1935 THS Graduation

Tallulah Has Final Exercises Last Friday

Forty-two Students Are Graduated; Program is Varied
Madison Journal May 31, 1935


Forty-two students were gradu­ated from Tallulah High School last Friday night. The commencement exercises were attended by a large assemblage.


The valedictory address was de­livered by John Edward Hughston. Martha Bunch made the salutatory address. The class history was read by Anna Elizabeth Long. Helenmai Julian read the class will. Presentation of the Senior Book was made by Ralph Holloway, pre­sident of the senior class. The re­sponse was made by Marguerite Boswell, president of the junior class. Musical numbers were con­tributed by the boys' and girls' quartets of the school. The invo­cation was by Rev. Father S. J. Pultz.


W. M. Murphy, President of the Madison Parish School Board, pre­sented scholarships to the follow­ing students: Louise Freeman, Louisiana Tech ; Dicks Purdy, Southwestern; Katye Vance, State Normal; John Edward Hughston, L. S. U., and presented the Gilfoil award, offered the best all round student of the senior class chosen by ballot of the class to Walter Scott. Miss Lela Tomlinson, state supervisor of home economics, pre­sented the scholarship award from the Home Arts Club to Dicks Purdy.


Superintendent of Schools, Jas. R. Linton presented the diplomas to the graduates : Bob Bethea, Fran­ces Bettis, Roy Boswell, J. H. Bry­ant, Martha Bunch, Carolyn Cason, Joe Milton Clark, Margaret Clark, Lavonne Eulitt, Louise Freeman, Mary Helen Gandy, George Gilfoil, Maggie Ellen Hall, Ralph Hollo­way, Herman Holloway, Mary Pin­ney Hopkins, John Edward Hugh­ston, Gus Irving, Burney Jones, Helenmai Julian, Edgar Lancaster, Anna Elizabeth Long, Joe Magee, Helen Massey, Dan McDonald, Dicks Purdy, Myrtle Reynolds, Eve­lyn Schregleman, Walter Scott, Jr., Laura Sevier, Horace Shelton, Claudine Sharp, Aulbra Smith, Ed­ward Smith, Herman Smith, Susie B. Speed, Oliles Taylor, Katye Vance, Cornelia Van Zelfden, Joy Webb, Johanna Verhagen and Max Watson.