Sarah of Hinsdale and Porter Cooper, int. Oct. 27, 1827.
John and Lucy Gardner, Dec. 19, 1799.
Joseph and Polly Cole, May 6, 1797.*
Abiel and Jerusha Parsons, Apr. 1, 1834.
Abiel and Octavia Parsons, int. Jan. 10, 1841. [Abial and Octava
Parsons, m. Feb. 17, C.R.]
Eliza of Ashfield and Dr. Ephriam Little, int. Apr. 28, 1803.
Jonathan and Mehitable Allen, int. July 20, 1822. [m. Aug. 22,
Leah and Elisha Thacher [int. Thatcher] of Savoy, Apr. 12, 1804.
[Thatcher of Savoy, C.R.]
Origin of Goshen and Emma Ripley, Mar. 3, 1796.* [Eunice, C.R.]
Daniel Jr. of Chester and Hannah Holbrook, int. Feb. 9, 1811.
Barnabus and Ruth Snow, July 23, 1818.
Josiah of Plainfield and Clarinda Whitman, int. Apr. 11, 1840.
Philander of Cummington and Eunice Hume, Apr. 10, 1828.
Hannah and Hyram Axtell of N.Y., int. Jan. 16, 1824.
Olive R. [dup. Olive Rockwell Payne] and Elias J. [int. omits
J.] Baldwin, June 1 [dup. May 31], 1821. [Olive R. Paine and Elias
J. Baldwin, June 1, C.R.]
Asa T. and Joanna B. Winslow, Apr. 9, 1832.
Henry M., 24, farmer, of Dalton, b.Dalton, s. Sam[ue]l I. dec'd
and Mary of Dalton, and Lucinda B. Mitchell, 24, d. Cushing [int.
(Mitchel)] dec'd and Margaret, Mar. 27, 1848.
Lory and Samuel Joslin [int. Josling], June 23, 1818.
Louise and Hirame Holmes of Cumrnington, int. Nov. 3, 1831.
Lucy and James Whitmarsh, Nov. 11, 1819.
Chester (see Chester Paysons).
Cyrus M. of Worthington and Henrietta T. Convers, int. May 10,
Jerusha and Abiel Nichols, Apr. 1, 1834.
Junia and William Cady, May 3, 1832.
Lucy Ann and Charles H. Booth of Hinsdale, Dec. 1, 1842,* C.R.
Octavia and Abiel Nichols, int. Jan. 10, 1841. [Octava and Abial
Nichols, m. Feb. 17, C.R.]
(see Paine).
(see Paysons), Mary [int. Nancy] and Lemuell Haden [int. Lemual
Hadin] of Comington, Mar. 23, 1808. [Nancy and Lemuel Hayden of
Cumington, C.R.]
Samuell and Charlotte [int. Charlottee] Dyer, Jan. 22, 1807. [Sam[ul]el
and Charlotte Dyer, C.R.]
(see Payson), Chester [int. Parsons] of Worthington and Betsey
Holcomb, Dec. 7, 1826, [Parsons of Worthington, C.R.]
Azel of Sumers [int. adds Conn.] and Bathshaba [int. Bethsheba
W.] Hume, Nov. 29, 1819. [Azal of Somers, Conn., and Bathsheba
West Hume,C.R.
Erastus of Summers, Conn., and Clarisa Hume, int. Nov. 9, 1816.
[Clarissa, m Dec. 5, C.R.]
(see Pierce), Almond T. and Betsy D. Tower of Cummington, int.
Oct. 15, 1836.
Anna, wid., and Thomas P. White, int. July 16, 1830.
Cynthia (see Synthya).
Elder [int. Ebe]l and Eunise [int. Eunice] Ellison of Peru, Mar.
__, 1815.
Gedion [int. Gideon] and Anna Miner, July 5, 1804.
Henry B. of Peru and Lydia D. Peirce, int. Jan. 13, 1831 Isaac
s. and Eliza H. Thomson of Peru, int. Feb. 3, 1832.
Lydia of Hinsdale and Royal Cushing, int. Sept. 19, 1835.
Lydia D. and Henry B. Peirce of Peru, int. Jan. 13, 1831.
Polly of Partridgefield and Isaac Stevens, int. Mar. 5, 1799.
Reuben [int. Pierce] and Louisa [int. adds M.] Ford, Mar. 4, 1834.
[Pierce and Louisa Ford, C.R.]
Sally and William Ball, int. Jan. 6, 1821.
Synthya [int. Cinthya] and Charles Hathaway, Nov. 26, 1808.
Catharine B. of Williamstown and David H. Hume, int. Dec. 25,
Isaac and Anna Brown of Sandisfield, Jan. 27, 1779, in Sandesfield.*
David of Norwich, N. Y., and Lucy Stone, Jan. 25, 1801.
David and Cynthia Lambard [int. Cyntha Lumbard], Jan. 2, 1805.[Cynthia
Lumbard, C.R.]
Eunice and William Bassett Jr., Jan. 4, 1804.
Joseph and Sarah F. Whitman, July 17, 1817.
Joseph and Sybil Bates, Apr. 20, 1826.
Russell [int. Rusell] of Ashfield and Rhoda Williams, Jan. 3,
(see Peirce), Celinda (see Selinda).
Eunice A., 39, of Peru [int. late of Riga, N.Y.], d._______ of
Peru, and Wilson [int. Willson] Hathaway, widr., 51 [dup. int.
second m., 55], farmer, s. Enos, June 28, 1846.
Gideon H. and Jullittee Axtell, int. Mar. 21, 1835.
Irena [int. Irene] B., 21, d. Isaac and Joanna, and Dexter Tower,
31, mechanic, of Chester, b. Cumington, s. John and Ruth of Cummington,
Nov. 30, 1847. [Irene B., C.R.]
Isaac [int. Isac] A., 22, farmer, s. Isaac, and Arvilla Ingalls,Oct.
21, 1845 [sic, rec. Oct. 4, 1845].
Jane Ann and Charles A. Converse, June 17, 1841,* C.R.
Julia S. [int. H.], 28, d. Eber, and Turner Joy, farmer, of Plainfield,
b. Plainfield, June _____ [rec. May 17, 1845]. [Julia Ann, June
5, 1845, C.R.]
Orrin [int. and dup. int. add G.], 26, farmer, s. Eber and Eunice,and
Harriett A., dup. int. omits A.] Wright, 20, d. Philo and Harriet,
Mar. 25, 1848.
Porintha of Peru and James Franklin Watkins of Peru, Apr. 5, 1836,*
Reuben [int. Peirce] and Dilly Ford, Mar. 27, 1838. [Pierce, C.R.]
Selinda [int. Celinda], 20, d. Eber, and Charles G. Chapman, 25,
farmer, s. Ezra, Oct. 19, 1845. [Selinda, C.R.]
Rebecca of New Braintree and Lemuel Kennady, Feb. 14, 1782, in
New Braintree.*
Harris of Dalton and Harriet Walker, int.Oct. 28, 1822. [Horace
of Dalton, m. Nov. 14, C.R.]
Hizekiah [int. Hezekiah] of Dalton and Mary P. Walker, Oct. 16,
1817. [Hezekiah of Dalton, C.R.]
Curtis of Lanesborough and Lucindia Freman [int. Lucinda Freeman],
Jan. 19, 1806. [Locindia Freeman, C.R.]
Bennit of Dalton and Polly Convers, int. Oct. 8, 1819.
Deborah and Soloman Snow Jr., int. Oct. 19, 1815. [Deborough and
Solomon Snow Jr., m. Nov. 16, C.R.]
Reuth of New Braintree and Samuel Clifford, Jan. 27, 1785, in
New Braintree.*
Joseph of Worthington and Elvira G. Ayers, May 2, 1841,* C.R.
Alpheus [int. Princ] and Polly Robinson [int. Poley Robison],
Feb.10, 1797. [Prince and Polly Robinson, C.R.]
Alvah and Rebecca Ann Wood of Cheshire, int. May 18, 1833.
Ansel, Capt., and Patince Jenks of Chesher, int. Oct. 28, 1822.
Ariel and Emma Avery of Cheshier, int. May 5, 1822.
Clark and Priscilla [int. Priscella] Allen, Apr. 23, 1829. [Priscilla,
David Jr. and Hepsibath Sweetland, Nov. 19, 1795.* [Hepzibah,
Eli and Rhoda Rawson, Jan. 9, 1803.
Laura and William H. Bates, int. Mar. 12, 1835.
Laury A. and Lewis Bartlett of Wort[h]ington, int. Sept. 8, 1844.
Liberty of Partridgefield and Lydia Bealls, int. May 4, 1797.
Phanela and John Francis of Hinsdale, Apr. 10, 1828. [Phanelia,
William [int. Princ] and Phanelia Lyon [int. Faneley Lion], Dec.
15, 1796. [Prince and Phanelia Lyon, C.R.]
William and Phanelia [int. Phamelia] Hall, Mar. 27, 1800. [Phanilia,
Harriet of Ashfield and Chandler Robbins, int. Oct. 3, 1837.
(see Randall, Randell, Randol), Betsy of Greenwich and Robert
Latham, int. Feb. 21, 1816.
John and Abigail P. Lowden [int. Nabby P. Louden], Dec. 2, 1830.
[Randall and Abigail P. Ladlen, C.R.]
(see Randal, Randell, Randol), Minirva of Belchertown and Warren
Cushing, int. Oct. 3, 1835.
(see Randal, Randall, Randol), Jotham and Mercia Stevens of Becket,
int. Jan. 21, 1846.
(see Randal, Randall, Randell), Abigail of Grenage and Cyrus Latham,
int. Aug. 2, 1808.
Grindell [int. Rasson] of Ontario, N.Y., and Dolly Talcott, Feb.
4, 1811. [Rawson of Ontario, N.Y., C.R.]
Rhoda and Eli Prince, Jan. 9, 1803.
(see Reed), Festus and Rebecka Blackman of Dalton, int. Jan. 25,
Hannah and Samuel Talcott, Feb. 15, 1810.
Henry and Lucy Haward, Dec. 15, 1824. [Reed and Lucy Harwood,
Marey of Abington and Peeter Ford, int. Feb. 2, 1808.
Nathan, Capt., of Seneka, N.Y., and Lucy Morse, int. Dec. 11,
1810. "Capt. Nathan Read on the Seventh Day of Janr Cased his
Publishment Taken Down"
(see Read), Avoline M. and John K. Weston, int. Apr. 9, 1845.
[m. May 18, C.R.]
Charles of Cummington and Julia Ann Converse [int. Julian Convers],
Nov. 6, 1834 [? in Cummington).
Henry and Mary Stevens of Becket, int. Sept. 8, 1844.
Mary J. [int. and dup. int. Jane], 22, d. Henry, and Darius Bird,
23, farmer, s. Lyman, Oct. 17, 1849.
Ruth Pierce and Noble Whitman, Oct. 22, 1835.
Theadore and Jane W. Brown, Dec. 19, 1839,* C.R.
Isaac and Huldah Dota, int. Dec. 2, 1809.
Polly [of] Commington and Samuel Miner, int. May 3, 1802.
Julius [int. Julias Rising] of Suffield, Conn., and Susanna [int.
Susannah] Convers, Feb. 9, 1807. [Julius Rising of Suffield, Conn.,
and Susannah Converse, C.R.]
Eunice H. of Chesterfield and Ephriam Bicknell, int. Aug. 31,
Matilda C. of Chesterfield and John H. Bicknell, int. Apr. 21,
Champion B. of Hawley and Lenia Jane Hollis, May 23, 1837. [May
25, C.R.]
Mary E. and Loren C. Clark of Hinsdale, int. Dec. 13, 1844. [both
of Hinsdale, m. Jan. 1, 1845, C.R.]
Emma and Origin Orcutt of Goshen, Mar. 3, 1796.* [Eunice, C.R.]
Joseph and Susanah Dunber of Palmer, int. _____, 1797.
Polly and Benjamin Ford Jr., July 6, 1800.
(see Resing).
Chandler and Harriet Putney of Ashfield, int. Oct. 3, 1837.
Jane of Cummington and Nathaniel Latham, int. Mar. 15, 1808.
Jane R. and Almon Howes of Ashfield, Dec. 2, 1841,* C.R.
Denison [int. Capt.] and Elizabeth Hyde of Lenox, Apr. 11, 1799,
in Lenox.
Julia A. of Worthington and Erastus G. Allen, int. Jan. 1, 1848.
[Erastus G., s. Josiah and Sally, m. Jan. 20, P.R.3.']
Polly [int. Poley Robison] and Alpheus Prince [int. Princ], Feb.
19, 1797. [Polly Robinson and Alpheus Prince, C.R.]
Bettey of Chesher and Hezekiah Wheellar, int. Oct. 25, 1810.
Roswell and Abigail Cole, Mar. 17, 1814.
Sarah W. of Sunderland and Samul N. Hall, int. Sept. 6, 1838.
Mary and Willard Cooper, June 20, 1805.
James of Conway and Roxena Lucore of Conway, Aug, 12, 1798.* [James
Jr. of Conway, C.R.]
John and Doria Withington of Parue, int. Oct. 24, 1806.
(see Sanders).
Oliver W[illia]ms and Lucendia [int. Lucindia] Morse, May 4, 1797.
[Lucindia, C.R.)
(see Scott), Fanny of Worthington and Joseph Cooley, int. Mar.
21, 1815.
(see Scoot), Eleazer R. of Cheshire and Adaline Snow, Jan. 23,
1839, in Savoy.
Genet of Leicester and James Tomson, Nov. 8, 1788, in Leicester.*
Sarah of Worthington and Ezra Chapman, int. Feb. 13, 1830.
Stephen of Cummington and Dorothy Dawes, Nov. 30, 1837.
Sarah, wid., of N. Adams, and Asa Kenada, int. July 12, 1834.
Samuel, Rev., and Deborah Ames of Dedham, Jan. 1, 1792, in Dedham.*
Elizabeth [int. and dup. int. Mrs.] and John Harwood, Feb. 10,
1805. [Elizabeth, C.R.]
Gresham and Thankful White of Sturbridge, Jan. 1, 1777, in Sturbridge.*
Lydia of Hatfield and Daniel Hall, int. Feb. 9, 1805.
Mary, wid., of Lanesborough, and Robert Walker Esq., int. Dec.
15, 1815.
Ruth and Amos Bowen, int. Aug. 24, 1798.
Sally and Nathaniel Gear [int. Green], Mar. 24, 1803. [Gear, C.R.]
Timothy and Elizabeth Miner, int. Oct. 13, 1801.
Abigail and Isaac Tirril of Plainfield, int. Nov. 25, 1813.
Adaline and Eleazer R. Scott of Cheshire, Jan. 23, 1839, in Savoy.
Betsey and Lyman Bird, May 8, 1811.
Cyril (see Syrel).
Deborah J., 18, d. Solomon, and Francis E. Dean, 23, laborer [dup.
int. farmer], b. Savoy, s. Enos of Savoy, Nov. 25, 1847.
Electa and Arza Terrell [int. Tirrell of Plainfield, June 28,
Eunice M. and Ambrose Colman, int. Mar. 11, 1844.
Gallon and Phebe Edmonds, wid., of Savoy, int. Dec. 1, 1815.
Jacob Jr. and Virtue Bates of Cumington, int. May 21, 1808.
John and Triphenia Swift of Ware, int. Sept. 17, 1808.
Lanmen [int. of Plainfield] and Elizabeth Miner, Mar. 1, 1840.
Lemuell of Hatfield and Triphina Thacher, int. Sept. 3, 1808.
Louisa and Horace Coleman, Dec. 2, 1830.
Mary H., 27, b. Chester, d. Seth, and Morgan Hall, 32, farmer,
s. Asa [int. Asa and Martha], Apr. 23, 1846, Ruth and Barnabus
Packard, July 23, 1818.
Soloman Jr. and Deborah Pratt, int. Oct. 19, 1815. [Solomon Jr.
and Deborough Pratt, m. Nov. 16, C.R.]
Sukey and Cyrus Bird, Oct. 27, 1808.
Syrel of Dalton and Sally Curtiss of Dalton, Apr. 27, 1801,* C.R.
Nathan [int. Spalding] and Martha Fay Dana, Feb. 13, 1803. [Spalding,
Osman of Cheshire and Clarissa [int. Clarisa] Collson, Nov. 18,
David Jr. of Scipio, N.Y., and Lenia Hollis of Savoy, Oct. 14,
Sarah and John Bates of Chester, Ohio, May 5, 1834. [May 6, C.R.]
Silas s. and Loverna Goodspead of Worthington, int. May 9, 1835.
Jetson, widr., 60, labourer, and Lucy Tucker, wid., 54, of Chester,
Oct. 31, 1849 [? in Austerlitz, N.Y.].* Minirva of Cummington
and John Harwood, int. Apr. 21, 1838.
Isaac and Polly Peirce of Partridgefield, int. Mar. 5, 1799.
Mary of Becket and Henry Reed, int. Sept. 8, 1844.
Mercia of Becket and Jotham Randell, int. Jan. 21, 1846.
(see Stils), Lucy and Samuel Eddy Jr. [int. omits Jr.], Apr. 5,
1797. [Sam[u]el Jr., C.R.]
(see Stiles), Lucy and Seth Blanchard, int. _____, 1796.
John of Sa[v]oy and Laura C. White, int. Sept. 17, 1829.
Metilda of Plainfield and Jacob Booth, int. Jan. 25, 1823.
Polly [int. of Cumington] and Isaiah Whitman [int. Jr.], Mar.
21, 1821.
Oren and Joanna Turner of Hinsdale, int. Sept. 9, 1820.
Caroline of Savoy and Lou[r]iston Hollis, int. Jan. 2, 1845.
Darius L. of Springfield and Sylvia Dawes, int. Apr. 22, 1835.
Hepsibath and David Prince Jr., Nov. 19, 1795.* [Hepzibah, C.R.]
Betsy [int. Betsey] and Harvey Dawes, Oct. 10, 1811. [Betsey,
Orphrona [int. Arphrona] and Levit Vining, May 14, 1807 [Orphrona,
Triphenia of Ware and John Snow, int. Sept. 17, 1808.
Bettsy of Menden and Ezra Chatman Jr., int. Dec. 31, 1803.
Dolly and Grindell Rawson [int. Rasson] of Ontario, N.Y., Feb.
4, 1811. [Rawson of Ontario, N.Y., C.R.]
Joseph Jr. of Dalton and Rebeca Warren, July 12, 1800. [Rebecca,
July 21, C.R.]
Samuel and Hannah Read, Feb. 15, 1810.
Levi and Mary Chafee [int. Chaffel, Nov. 15, 1805. [Chaffe, Nov.
25, C.R.]
(see Tifft).
(see Tirril, Turrel, Tyrrel, Tyrrell), Arza [int. Tirrell of Plainfield
and Electa Snow, June 28, 1820.
(see Thatcher), David and Betsey Bettis, int. June 4, 1808.
Elisha [int. Thatcher] of Savoy and Leah Orcutt, Apr. 12, 1804.
[Thatcher of Savoy, C.R.]
Triphina and Lemuell Snow of Hatfield, int. Sept. 3, 1808.
(see Thacher), Achsah, Mrs., and Jonathan Macumber of Savoy, int.
June 4, 1835.
Ebenezer M. [int. and dup. int. W.], 25, farmer, of Florida, s.
Lacy [int. Jessyl and Lucretia of Florida, and Sarah [int. Sally]
Winslow, 23, of Peru, d. Henry and Lydia, Mar. 10, 1847.
Lambert of Florada and Axcey Winslow, int. Aug. 30, 1823.
Levi W. and Martha Allen, int. Mar. 9, 1846. [Martha, d. Josiah
and Sally, m. Apr. 6, P.R.3.]
Drusilla and Ophir Dawes, Oct. 16, 1817.
Isaac and Polly Gallop of Dalton, int. Mar. 14, 1805. "the next
Day the said Isaac Thayer forbid the bans" Lydia [int. Lyda] and
Henry Winslow, Jan. 30, 1823.
Simeon of Commington and Susannah Erskins [int. Susanna Erskine],
Aug. __,1808.
James T. and Jane H. Green of Dalton, int. Oct. 28, 1825.
Molly and Ziba Haskins, int. Dec. 1, 1831.
Sarah of Worthington and Elam Holcomb, int. Apr. 4, 1829.
(see Thomson, Tomson), Betsy of Cummington and Solman Capen, int.
May __, 1840.
Calistia of Cummington and George Hathaway, int. Apr. 4, 1844.
Ezra M. and Angeline Barber, int. June 25, 1836.
Lucy, 29, d. Jacob, and Calvin Lucas, 37, farmer, of Plainfield,
b. Plainfield, s. _______ dec'd of Plymouth, Sept. 15, 1845.*
Maria of Savoy and Lycander Hadlock, int. Feb. 18, 1836.
(see Thompson, Tomson), Eliza H. of Peru and Isaac s. Peirce,
int. Feb. 3, 1832.
Alexander [int. Tefft] of Wallington, Vt., and Sally Turner, Apr.
1, 1805.
(see Terrell, Turrel, Tyrrel, Tyrrell), Isaac of Plainfield and
Abigail Snow, int. Nov. 25, 1813.
(see Thompson, Thomson), James and Genet Scott of Leicester, Nov.
8, 1788, in Leicester.*
(see Torry), Hyram P. and Betsy Whitman, Mar. 5, 1835. [This entry
written on paper pasted in book.] [Hiram P., s. Seth Green and
Sabra (Leonard), and Betsey Whitman, Mar. 8, P.R.5.]
Luther and Dorothy Green, Nov. 28, 1751 "0. S.," in Thompson,
Conn.,* P.R.5.
Lydia, d. Luther and Dorothy (Green), and Samuel Dawes, Mar. __,
1785,* P.R.5.
Marinda of Hinsdale and James Bradley Jr., int. July 4, 1828.
Olive of Plainfield and Ansell Converse, int. Oct. 11, 1812.
Seth Green, s. Luther and Dorothy (Green), and Sabra Leonard,
Nov. 28, 1802, in Worthington,* P.R.5.
(see Torrey), Eunice of Hensdate and Lowren Hawks, int. Oct. 17,
Joseph Jr. of Plainfield and Abigail Tyrrel, int. Feb. 5, 1819.
Thomas of Hinsdale and Achsah (int. Achsa] Chapman, May 12, 1836[?
in Adams].
Betsy D. of Cummington and Almond T. Peirce, int. Oct. 15, 1836.
Dexter, 31, mechanic, of Chester, b. Cumington, s. John and Ruth
of Cummington, and Irena [int. Irene] B. Pierce, 21, d. Isaac
and Joanna, Nov. 30, 1847. [Irene B., C.R.]
Dyer [int. Dyar] of Cummington and Lydia Wilkes, Jan. 17, 1832.
[Dyar of Cummington, C.R.]
Irene A. [int. Irene s. of Cumington] and David [int. Dad] Capen,
Apr. 28, ____ [int. Apr. __, 1840] [? in Cummington].
Jane E., 20, b. Worthington, d. Luther and Sarah, and Silas Bigelow,
27, farmer, of Conway, b. Conway, s. Samuel and Electa of Conway,
Oct. 25, 1848. [Oct. 27, C.R.]
Joannah of Cumington and Leman Miner, int. Nov. 25, 1807.
Sally of Cummington and Jonathan Miner, int. Sept. 26, 1803.
Stephens D. of Cummington and Esther E. Bealls, June 2, 1831.
[Stephen D. of Cummington and, Esther C. Bealls, C.R.]
Robert and Elizabeth Hawes of New Braintree, Nov. 28, 1782, in
New Braintree.* Stephen and Mrs. Lucy Hawes of Plainfield, May
28, 1795, in Plainfield.*
James of Peru and Unice (int. Eunice] Harwood, Oct. 10, 1813.
[Eunice, C.R.) Lavina [int. Lurana] T. and Charles W. Hathaway
[int. Hathway], _____ [int. Aug. 17], 1830.
Elizabethand Edmund Macumber of Chesterfield, Jan. 27, 1825.*
Meira [int. Meria] and Ebenezer Hunt Jr. of Cummington, Apr. 25,
1827. [Maria, C.R.]
Jacob Jr.,34, labourer, b. Chesterfield, s. Jacob, and Angeline
Whaling, 15, of Savoy, b. Savoy, d. Holden of Savoy, Oct. 10,
1848.* Samuel, 32, labourer, b. Chesterfield, s. Jacob, and Electa
Meacham, 15,of Savoy, b. Savoy, d. Hollibut of Savoy, Sept. 5,
Lucy, wid., 54, of Chester, and Jetson Stetson, widr., 60, labourer,
Oct. 31, 1849 [? in Austerlitz, N.Y.].*
Jane of Worthington and Edson Beals, Jan. 2, 1807.
Jephthah of Cummington and Hannah Beals, int. Oct. 30, 1802.
Joanna of Hinsdale and Oren Stone, int. Sept. 9, 1820.
John and Chloe Webster of Worthington, int. Nov. 5, 1816.
Polly and Joshua Bealls [int. Beals] 3d, Dec. 2, 1802. [Bealls
3d, C.R.]
Sally and Alexander Tifft [int.Tefft] of Wallington, Vt., Apr.
1, 1805.
(see Terrell, Tirril, Tyrrel, Tyrrell), Mary [int. Mrs. Mercy
Terrel] of Cumington and Israel Vining, June 9, 1821. [Mercy Turrel
of Cummington and Israil Vining, C.R.]
Eunice and Alpheus Bardeen, July 3, 1814.
(see Terrell, Tirril, Turrel, Tyrrell),Abigail and Joseph Torry
Jr. of Plainfield, int. Feb. 5, 1819.
(see Terrell, Tirril, Turrel, Tyrrel), Ezra [int.Tyrrel] of Plainfield
and Lucy Louden, May 9, 1829. [Tyrrel of Plainfield and Lucy Lawden,
James [int.Tirrel] of Plainfield and Clarissa [int. Clarrissa]
Bird, June 3, 1835.
Cullen of Cumington and Hannah Luther [int. Latham], July 5, 1819.
[Latham, C.R.]
Israel and Mary Turrel [int. Mrs. Mercy Terrell of Cumington,
June 9, 1821. [lsrail and Mercy Turrel of Cummington, C.R.]
Joseph, Lt., of Hawley, and Mrs. Anna Holbrook, int. July 29,
Levit and Orphrona [int. Arphrona] Swift, May 14, 1807. [Orphrona,
Miria [int. Moriah] and Ezra W. Haskins [int. Haskings] of Planefield,
Oct. 13, 1825. [Maria and Ezra W. Hoskins of Plainfield, C.R.]
Polly and Moses James Jr. of Goshan, int. Sept. 18, 1812.
Harriet of Savoy and Bolton Colson of Plainfield, Nov, 29, 1810,
John and Susannah Latham, Mar. 24, 1808. [Susanna, C.R.]
Lorinda [int. Lorenda] and Seth Blanchard, July 15, 1798.
Esther and [int. Lt.] Amasa Conve[r]s Jr., Dec. 22, 1812. [Converse
Jr., C.R.]
Harriet and Harris Porter of Dalton, int. Oct. 28, 1822. [Horace
of Dalton, m. Nov. 14, C.R.]
Lucinda and Othnial [int. Othniel] Hannum of Peru, May 20, 1830.
[Othniel of Peru, C.R.]
Mary P. and Hizekiah [int. Hezekiah] Porter of Dalton, Oct. 16,
1817. [Hezekiah of Dalton, C.R.]
Robert and Esther Chaffe, Oct. 30, 1783.* Robert Esq. and Mary
Smith, wid., of Lanesborough, int. Dec. 15, 1815.
Robert Jr. and Hannah Card of Pownel, Vt., Jan. 21, 1817.*
Joseph Jr. of Cummington and Olive Holbrook, Dec. 10, 1812.
Nancy of Comington and Lt. Philander Fobes, int. Sept. 6, 1801.
Roswell H. [int. omits H.], 34, farmer, of Dalton, b. Cummington,
s. Elijah of Cummington, and Maria A. [int. omits A.] Chapman,
21, d. Ezra, May 11, 1846.
(see Warrin), Ezra Jr. and Polley Lester, Mar. 23, 1809.
John and Phila Belknap, Apr. 7, 1813.
John B . of Albany and Nancy Maria Dean, int. Aug. 25, 1839. [Wasson
of Albany, N.Y., and Nancy Maria Dorn, m. Sept. 16, C.R.]
Joseph of Dalton and Lurinda Cleaveland of Dalton, Nov. 20, 1800,*
Rebeca and Joseph Talcott Jr. of, Dalton, July 12, 1800. [Rebecca,
July 21, C.R.]
Sparrow [int. Dr.] and Harriot [int. Harriet] Convers, Feb. 29,
1820. [Sparrow and Harriet Converse, C.R.]
(see Warren), Joseph [int. Warran] and Susana Willy [int, Susanah
Willey], Aug. 4, 1811. [Warren and Susanna Willey, C.R.]
John B. (see John B. Warren).
Anthony [int. Anthoney] of Plainfield and Sophia Banister, Mar.
3, 1814. [Anthony, of Plainfield, C.R.]
George A. of Hinsdale and Mary Kellogg, int. Apr. 27, 1839.
James Franklin of Peru and Porintha Pierce of Peru, Apr. 5, 1836,*
Charlotte [int. Wetherby], 27, of Ludlow, b. Ludlow, d. Aaron
and Sarah of Ludlow, and Joseph Wilkes, 32, farmer, s. Thomas
and Nancy, Oct. 31, 1848.
Chloe of Worthington and John Turner, int. Nov. 5, 1816.
Harriet [int. of Rowe], b. Rowe, d. John, farmer, and Elizabeth
of Rowe, and Philo Wright, s. Dr. Asahel and Mary, Sept. 27, 1826.
Hezekiah M., Dr., and Judeth s. Kitteredge of Hinsdale, int. May
16, 1828.
(see Wintworth), Edward F. [int. Wintworth] and Elvira F. Cleveland,
Apr. 11, 1844.
Joseph of Sandisfield and Minerva Chapman, int. Aug. 31, 1829.
(see Westcott), Ruben [int. Rhuben Whiscott] and Betsey Wheelock
[int. Liza Whelock], Nov. 26, 1812.
Ira of Pittsfield and Sally Worthington, Sept. 7, 1809.
(see Wescott), Jesse and Lucy Mason of Cheshire, int. Feb. 5,
Nancy and John M. Brown of Cheshire, int. Jan. 20, 1820.
Abigail and Isaac Drew, int. Oct. 18, 1835.
Eliza Ann and Elisha Mason Jr. of Cummington, int. Nov. 14, 1834.
John K. and Avoline M. Reed, int. Apr. 9, 1845. [m. May 18, C.R.]
Nancey [int. Nancy Weton] and Arza [int. Avery] Miner, Apr. 10,
(see Weatherby).
(see Whaling), Holden of Savoy and Sophia Horton, int. May 6,
(see Whaleing), Angeline, 15, of Savoy, b. Savoy, d. Holden of
Savoy, and Jacob Tubbs Jr., 34, labourer, b. Chesterfield, s.
Jacob, Oct.10, 1848.*
(see Wheellar), Hannah of Lanesborough and Cornelius Bassett,
int. Sept. 29, 1804.
(see Wheeler), Hezekiah and Bettey Rogers of Cbesher, int. Oct.
25, 1810.
Betsey [int. Liza Whelock] and Ruben Wescott [int. Rhuben Whiscott],
Nov. 26, 1812.
Silas of Lanesborough and Phila Brown, May 15, 1823,* C.R.
Alanzo [int. Alonzo] of Pittsfield and Roana Wilder, Nov. 30,
1819. [Alonzo of Pittsfield, C.R.]
Betsy and Ziphaniah French of Richford, Vt., June 24, 1805. [Betsey
and Zephaniah French of Richford, Vt., C.R.]
Daniel Jr. and Polly [int. Sally] Ford, Nov. 17, 1803. [Sally,
Dorcas and David Carlisle, Mar. 17, 1805.
Laura C. and John Stith of Sa[v]oy, int. Sept. 17, 1829.
Mary of Sevoy and Ashel Kennedy, int. Apr.__, 1823.
Mehitable and Lemuel Morse of Schuyler, N.Y., Feb. 5, 1801.
Rowland D. and Anna Matilda Barney of Savoy, int. Apr. 10, 1835.
Thankful of Sturbridge and Gresham Smith, Jan. 1, 1777, in Sturbridge.*
Thomas P. and Anna Peirce, wid., int. July 16, 1830.
Walter W. and Laura Bliss of Savoy, int. May 28, 1835.
Ward C. and Philenia [int. Philinia] Ingraham of Savoy, Dec. 16,
1838, in Savoy.
Achsah and Ira Mason of Plainfield, Feb. 20, 1834.
Betsy and Hyram P. Torrey, Mar. 5, 1835. [This entry written on
paper pasted in book.] [Betsey and Hiram P. Torrey, s. Seth Green
and Sabra (Leonard), Mar. 8, P.R.5]
Bezor [int. Besor] and Alice [int. Alis] Green, Mar. 9, 1797.
[Bezor and Alice Green, C.R.]
Chloe (see Cloe).
Clarinda and Josiah Packard of Plainfield, int. Apr. 11, 1840.
Clarissa [int. Clarisa] and George L. Humaston of Cummington,
Apr. 5, 1836. [Clarissa, C.R.]
Cloe [int.Cloa] and James Whitman, Apr. 29, 1812. [Cloe, C.R.]
Ebenezer 2d and Sylvia Ford, int. Dec. 8, 1815. [Ebenezer Jr.,
m. Jan. 18, 1816, C.R.]
Ebenezer [int. Capt.] and Hannah [int. Susannah] Latham [int.
wid.], Mar. 28, 1832. [Capt. Ebenezer and Hannah Latham, wid.,
Isaiah [int. Jr.] and Olive m. Gloyd [int. Gloid, omits, N.],
Jan. 13, 1814.
Isaiah [int. Jr.] and Polly Stoddard [int. of Cumington], Mar.
21, 1821.
James and Cloe [int. Cloa] Whitman, Apr. 29, 1812. [Cloe, C.R.]
Lydia and Serene Bliss of Savoy, int. Jan. 14, 1837.
Malinda and Caleb Bealls of Cummington, int. Nov. 26, 1844.
Noble and Ruth Pierce Reed, Oct. 22, 1835.
Olive and Levi Beals of Plainfield, int. Apr. 18, 1846.
Sarah F. and Joseph Phillips, July 17, 1817.
Sophia and Dexter Mason of Plainfield, int. Apr. 19, 1839. [m.
May 9, C.R.]
Betsey [int. Whitmash] and Ephriam [int. Capt. Ephraim] Baldwin,
May 14, 1812. [Whitmarsh and Ephraim Baldwin, C.R.]
James and Lucy Parker, Nov. 11, 1819.
Charlotte of Pittsfield and Horace Ball, int. Feb. 2, 1814.
Oramel L. and Judith Holbrook, July 4, 1836.
Abel and Eleanor Holerbert of Dalton, int. July 2, 1819.
Hannah and Michiel [int. Michael] Marshal, Dec. 12, 1832. [Michael
Marshel, C.R.]
Roana and Alanzo [int. Alonzo] Whitcomb of Pittsfield, Nov. 30,
1819. [Alonzo of Pittsfield, C.R.]
(see Wilks), Hannah [int. Wilks] and Joshua Bealls 3d, Dec. 2,
1830. [Wilkes, C.R.]
Harriet and Dexter Cowing of Chesterfield, int. Dec. 5, 1837.
Joseph, 32, farmer, s. Thomas and Nancy, and Charlotte Weatherby
[int. Wetherby] 27, of Ludlow, b. Ludlow, d. Aaron and Sarah of
Ludlow, Oct. 31, 1848.
Lucy and William Harwood, Sept. 18, 1832.
Lydia and Dyer [int. Dyar] Tower of Cummington, Jan. 17, 1832.
[Dyar of Cummington, C.R.]
(see Wilkes), Nancy [int. Wilkes) and William Giddings of Cummington,
Apr. 6, 1830. [Wilkes, C.R.]
(see Willy).
Ashley Esq. [int. Dea., omits Esq.) of Hadley and Mary Dorrance,
Nov. 11, 1834. [Ashley of Hadley, Nov. 12, C.R.]
George of Curtisville and Mary Holdridge, July 4, _____ [int.
June 9, 1838].
Rhoda and Russell,[int. Rusell] Phillips of Ashfield, Jan. 3,
Shubael and Judah Charlotte Leavens, Sept. 29, 1790, in Adams.*
Susana [int. Susanah Willey] and Joseph Warrin [int. Warran],
Aug. 4, 1811. [Susanna Willey and Joseph Warren, C.R.]
Simon D. of Thompson, Conn., and Millicint [int. Millicent] C.
Baldwin, Apr. 21, 1830. [Milliscent C., C.R.]
(see Winslow), William of Cumington and Rebecca [int. Rebecah]
Bird, Jan. 26, 1804. [Rebecca, C.R.]
Windslow), Axcey and Lambert Thatcher of Florada, int. Aug. 30,
Henry and Lydia [int. Lyda] Thayer, Jan. 30, 1823.
Joanna B. and Asa T. Parker, Apr. 9, 1832.
Levi M. and Sarah Ann Ford of Williamstown, int. Apr. 10, 1834.
Sarah [int. Sally] 23, of Peru, d. Henry and Lydia, and Ebenezer
M. [int. and dup. int. W.] Thatcher, 25, farmer, of Florida, s.
Lacy [int. Jessy] and Lucretia of Florida, Mar. 10, 1847.
(see Wentworth), Hannah and David Mattoon of Patridgefield, Oct.
23, 182[sic, 1802, int. 1802]. [Oct. 11, 1802, C.R.]
Joseph and Polly Freeman of Peru, int. Oct. 17, 1823.
Nancy and Cirus Childs of Worthington, Nov. 30, 1797.
Sylvinus Jr. and Sally Freeman of Peru, int. Oct. 10, 1807.
Doria of Parue and John Sanferd, int. Oct. 24, 1806.
Rebecca Ann of Cheshire and Alvah Prince, int. May 15, 1833.
(see Woodward), Araunah of Orwell, Vt., and Hannah Goodrich, Mar.
12, 1801. [Aruna Woodward of Orwell, Vt., C.R.]
Robay Cimmons of Rogester and Edward Doty, int. Oct. 18, 1810
(see Woodard), Jonathan Jr. and Anna Mattoon, int. Nov. 9, 1827.
Lucy [int. Woodard] and Samuel Cole, Nov. 8, 1801. [Woodward,
Obediah [int. Obadiah] of Bath, N Y., and Hannah Cole, Feb. 5,
Sally and Ira West of Pittsfield, Sept. 7, 1809.
Asahel [int. Dr. Ashel] and Lydia Duttoon [int. wid.], May 17,
1807. [Asahel and Lydia Dutton, C.R.]
Eliza and Isaac Crocker Esq. of Oswego, N.Y., Sept. 13, 1814.
Harriet A. [int. Harriett A., dup. int. omits A.], 20, d. Philo
and Harriet, and Orrin [int. and dup. int. add G.] Pierce, 26,
farmer, s. Eber and Eunice, Mar. 25, 1848.
Philo, s. Dr. Asahel and Mary, and Harriet Wells [int. of Rowe],
b. Rowe, d. John, farmer, and Elizabeth of Rowe, Sept. 27, 1826.
Sarah Mariah and Rev. Henry Herrick, int. Jan. 25, 1835.
_______, [? Howland D. Capen] and Mehitable Allen, d. Josiah and
Sally, Mar. 14, 1843,* P.R.3.
(*Intention not recorded.)