The use of DNA testing in genealogy research is
becoming more prevalent as testing cost are reduced and the benefits
Basics for Beginners
Family History for Beginners.
Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation
Explains DNA types using great animations.
Beginners Guide To Genetic Genealogy
Great place for beginners to start.
Genetics & Genealogy - An Introduction More Basics! ....
Y-DNA 101
Great website for Y-DNA basics!
Your Genetic Genealogist
CeCe Moore
The Genetic Genealogist
Blaine Bettinger
On-Line Journal of Genetics and Genealogy
Steven Perkins
DNAeXplained - Genetic Genealogy
Roberta Estes
DNA - Genealem's Genetic Genealogy
Emily Aulicino
Kitty Cooper's Blog
Kitty Cooper
Testing Companies
Family Tree DNA
Geographic Geno 2.0 Genographic Project
DNA Testing
DNA Testing Adviser
Mailing List
DNA-NEWBIE List Great List! You must first
become a member of FREE.
Other DNA Websites
International Society of Genetic Genealogy ( Join FREE!
Visit "Resources"
Kerchner's DNA Testing and Genetic Genealogy Info and Resources Page
On-Line Classes (Free)
Useful Genetics Next class starts
November 1, 2013
Book Recommendations
"DNA and Social Networking", A Guide to Genealogy in the Twenty-First Century
by Debbie Kennett
This is the only book that I know of that provides a good
explanation of Autosomal DNA.
Read this Review.
"Trace Your Roots with DNA" by Megan Smolenyak Smolenyak