More of French Word List

French word list
by Therese Becker

7bre = September
8bre = October
9bre = November
Xbre = December

acte de deces       = death record 
acte de mariage     = marriage record
acte de naissance   = birth record
age(e)              = aged
ami(e)              = friend
approuve            = approuved
aujourdui           = today
avant-hier          = the day before yesterday
beau-fils           = son-in-law, stepson
beau-frere          = brother-in-law, stepbrother
beau-pere           = father-in-law, stepfather
belle-fille         = daughter-in-law, stepdaughter
belle-mere          = mother-in-law, stepmother
belle-soeur         = sister-in-law, stepsister
comparu             = appeared
conjoint            = spouse
cousin(e)           = cousin
cousin(e) germain(e)= first cousin
cultivateur         = farmer
curateur            = guardian
d'hier              = of yesterday
decede              = deceased
declarant           = informant
declare             = declared, stated
defunt(e)           = deceased
demi frere          = stepbrother, half brother
demi soeur          = stepsister, half sister
domicile            = home, residence
environ             = about
epouse              = bride, wife
epoux               = bridegroom, husband
feminin             = female 
femme               = wife, woman
feu(e)              = deceased, the late
fille               = daughter, girl
fils                = son
frere               = brother
frere consanguin    = brother by the same father
                         but different mother
frere germain       = brother by the same father
                         and the same mother
frere uterin        = brother by the same mother but
                         different father
grandmere           = grandmother
grandparents        = grandparents
grandpere           = grandfather
heure               = hour
hier                = yesterday
inconnu(e)          = unknown
journalier          = day laborer, farm worker
jumeaux             = twins (male, or male and
jumelles            = twins (female)
laboureur           = plowman
lecture             = reading
lendemain           = following day
maire               = mayor
mairie              = town hall
maŒtre              = master
mari                = husband
marie               = groom, married (m.)
mariee              = bride, wife; married (f.)
masculin            = male
mere                = mother
naissance           = birth
naturel             = illegitimate (not always)
ne(e)               = born
ne(e)               = maiden name
neveu               = nephew
niece               = niece
noces               = wedding
nom                 = name, surname
nom de famille      = surname, last name
nomme(e)            = named, alias
notaire             = notary
nuit                = night
nuptial             = bridal, pertaining to a wedding
oncle               = uncle
ondoye(e)           = baptized provisionally
ont                 = (they) have
orphelin(e)         = orphan
ou                  = where
ou                  = or
par                 = by
pas                 = not
pas encore          = not yet
pays                = land, country
paysan(ne)          = small farmer, peasant
penultieme          = day before the last
pere                = father
petit-fils          = grandson
petite-fille        = granddaughter
pieces              = documents
pour                = for
prenom              = given (first) name
pres de             = next to
presente            = presented
pretre              = clergyman, priest
preuve              = proof
protestant          = protestant
publie              = published, announced
quand               = when
quoi                = what
recensement         = census
reconnu             = acknowledged
re‡u                = received
reforme(e)          = reformed/Calvinist
registre            = register
sage-femme          = midwife
saints sacrements   = last rites
sans                = without
sans vie            = without life, lifeless
Seigneur            = the Lord
selon               = according to
semaine             = week
seront              = (they)will be
ses                 = his, her, its
sexe                = sex
siecle              = century
signature           = signature
soeur               = sister
soeur consanguine   = sister by the same father
                         but different mother
soeur germaine      = sister by the same mother 
                         and father
soeur uterine       = sister by the same mother
                         but different father
soir                = evening
son                 = his, her, its
sont                = are
sous                = under, low
soussigne           = the undersigned
survivant           = surviving
sus-dit             = aforementioned
susnomme            = aforementioned
table               = index
tables decennales   = ten-year indexes
tante               = aunt
temoin              = witness
temps               = time
tenir un enfant     = to act as godfather or
  sur les fonts          godmother to a child
testament           = last will
toujours            = always
tous les deux       = both
un, une             = a, an, one
unis en mariage     = united in marriage
vers                = toward
veuf                = widowed, widower
veuve               = widowed, widow
vie                 = life
vieux (vielle)      = old
vivant              = living, lifetime
vouloir             = to wish, to want

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