Cave Spring Cemetery

Cave Spring Cemetery

KY 169, Keene, Jessamine County, Kentucky

Unless otherwise noted, all burial records contributed by Nancy Perry.
Name Date of Birth Date of Death Photo
Hampton, George S. Jan. 13, ??25 Feb. 25, 1843
Hampton, Hannah E. May 17, 1816 April 5, 1847
Hampton, James L. May 31, 1822 Aug. 5, 1843
Hampton, John H. G. Jan. 15, 1821 Jan. 8, 1845
Hampton, Rebecca June 30, 1795 July 6, 1840
Hampton, Willis G. Jan. 10, 1828 Nov. 17, 1849
Lyne, Martha
Consort of Daniel Lyne
Oct. 24, 1823 July 10, 1844