Laurel County KYGenWeb Diary of Sarah Ann Jackson 1835 part 2  
Sarah Ann Jackson
1835 part 2

Submitted by  Jan Philpot
September 22, 2001
Source: Original Diary

 Click here for part 3

Continuing journal of Sarah Ann Jackson, 1835.  This appears to be February entries.

Transcriber's note: The next few entries are still on the page that has been written upon twice, once down the page, then across the page.  Those entries across the page seem to be written in two columns, once again making transcription difficult.

Feb? (1st  hard to see)  Went this morning to near Mr. I. He spoke from the 24th to 26th of Luke.  He told us how much the Savour had suffered for us.

Transcriber's note: Following entries written across page in two columns.

He also spoke of our ingratitude to such a savour who suffered all the tormenting pains off me that we through himself might obtain everlasting bliss.  The sacrament was administered and accompanied with some very useful remarks.  The service was very lengthy no service in the evening at Mr. I. ? attended Mr. Clark's different from Mr. I.  Most soon got the fidgets and was rejoiced to return home after being dismissed.  The most of the people when we entered had their faces turned toward the door viewing an intoxicated man who offended ? to feel neither in not being permitted to take an active part in the service.  I left with her and a very short time brought us home. Sabbath was not spent very pleasantly morning returned Monday morning found the ? very bad Spend the day rather pleasantly nothing of great importance ?ed through the day  Thuesday Miss E. W. with us and call from Mr. ?(?Ramsy?) Mary L a poor lesson and usual in consequence.  Whenesday  there is connivances going on which I do not understand. Mr. B. taking our Julia off. Something going on that we are not aware off. Must put a stop to it.

Transcriber's note: The above ends the page written across twice.  No other pages in the journal are like this.

Monday  Went to school as usual had not been their long before I heard their was a frenchman in town wished to take a class and b? them to speak his language.  It was not long before the little fellow entered the room.  It was really amusing to see him and hear him.  I should suppose from what I heard that the language was not very difficult.  Yet I could not judge from the little I heard. Monday evening went to church heard Mr. I? Speak very handsomely from the 42nd psalm rather intcoted? More than should have been if I had not heard the same work spoken from before.  Tuesday quite cold felt it more keenly than we should if we had not for the two or three last weeks had uncommon pleasant weather for the time of year.  Miss H. has not returned yet there is no doubt of her sisters being crazy Oh that it were not so what must be the feelings of her dear friends to think one of their number has become a raving maniac  It is possible the beautiful and accomplished Miss H to her friends is lost forever Had the company of Mr. and Miss Johnson to spend the evenign the day was spent rather pleasantly had no omposition to hand in Great relief  But next Wensday will bring? its dreads.

Thursday evening attended dancing school a great collection of people.  Their were very few besides myself but that did not take an active part in the amusement.  Yet I enjoyed myself as well as could be expected.  Friday felt the effects of disapation stupid and dull all day time having? rather heavily.  The eve is going much as the day did.  Feel in hopes that tomorrow will be spent to little better advantage and I may exert myself to the utmost.  M. C. and M. L. are quite under the weather  I know of no better cause to attribute it to than disappor? Poor girls.  I know not how to pitty as I have reason to suppose that they are of a nature the origon of which I am a stranger to.

Saturday received a not from E. B?ed?ner to visit her in the afternoon.  Went and had a very pleasant visit.  Met some strangers and a few acquaintances.  Had a pleasant ride home  found the family had retired.  Imagined I saw some person sitting in the corner but on further examination found it to be some of the schruberg? Placed their to protect it from the cold winds of the north Sunday a very cold windy day.  Went and heard Mr. O. preach from the words therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ.

Monday 8th very cold sang with Miss Mary Wilkin found the piece rather difficult  Studied Abracombie in the afternoon & evening.  Thuesday learned my piece so as to sing it with another part Geography in the forenoon The afternoon to Philosophy Wednesday the forenoon was spent in exercises of Grammar.  Got of with a very poor composition.  The little Frenchman threatened punishing me I looked at him with a little impertinance which increased his anger and he then had the impudence to say he guess he could but all he said was not sufficient to make me take a seat.  This eve I think of studying Astronomy Should be pleasant if I had some one to study with me that was acquainted with the constellations. S?eudi 11th Left morpheus company a little too long Found breakfast awaiting.  Was but a short time before the old bell began itsdaily task and had finished reciting a long time before we were all ready to march.  After arriving took a seat for recitation know my lesson pretty well considdering the confusion of the morning.  Did not have the pleasure of singing with Miss Wilkin today which I was anticipating with some degree of pleasure.  I am a going to try and learn the 4oth problem.

Samedi 14th  Visited the Miss G's had a very pleasant visit met with the Miss Vails returned quite early in the evening found but a small number of the family at home.  Dimanche heard Mr. I preach from the words of Paul "but without forth it is impossible to please him for he that cometh to God must believe that he is a rewarder of him that diligently seek him"  He endeavored to show how insufficient a temporary faith was to obtain happiness heareafter he compared it to a tree that put forth leaves and blossomed but yielded no fruit.  In the evening he was very interesting.  Spoke from 17th verse of 11th chapter of Hebrews.  By faith Abraham when he was tried offered up Isaac and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten Son.  He dwelt some considerable length of time upon the ? of Abrahams offereing up his son and the crucifixion of our Savior the sacrifice that Isaac was laden with the wood for his sacrifice and that Jesus bore his cross upon Mount Golgotha and they were both supposed to be 34 years of age at the time of these memorable events and that was supposed by some that the sacrifice of Isaac prefigured the crucifixion of our Savior and that Isaac was the father of Jacob and Jacob the father of the twelve patriarch.

Lundi 16th  Friday evening their was committed to jail a man for murdering his wife a most attrocious act.  It is to be hoped that he will suffer the punishment he deserves.  We have had a stormy day prospect of more slaying feel quite in hopes of having a slay-ride This morning was spent in Arithmetic? In the extraction of ? The afternoon in intellectual Philosophy Abracombie's treatise on reason he says considerable on the subject but when sumed up it amounts to nothing more or less than a simple process by which we compare facts and Mental exercise with external things.  This evening I have several problems in the second book there is so much plus and equality about them.  I find them rather difficult  Mardi 17th Want of perseverance very perceptible this morning in the solution of Mr. Baly's problems the most difficult things I have ever met with.  I can discern daily the deficiency of patience and discrimination on my part.  Had a short ride today sleighing going much faster than it came.  Spent the afternoon home missed a lesson in consequence.  Have a lesson this eveing on somnambulism.  A composition to write.  My subject is Farewell a word that must be hour ? yet hour little thought of it is the parting knell.

Mardi We spent the forepart of the day in passing the afternoon handed in a miserable composition spent the evening at Mr.s G's had a very pleasant little party formed some new acquaintances.  M?ottoes? Circulated rapidly and for some time they were the only amusement they are simple but are frequently made the instruments to accomplish- …… Jeudi  No lesson the bad effects of parties had a call from Mr. Johnson a minister that is labouring for the benefit of the Americans seamans society, he addressed us very handsomely on the subject and left a subscription that those who felt dissposed might have an opportunity to contribute to this benevolent purpose.  Vendredi 20th Spent the forenoon doing nothing or nothing more than to have a book placed before me a pencil in my finger pointing towards the slate now and then casting a sheep's eye at what I considered a very difficult problem the equation itself was as long as the moral hour and to think of working it out truly discouraging.  This afternoon I was studying on insanity and from what learned I was in the first stage of the dire disease.  Mary Le.? Has gone home.  Heard of the death of Mr? Mondreville today.

Long da 26  Attended church yesterday.  Heard the rev. Mr. Jhonson preach in behalf of the Americans seamans society he was rather interesting his text was "There is Savour on the sea".  The evening was very dull and had very much the appearance of rain but we all ventured to go to church Went this morning to Mr. Smiths and had my foot measured for a pair of shoes.  The occurences of the day have all been trivial noting as far as I know.  Mardi? Accomplsihed but little today spent the eve Stella? Burrisys? Where a small party had assembled.  It was quite late when we returned made up my mind not to go again this winter let this occasion be as it would. W. Lee?  My composition did not suit Mr. Webb at all.  Hope I may do better in the future.  Jeudi Spent the ? as if I could recall it at leisure may I heareafter bear in mind that time spent unproffitably is never to be recalled Jeudi  Vendredi et Samedi flew away rappidly and of course agreeably.  Went home Samedi found Aunt much the same returned Dimanche found our little family all collected round the stove all with books in their hands but I fear there wasn't much knowledge obtained from them while Mr. B. remained poor fellow he went under a thorough examination attended church in the evening.  Mr. J. was very interesting he told us that we could not serve two Masters we must either serve God or maman. Londa? Law.  The coffin that contained the corpse of a young man that died small pox.  The most loathsome of all diseases  Their were only a number sufficient to bury him that followed him to the grave many were fearful it would be taken from the corpse or (something erased) it passed through the village.  Mardi Temperence meeting opened about ten oclock this morning and continues till in the evening.  M. L. and myself attended and joined the society and are confident that we shall never be sorry for what we done had a very full meeting and two very interesting addresses by Mr. T and Wilson.  Mr. W told us that their were 125 thousand engaged in the manufacture of ardent spirits and told many bad evils that resulted from intemperence.  Mr. T? address was rather a jovial nature a great part of it was calculated to excite laughter yet their was a moral in it that cannot be to strongly impressed on the minds of the people  Macredi  The afternoon was spent in selecting subjects for examination.  The one I am destined to write on is a ?adictory address to the schollars  Thursday spent in
committing to memory various lessons but the thought of writing a composition would now and then intrude  We returned home from school. Their has been one or two calls no lessons learned yet thinking of the composition prevents from accomplishing much hope I may bear it mind think much on the subject not d? it on any occasion do the best I can with it  We received a letter from friend E. Moffat.

March 12th Heard an excellent sermon delivered by Mr. I (J?) on Sabbath  Monday had a call from Uncle Sam informed me that their was some doubt of getting Mr. Beach as pastor.  How long will paltry spirit continue and that uncle worked as hard as ever poor man for what is he labouring.  Thur James and the ladies have gone to dancing school Handed my compositions in one burden of my mind been vaccinated? This eve.  Satterday 15th?  Spent the day in writing a composition expect to write it over in a few days. No one knows my feelings on the subject  Oh the dreadful day is approaching rappidly the time to anticipated with mingled emotion of aprehension and fear.  Marda spent the day very pleasantly in hopes the few days we have to spend here may be spent proffittably and pleasantly.  Mr. Webb told me some very good news respecting a school.  Called on Miss Wilkin in company with Brother and M. C. delightful visit would like to hear the old f? and breath forth its melodious tones if it is not quite as harmonious as some music is music the world on every preparation is making for examination.  How delighted would I be could those three weeks be protracted to six that I could spend the summer ? Sallyann B. Jackson ?Goshen?  but no I am destined never more to attend to the instruction of this most kind of gentlemen.  Hope if I take the school I may do my duty give satisfaction ?

Jeudi The day has passed away very pleasantly feel as if I had done something today heard a considerable conversation on the subject of maturny? This evening. Discussed the subject thoroughly.  I believe we shall give in the affirmative.  Their was a man frozen last evening was picked up between the tavern and his home  Intemperance was supposed to be the cause how many die daily in consequence of this beverage.  Learned
something respecting obligation hope I may bear in mind some of those principles which read in ? of Abercrombie.  May learn perception and sensation

Thuesday 23rd (Note from transcriber: The last two dates do not appear to match March of 1835 on perpetual calendar.  Unsure why unless it is now April, which would match up with this last one).  Mr. Hendrie been spending considerable time here very agreeable gentleman.  One thing I did not like I thought he put himself to much out of the way to talk to me about Dr. J. L. H. but ? me what does it amount to nothing I have made up my mind not to be ?azed about him but shall keep saying I will have nothing to do with mortgaged property… Mary C. also finds much to say. She is very good at fiction.  She has the trade to perfection.  Mr. W. informed me that he had not received any intelligence respecting (Mount=hope) I have no reason for encouragement.  How much uncertainty in this world.  Miss H. has returned announces her sisters recovery but I have to regret that her stay is to be but temporary but a few days and we shall all disperse all going different directions rather doubtful wheather we all meet again very soon  Handed in my composition today that is out of my hands but not out of mind  Brother received a letter from Father says they are all well.  Julia and her mother have gone to call on Mr.s E's to the astonishment of all her little boy is still alive.  Mrs. (Kelsy?) is likely to recover what good news last week  It was not thought by any that she would recover But the almighty has seen fit to restore to her only surviving parents and fatherless children.  Oh thankful they should be that she is spared to them though in a feeble state.  Tomorrow we are to have a mock examination for the purpose of going on acc/ately at a future one  Have three lessons to look over before retiring  Oh I do wish sincerely M. C. tongue may be contracted Attended the funeral of an infant on the Sabbath.  Mr. J. was very brief A fault that is alledged by many.  I think any one of much discernment could easily discover that it was quite difficult for him to speak.  I have no doubt but the frowning attributed to him originates from his lungs being affected  Had the pleasure last eveing of hearing Cousin  I read a letter from a particular friend A. W. ? while the other ladies were entertaining a lady that called to see who nobody knows.  Mrss. E ?adner continues to be very best of friends nothing more worth of place in this cabinet of valuables.

Note from transcriber: the following small bit was either erased or faded out, and is difficult to read:

April 29
Poor journal has been ? neglected for some rather weeks.  There is yet a hope that ? ? will do better in future.

Note from transcriber: Takes up on top of following page where ink is more legible.

I will now endeavor to sketch a few of the events and various scenes that have transpired since my journal was forgotten from the first the ?   All was bustle and preparation examination was all that was thought or spoken of in the time by the schollers or friends of the school.  The examination was attended but few pleasures but what was my mortification to find my composition was not read. The fact this my teacher handed my composition to a young Lawer and forgot to ask him to read it  My suspicions are whether it was not a purpose.  At the close of the examination when conversing with a few friends one of them informed that Aunt Strong was in the village and that she intended to take me home with her.  I returned to my boarding house with not a very light heart retired but not to sleep.  The next morning roade with brother James to see Aunt Strong. And from that time till this have been ?ing and coming till I am not arrived at South Hampton ? delighted with my journey.

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