Kentucky cemeteries

Cemeteries in Breckinridge County, Kentucky

Many of the photos listed in the pages linked below were taken in 1987 and 1988 by two "Oklahoma cousins" and their husbands who journeyed to Breckinridge County to see where their Miller grandparents were born. The other photos were taken in October 2005 by my husband and me. We made no attempt to photograph all stones in any of the cemeteries. Comments in italics are my attempt to further identify the subjects (mostly my husband's direct-line ancestors) whose stones we were photographing.

Note: Belle Plaine Cemetery is in Kansas, not Kentucky, but the page is included in the Kentucky group because the tombstones pictured are for members of the Miller and Jordan lines.

Walnut Grove  Jordan Family  Miller Family   Union Star Cemetery  Old Frank Cemetery   Belle Plaine  Pisgah Baptist

Belle Plaine

Jordan Family

Miller Family

Old Frank

Pisgah Baptist Church

Union Star

Walnut Grove Baptist