Davis-Borders Cemetery

Transcribed and Submitted by Kym Hitchcock. Notes in red added by Kym. (Use the 'back' button on your browser to return to the Cemetery page.)

On the Property of Bill & Kym Hitchcock. Route 581, Lawrence County, KY


First Row
1.& 2. Estill Stepp 3-13-1920 to 9-2-1985
           Roma Stepp 5-10-1909 to 10-4-2000
(Roma was the daughter of #11 & 12)

3. William R. Whittaker (s/o Burns & Roma Stepp Whittaker)

4.& 5. Robert Wallen died 2-1-1929
          Ann Wallen died 12-15-1933
(parents of # 6 & 11)

6.& 7. Lige Wallen 2-18-1898 to 1-12-1979
(s/o of # 4 & 5, brother to #11)
Rosie Wallen 6-16-1895 to 6-12-1962 (Wife of Lige)
8. & 9. John Meeks 3-17-1888 to 5-29-1965
Wrae Meeks 9-13-1897 to 8-19-1966
(d/o # 15 & 16)
10. Chester A. Meeks 9-27-939 to 8-18-1974
(s/o of # 8 & 9)
2nd ROW
11.& 12. Ham Wallen 1886 to 1962
(s/o # 4 & 5, & husband of # 12)
Miranda Olive Borders Wallen 1890-1964 (d/o # 15 & 16)
13. Roberta Wallen 1917-1920
(d/o # 11 & 12)
14. Leona B. Borders (Burgess) 5-9-1884 to 1942
(d/o # 15 & 16, & w/o Orville Burgess)
15. Mirza Borders 5-30-1859 to 1-3-1945
(d/o Henry Dixon & Jane Stafford) 
16. J. A. Borders (Joseph Anderson Borders) 2-28-1855 to 4-18-1918
(s/o Isabel Brown & John "Shouting" Borders, & husband of # 15)
17. Lewis Claude Borders 5-17-1895 to 2-12-1965 KY PVT. BTRY. D 18 FLD ARTY WWII (s/o # 15 & 16, &  husband of #18 & 2nd Mellie McClure)
18. Laura Borders 7-3-1905 to 8-15-0925
(w/o # 17)
19. Helen Borders 1923-1925
(daughter of 17 & 18)
(Laura & Helen were killed in a car wreck on Watermelon Hill in Law., Co.,)
20. Paul R. Lemaster  7-29-1936 to 12-8-1975
(s/o # 22)
21. David Lemaster 3-6-1954 to 3-6-1954
(infant  s/o # 20)
22.Myrtle Mae Lemaster (Davis) 2-15-1912 to 10-3-1958
23. Homer C. Daniels 1908 to 1969
(Husband of Irene Meek Daniels (still livivng)
24. Unidentified--
(My Grandmother Roma alway's told me that Benny Borders was burried here-but he is  listed in the Border's cemetery owned by Francis Brackett & John David Preston. Benny was the son of Mirza & JA Borders)
25. Unidentified ??????
26. & 27. Joseph Davis 1886
               Elizabeth Borders Davis

Original ownersof this land...
Elizabeth was the d/o John Borders & Catherine Elizabeth Sellards'
Joseph's stone reads: 84 Yrs. he served his generation well.

***( My Grandmother Roma also said that there is a 3rd row, of  which there is no evidence of. We believe that marker rocks were thrown off to mow by some one not knowing that these were graves)