People and Places
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Any researcher or family member interested in scanning and sharing old Monroe County photos may send queries or list their photos with Kit and she will help you contact fellow researchers.
Other currently available photos in the archive include portraits of Joe HILL and cousin, Richard PAUL, Hattie McC, Dr. T.H. BEDFORD, Tom DAVIS, Lee McGAREGHEE?, John BIGGERSTAFF, Kate SMITH, John JONES, Tabitha BEDFORD, Philip SMITH, Sarah HARLOW or HARLON, John Mc, Mr. and Mrs. Webb CULLEN, Keen McMILLEN, Mary HILL, Buck BERRY, Mary Hill BERRY, Willie ANDREWS, Ferd STROUT, LeAnn BEDFORD, Mary BIGGERSTAFF, Tip BEDFORD, Mrs. BERRY, Liza ANDREWS, Clint HILL (baby), Jim BLOCK or BLACK, John ALLEN?, Jess COE, Lizzie GEE, Jerry BLACK, Walker BARRON, Nannie BIGGE?, John BEDFORD, Black McMILLEN, Willet McMILLEN, Varney ANDREWS, John McMILLEN, Mrs. Sallie ? MARTIN, Jimmie BEDFORD.
This has "Mssrs. Bedford, Biggerstaff & Hill"
lightly written in pencil on the back.
I don't have a clue who these people are, but it is a Monroe
County farm scene because it was in my great-grandmother's Monroe
County album.
This is, I think, a grim group photo of the William Wright Hill
and Martha Caroline Bedford Hill family of Turkey Neck Bend,
circa 1880.
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