St. John The Baptist Parish Surnames

St. John The Baptist Parish Surnames

This page is to register you as a researcher of a particular surname for ST. JOHN PARISH ONLY. This is only for surnames with connections to St. John Parish.  It is not for fishing expeditions.  If your surname has no connection to St. John Parish, don't submit it here.

To register in the Surname Registry please put "St. John Parish Surname Registry" as the subject of your message and up to six surnames per researcher with researcher's name and e-mail address. After one year you will be contacted regarding continuing the listing.

Register Your St. John The Baptist Parish Surnames

Surnames A thru C

Surnames D thru F

Surnames G thru J

Surnames K thru M

Surnames N thru Q

Surnames R thru T

Surnames U thru Z

If you find others researching your surnames, you can contact them by clicking on their name and sending them a message.

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