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Neal Bertrand
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 Neal has a collection of Old Photos passed down from generations can now be seen at

Over 800 World War II photos of war, New Guinea natives, planes.

Ancestors of Bertrand, Ledoux, Andrepont, Stelly, Mallet, Robin and much more.

Compiled by father & son team of Neal and Jeremy Betrand.

Neal Bertrand lineage - last name only

Gen 1 (My Parents) Paternal: Betrand Maternal: Stelly
Gen 2 Paternal: Ledoux Maternal: Robin
Gen 3 Paternal: Andrepont, Frutel Maternal: Miller, Mallet
Gen 4 Paternal: Sittig, Pitre, McDaniel Maternal: Marks, Lalonde
Gen 5 Paternal: Chachere, Fontenot, Joubert, Broussard, Guillory
           Maternal: Morin, Foret, Close, Castille, Harrington, Mayer
Gen 6 Paternal: Aucoin, Contini, Ewald, Vauchere, Langlois, Roujot, Thibodeaux, Cochran
           Maternal: Quebedeaux, Leger, Lalond, Boutin
Gen 7 Paternal: Trouillet (de la Jeunesse), Songe, Rougeau, Aymond, Jeansonne, Rondot, Demouy
           Maternal: Tisserand de Moncerveaux, Berthelot
Gen 8 Paternal: Lenoyer, Dubois, Trahan, Chartron, Rochon
           Maternal: Edelmeyer, Tegen (Theison)?, Chalamon
Gen 9 Paternal: Benoit, Moral, Vasseur, Devendreberg, Colon
           Maternal: Grainerin, Kline
Gen 10 Paternal: Guillione, Marquerie