Kevin Day

It's hard for a shy little girl to get very much attention
when outnumbered by two little boys, 
playing "cowboys and Injuns".
There was one special place where I liked to play, 
and there to imagine and dream.
I remember it well, the great big ole tree,
there was a rope on which was hung a tire that was used
for a swing
Twas the only spot where the cowboys and Injuns, 
wouldn't bother me.
I could dream of great things as I'd swing up high, 
I could be a bird, or just a butterfly.
The very favorite thing I liked to do
Was to climb up on top of that ole tire and enjoy the view.
In the background I could still hear the cowboys and 
Injuns laugh,
and the sound of their cap pistols snap.
But still the ole tire could carry me to places close
or even over the sea.
I could be mayor or a queen
The boys with the pistols, the royal guards
and they were protecting me.
I'm sure no one ever guessed why,
I loved that tire in that little yard of mine
While the cowboys and Injuns all grew up
had to lay down their cap guns and arrows too. I
I could still, if I tried, 
swing on an ole tire
and make my way to the sky.
Written for Lynda Combs Gibson by Kevin Day
May you always remember those good times in the hills
and hollers
page designed by Lynda Combs Gipson 29 July 2004