Historical Markers of Lincoln County

Historical Markers of Lincoln County, Kentucky


Captain George Givens

Capt-Geo-Givens.jpg (102964 bytes)



Carpenter's Station
submitted by:  Sandy Kassen

CarpenterMonument.jpg (62536 bytes)


Caswell Saufley
1660 US 150 W. 
Stanford, Kentucky
Caswell_Saufley.jpg (69464 bytes)


Caswell Saufley
1660 US 150 W. 
Stanford, Kentucky

Caswell_Saufley2.jpg (81004 bytes)


Confederate Routes
Dix River Bridge
Confederate_Routes.jpg (101392 bytes)


Crab Orchard Springs Crab_Orchard_Springs.jpg (79652 bytes)


Logan Station
Corner of Martin Luther King and Danville Avenue

Logan_Station.jpg (100727 bytes)


Logan Station
Courthouse Lawn
Logans_Station_Courthouse_Lawn.jpg (78636 bytes)


McKinney's Fort McKinney_Fort.jpg (95680 bytes)


McCormack Christian Church
submitted by:  Ronnie Bates

McCormack-Ch-Cem.jpg (126002 bytes)


5395 US 27 South
top of Halls Gap
Ottenheim.jpg (73849 bytes)


PFC William B. Baugh, USMC

Baugh_William_front.jpg (99193 bytes)


PFC William B. Baugh, USMC
Baugh_William-back.jpg (96953 bytes)


Sophia Alcorn
2135 Danville Ave
Stanford, Kentucky
Sophia_Alcorn2.jpg (112669 bytes)   Sophia_Alcorn3.jpg (117475 bytes)


Sportsman's Hill


Spanish American War Memorial
Courthouse Lawn
Spanish_American_Courthouse_Lawn.jpg (62851 bytes)


Wilderness Road
Courthouse Lawn
Wilderness_Rd_Courthouse_Lawn.jpg (109719 bytes)


Whitley House - 1785

Whitley-House-1785.jpg (106060 bytes)



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