerated are the number of family members engaged in commerce, agriculture, navigation of the seas, manufacturing, mining, and learned professions. Any Revolutionary War pensioners are named with their age. Finally there are columns indicating the number of family members who are blind , deaf and dumb, or insane.

Surname Hhlds Pop Surname Hhlds Pop Surname Hhlds Pop
Allen 4 28 *Goldsmith 2 10 *Morgan 1 6
Andrews 39 214 Goodhue 4 10 Morse 1 6
Annable 1 6 *Goodwin 1 3 *Newman 1 9
Bowers 1 3 Gorten 3 14 Norton 3 13
Boyd 4 17 Hardy 3 18 Nutter 2 17
Bray 1 6 Harlow 1 7 *Patch 1 5
Brown 1 2 Haskell 3 15 Percival 1 10
Burnham 79 428 Holmes 2 12 Perkins 8 22
Butler 3 21 *Hooper 1 6 Pierce 2 10
Butman 1 4 *James 1 2 Poland 2 7
*Chadburn 1 9 Jones 1 4 Preston 2 5
Choate 8 40 Knight 1 6 Procter 4 12
Cogswell 8 30 Knowlton 2 15 Quimby 1 3
*Courtney 1 3 *Lakeman 1 4 Richardson 1 3
*Crockett 1 2 Lamson 1 6 Riggs 1 2
Crowell 1 4 Lee 2 16 *Rowe 1 9
Dade 1 3 Lemon 1 3 Rutherford 1 6
Dexter 1 4 *Loveland 1 3 *Shelden 1 9
Dodge 1 3 Low 13 69 Spofford 1 4
Eveleth 2 8 Lufkin 4 13 Stone 1 4
Farnham 1 4 *Lull 1 10 Story 27 108
Foster 3 9 *Marshall 3 15 *Tibbets 1 5
*Gage 1 2 *McAntier 1 10 *Whitehouse 1 6
Gibbs 1 5 McKenzie 2 7
Giddings 1 6 Mears 6 30 Total 292 1,450

    1. Occupation

The 1840 census enumerated 180 people engaged in agriculture, 3 engaged in commerce, 174 in manufacturing, 30 mariners, and 2 learned professionals. Of the three people engaged in commerce, two are from the household of Charles Dexter, and one from the household of George Burnham. Most of those engaged in manufacturing worked in the shipyards. The two "learned professionals" in Essex in 1840 were Rev. Robert Crowell, minister at the Congregational Church, and Dr. Josiah Lamson, the town physician.

There is one instance where the transcription page totals do not match the census page totals. On page 316, the total number of individuals engaged in agriculture in transcription is two greater than the page total given in the census report. On page 316 the household of Winthrop Burnham only includes himself, however both agriculture and manufacturing are marked with one person each.

    1. Revolutionary War Pensioners

Seven revolutionary War pensioners are listed. They are:

Page Name Age
315 Miriam Choate 68
316 William Andrews 81
316 Abigail Butler 79
317 Aaron Low 85
318 Susan Foster 74
319 Benjamin Burnham 85
322 Sarah Burnham 77

    1. Disabled

One person in the household of Robert Crowell was listed as a colored person, insane or idiotic, maintained at public charge. The household of Daniel Mears has one blind white person , and one insane or idiotic colored person maintained at private charge.

    1. Schools

In 1840 there were 7 schools in Essex, with a student population of 473. Schooling for all students was publically supported.

  1. References

  1. NARA, 1840 Federal Census, Microfilm roll 704-180, p. 315-324

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