This bible record was submitted by Gary Pitcock.
These families lived in the Meshack area of Cumberland County KY which became a part of Monroe County KY in 1820. Copied from: Kentucky Ancestors Volume 6, No. 1 1970 Published by Kentucky Historical Society P.O. Box H Frankfort KY 40601 Williams - Kidwell Bible Bible was owned by John W. Williams. The following note on the fly leaf of the Bible: Mr. John Williams his book price $4.00 in cash in 1844, July 22nd. Bible was published by C. Alexander & Co., Philadelphia, Athenian Buildlings, Franklin Place, 1834. Bible now in possession of Miss - - , Tompkinsville, KY. Copied 1966 and submitted by Mrs. C. H. Peden, Glasgow, KY. The ages of Ephriam Williams and Family: Ephriam Williams was born April 4th 1783; died October 6th 1853. Sally Williams was born Nov.10th 1785, died May 14th 1856. John W. Williams son of E.W. was born Dec 5th 1807 Polly Williams daughter of E.W. was born Nov. 26th 1809. Elizabeth Williams was born Dec.20th 1811. Madison L. Williams was born Aug. 29 1813. Fereby H. Williams was born Sept. 28th 1815. James T. Williams was born Feb. 2nd 1818. Francis G. Williams was born Jan.22nd 1820 William W. Williams was born June 4th 1822. Salley B. Williams was born June 19th 1825. Marriages: John Washington Williams and Polly Whaly Pace was married July the 31st day A.D.1828. Martin S. Williams son of John and Polly Williams was married to Catherine Kidwell December 24th A.D. 1850. Sarahann Williams Daughter of John & Polly Williams was married to Isham D. Kidwell June 12th A.D. 1851. Ephriam W. Williams son of John & Polly Williams was married to Mary J. Ross January the 3rd 1856. Nancy Jane Williams daughter of John & Polly Williams was married to Robert W. Biggerstaff January 10th A.D. 1856. Langston P. Williams son of John & Polly Williams was married to Sarah L. Fowler Dec.21st A. D. 1859. Births: John Washington Williams was born December the 5th day A.D. 1807. Polly Whaly Williams was born September the 18th A. D. 1802. Martin Scott Williams the son of John and Polly Williams was born January the 3rd A.D. 1830. Ephriam Wilson Williams the son of John and Polly Williams was born August the 10th A.D. 1831. Sarah Ann Williams the daughter of John and Polly Williams was born June the 25th A.D. 1833. Lemuel Alexander Williams son of John and Polly Williams was born August the 6th 1835. Langston Pace Williams son of John and Polly Williams was born September the 6th day A.D. 1837. Nancy Jane Williams Daughter of John and Polly Williams was born August the 3rd A.D. 1840. Maryann Williams daughter of Martin & Catherine was born Sept. the 27th A.D. 1851 John F. J. Kidwell son of Isham Kidwell and Sarah his wife was born Nov. 4th 1852. William Jones Williams son of Martin and Catherine was born July 27th 1853. William L. Kidwell son of Isham & Sarah was born Jan. 20th 1855. John W. Williams son of Martin & Catherine was born January the 8th 1856. Margetta Biggerstaff Daughter of R.W. Biggerstaff was born Dec.the 28th 1856. James B. Williams son of E.W. and Mary his wife was born --- (no dates given). Sarah Jane Williams daughter of M.S. and Catherine was born --- (no dates given). Isham D. Kidwell was borned January the 30th 1829. Sarah A. Williams was borned June the 25th 1833. Isham D. Kidwell and Sarah A. Williams was married June the 12th 1851. Isham D. Kidwell died Tuesday 22nd of December 1914 at 6:50 A.M. John F. Kidwell son of Isham D. Kidwell and Sarah A. Kidwell was borned November the 4th 1852. William L. Kidwell son of Isham D. Kidwell and Sarah A. Kidwell was borned January the 20th 1855. Martin D. Kidwell son of Isham D. Kidwell and Sarah A. Kidwell was borned April the 19th day 1858. (Martin Dicken) Samuel T. Kidwell son of Isham D. Kidwell and Sarah A. Kidwell was borned Aug. the 28th 1860. Permelia S. Kidwell Daughter of I.D. and Sarah A. Kidwell was borned Jan. the 16th 1863. Nancy Catharine Kidwell Daughter of of I.D. Kidwell and Sarah A. Kidwell was borned Sept. the 18th 1865. Mary F. Kidwell Daughter of I.D.Kidwell and Sarah A. Kidwell was borned June the 16th day 1868, Tuesday. George S. Page was borned Friday Apr. 1st 1859. Nan Page was born Monday Sept. 18, 1865. G.S. Page and Nan Kidwell were married Saturday Aug. 22, 1885. Mollie Ada Page was born Tuesday Aug. 24, 1886. Brents Flippin Page was born Wednesday Nov. 28, 1888. Cleo Kidwell Page was born Wednesday June 24, 1891. Deaths: Milly Pace mother of Polly Whaly Williams died October 8th 1877, age 102 years, 5 months. Langston Pace died May the 20th 1846, age 75 years. John W. Williams died Sept. 23, 1887. Polly W. Williams died June 30, 1897. Martin S. Williams died October the 17th 1861. Ephriam W. Williams died September 2nd 1879. J.F. Kidwell died January 10, 1928. (John Fed) Sarah A. Kidwell died Nov. 15, 1924. Milly Pace, wife of Langston Pace, died October the 8 - 1877, was one hundred two years and five months. Martin Dicken Kidwell died January 29, 1927 at the age of 68 years. Ephriam Williams died on Oct. the 6th 1853, aged 70 years; born in 1783 April the 4th. William L. Kidwell died January the 22nd 1855. Sally Williams wife of Ephriam died Mar. the 14th 1856, aged 69 years. Margetta Biggerstaff died the 14th May 1857 4 months old. Permelia Hammer Daughter of Isham & Sallie Kidwell died September 1, 1926, at the age of 63. Nan Page died Sept. 5th 1931. William L. Kidwell son of Isham D. Kidwell and Sarah A. Kidwell died January the 22nd 1855, age 2 days. William Kidwell the father of I.S. Kidwell deceased July 28th, 1859. -nny Kidwell the mother of I.D. Kidwell -ed Sept. 20th 1834 (She was Mary Francis "Fanny" Dicken Kidwell) Gary Pitcock South Windsor, CT
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