Submitted By

Submitted By:  Jan Morrison



Will or Division of Property of Jeremiah Byars
Lincoln Co. KY, Will Book B, p. 171

In Obedience to an order of the Worshipful Court of Lincoln County bearing date November Court 1796 ordering that we do divide the Estate real & personal Whereof Jeremiah Byars Died possessed Between his Wife and three Children allotting to each of the Children and Widow a Childes part in the said Decedents Estate being first Sworn do proceed to Divide the said Estate as follows (to wit) We allott to Elizabeth Byars Widow Etc. one Negroe lad named Jack at sixty pounds -- in Money & Bonds Thirty nine pounds fourteen Shillings & 7 1/2 pence, Also the lower end of the tract of Land whereon the said Elizabeth Byars lives by Beginning at two white oaks and red oak trees standing on the top of the Clifts of Dicks River the Beginning Corner of the 100 Acre tract and to extend thence S 73 Deg. East along the line of said tract 115 poles to a large black Sugar tree standing on or near the Dividing line between Lipscomb Norvills Lane and the said 100 Acre tract thence such a Southeastwardly course to Dicks River as will take 50 Acres in the lower end thence down with the Meanders of the River and to the Beginning including the Improvements & Plantation whereon the said Elizabeth Byars now lives.  We allott to Nancy Smith Wife to Jesse Smith, one Negroe Girrel named Jane at sixty five Pounds -- in Money & Bonds Thirty four Pounds fourteen Shillings & 7 1/2 pence.   Also the upper end of the tract of Land whereon the Widow Byars lives by Beginning at her eastwardly Corner a large black Sugar tree on Lipscomb Norvills line and with the same 73 Deg. East 116 poles to a red oak tree in Jacob Copelins line and with his line South to Dicks River and with the meanders of the River down to Elizabeth Byars Corner and with her line North Westwardly to the Beginning supposed to contain 50 Acres being the balence of the aforesaid 100 Acre tract --- We Allot to Edmund Byars son of Jeremiah Dec'd one Negroe Man Named Harry at one Hundred Pounds the said Edmund paying to Jesse Smith five Shillings & 4 1/2 pence, also one Moely of an undivided tract of Land containing 250 Acres Dedeeded to Jeremiah Byars by Lipscomb Norville the 22nd day of March 1792 Lying originally in the County of Lincoln & on Beaver Creek the 125 Acres allotted to Edmund to be Divided equally in Quantity quality and all other local convencys considered.

We allott to John Byars Son of Jeremiah Dec'd one Negroe boy named Charles at Thirty five pounds -- in Money & Bonds Sixty four pounds fourteen Shillings & 7 1/2 pence.  Also the remaining moely of the within mentioned 250 Acres of Land lying on Beaver Creek originally in the County of Lincoln the said 250 Acres to be divided equally in quantity quality and all other local convencys considered between the s'd John and Edmund Byars.  Given under our hands this 18th day of Nov. 1796.
                                                                         James Thompson
                                                                         William Bryant

At a County Court held for Lincoln County the 15th day of March 1797.
This Report was returned and ordered to be recorded.         Teste