Jefferson, KY  1810 Federal Census           INDEX

This Census was transcribed by Pamela Davies [email protected] and
proofread by Sherry Davies for the USGenWeb Census Project

Copyright (c) 2000 by Pamela Davies 

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   |Orig |
CD |Sheet|
PG#|PG#  |LAST NAME              FIRST NAME
 3  502   Abbott                 James
 3  502   Abbott                 John
24  513   Abel                   Jas
 3  502   Able                   Caleb
24  513   Acker(?)               Bartlett
15  522   Acrenon(or Acreson)    James
 3  502   Adams                  Elander(?)
24  513   Adams                  Francis
24  513   Adams                  Matthew
 3  502   Adams                  Wm
 3  502   Addison                Elijah
25  553   Adkin                  Thomas
24  513   Aerenon                James
15  522   Aerinon(?)             Benjn
30  558   Affolt                 John
24  513   Agen                   Wm
28  556   Ailes                  Fanny
25  512   Alexander              Joseph
27  555   Allen                  Archabald
24  513   Allen                  William
25  512   Allison                Henry
15  522   Allison                Nancy
24  513   Anderson               Polley
24  513   Anderson               Richard C.
31  559   Anderson               Thomas
24  513   Anon                   Francis
24  513   Applegate              Elijah
25  553   Applegate              Jas
24  513   Applegate              Joseph
24  513   Applegate              Saml
24  513   Applegate              Tunis
 3  502   Archer                 Edmond(?)
 3  502   Archer                 John
 3  502   Arher                  John
24  513   Arnold                 Adam
24  513   Arnold                 Yos
24  513   Arteburn               John
24  513   Arteburn               Presley
24  513   Arteburn               Saml
24  513   Arteburn J.            Wm
24  513   Arteburn S.            Wm
25  512   Augustus               David
25  512   Augustus               Jacob
 3  502   Austin                 John
22  515   Baby                   Syrus
21  516   Backner                Haley
28  556   Bacy                   Edmond
21  516   Baggs                  John
21  516   Baker                  George
29  557   Baker                  Thomas
30  507   Ballard                John
29  557   Bambridge              Eliza
22  515   Banks                  John
24  513   Banter                 Saml
 3  502   Barber                 Jas
 3  502   Barbour                Richard(?)
 3  502   Barbour                Thomas
22  515   Barkley                Elizabeth
34  56?   Barnett                Ann
21  516   Barnett                Wm
23  514   Barnhill               Wm
31  559   Barr                   James
28  556   Barria                 Christian
22  515   Bartlett               Frederick
34  56?   Bartlett               James
22  515   Bartlett               John
 3  502   Bates                  Jas I(?)
32  560   Bates                  John
22  515   Bates                  Moses
21  516   Batman                 Isaac
21  516   Batman                 Margaret
21  516   Batman                 Thomas
22  515   Baxter                 Wm
33  504   Beachirn               James
 3  502   Beagle                 Edmond
 3  502   Beagle                 James
 3  502   Beagle                 Wm
22  515   Bealer                 John
32  560   Bean                   Isaac
24  552   Beard                  Wm
33  504   Beck                   Jese(?)
33  504   Bedwell                Thomas
23  514   Beggerly               Isaac
23  514   Belche                 Jeremiah
34  56?   Bell                   James
27  555   Bell                   John
34  56?   Bell                   Patrick
34  56?   Bell                   Patterson
30  558   Bellert                Matthias
23  514   Belmere                Mary
31  559   Belt                   Josiah
28  556   Ben                    Free
34  56?   Benning                Anthony
30  558   Benson                 Jane
23  514   Berge                  John
21  516   Berry                  Michael
23  514   Bert                   Asa
30  558   Berthoud               James
27  555   Bevan                  John
22  515   Beverly                John
22  515   Bicktol                Henry
23  514   Bint                   Amasa
24  513   Black                  Christo
21  516   Blair                  James
21  516   Blair                  John
23  514   Blake                  James
33  504   Bland                  Moses
20  517   Blankinbaker           Felix
20  517   Blankinbaker           Hannah
20  517   Blankinbaker           Henry
20  517   Blankinbaker           Jacob
20  517   Blankinbaker           Saml
20  517   Blankinbaker           Thomas
21  516   Blanton                Jope(Joseph?)
26  554   Blanton                Shackleford L(?)
21  516   Blunk                  And
 3  502   Boete                  John
 3  502   Bohannen?              Robert
34  56?   Bohannon               Julius
34  56?   Bohannon               Richard
33  504   Boharmon               George
33  504   Boharmon               Larkin
22  515   Bombridge              Absolom
34  56?   Booker                 David
22  515   Booker                 Edward
23  514   Booker                 George
23  514   Booker                 Isaac
23  514   Booker                 Jacob
23  514   Booker                 John P.
21  516   Boon                   Benjn
23  514   Boothe                 Wm A
 3  502   Boothe                 Wm H.
28  556   Bostic                 Truman
23  514   Boston                 Jas
24  552   Bowen                  Wm
23  514   Bowler                 Archer
34  56?   Bowler                 John
23  514   Bowler                 Wm
21  516   Bowyers                John
34  56?   Brasier                Isaac
22  515   Bray                   Samuel
22  515   Breckenridge           James
22  515   Breckenridge           Robert
26  554   Breckinridge           James
22  515   Brenham                Charles
34  56?   Brenham                Nancy
34  56?   Brenham                Robert
22  515   Brenthinger            Andrew
23  514   Bridgeford             Thomas
29  557   Bridges                Benjn
34  56?   Bridges                George
34  56?   Bridges                Isham
23  551   Brightman              Wallis
20  517   Brinkman               George
30  507   Brinkman               John
23  514   Brinkman               Martin
21  516   Brinley                Caty
22  515   Briscoe                Henry
20  517   Brock                  Henry
20  517   Brock                  Saml
 3  502   Broils                 Wm
22  515   Brookhart              Caty
22  515   Brookhart              Jacob
21  516   Brookhart(?)           Philip
22  515   Brooks                 Squire
22  515   Brown                  George
29  557   Brown                  George
21  516   Brown                  James
24  552   Brown                  James
21  516   Brown                  John
21  516   Brown                  John
30  558   Brown                  Joseph
 3  502   Brown                  Presley
31  559   Brown                  Robert
21  516   Brown                  Wm
33  561   Bruinerstown
21  516   Bruner                 John
23  514   Bryan                  Edward
34  56?   Bryant                 James
34  56?   Bryant                 John
 3  502   Bryant                 Jose(?)
33  504   Bryant                 Joseph
 3  502   Bryant                 Morgan H.
33  504   Bryant                 Palsey
34  56?   Bryant                 Samuel
20  517   Bryen                  John
23  514   Buckhannon             James
23  514   Buckhannon             James
22  515   Buckner                Nicholai
21  516   Buckner                Thomas
34  56?   Buckner                Thomas
30  507   Budy                   George
21  516   Buell(?)               Norbirne(?)
21  516   Buller                 Tobias
22  515   Bullett                Alen S.
24  552   Bullett                Cuthbert
24  552   Bullett                Theo M???
23  551   Bullett                Wm
32  560   Bunttinger             Mary
 3  502   Burges(?)              Mason(?)
34  56?   Burnell                Thomas
23  514   Burnett                Robert
23  514   Burns                  Wm
34  56?   Burrus                 John
34  56?   Burton                 Jeremiah
34  56?   Burton                 John
34  56?   Burton                 John
33  504   Burton                 Revelen
26  554   Bustard                John
23  514   Buyer                  Philip
28  556   Bycoal                 Thomas
 3  502   Bycoots                Edward
 3  502   Bycoots                Sylas (?)
34  56?   Bycouts                Filex
21  516   Bysinger               Martin
32  505   Cain                   Elizabeth
25  553   Callan                 David
20  517   Calloway               Saml
29  557   Caple or Casle         Andrew
17  520   Carmichael             James
33  504   Carney                 Wm
20  517   Carney                 Wm
19  515   Carr                   Wm
19  515   Carr                   Wm
19  515   Carter                 Jose(?)
13  541   Carter                 Masha
25  553   Casby                  Fortunatus
19  515   Case                   Wayne
30  507   Cassidy                George
18  519   Catermous              Elijha
18  519   Catermous              Elizabeth
18  519   Catermous              James
32  505   Chafen                 Stanley
30  558   Channonhouse           Abel
17  520   Charley                George
33  504   Check                  Nicholas
31  559   Chen                   Richard
20  517   Chen                   Saml
20  517   Chen                   Thomas
18  519   Chinooth               Ellenour(?)
18  519   Chinooth               John
19  515   Chinooth               Margaret
19  515   Chinooth               Thomas
18  519   Chinooth S             Arthur
17  520   Chinseth Sr            Arthur
17  520   Christ                 Abraham
19  515   Christopher            Lewis
19  515   Churchill              Henry
17  520   Churchill              Samuel
30  558   Cimbly                 Isaac
20  517   Cioghan                Wm
24  552   Clark                  Bazel
26  554   Clark                  Edmond
31  506   Clark                  Jonathan
19  515   Clark                  Ledloe
19  515   Clark                  Wm
33  504   Claylon                Wm
33  504   Cleveland              Addin
33  504   Cleveland              Ezer
19  515   Clore                  Benjn
19  515   Clower                 Henry
19  515   Clure                  Elijah
19  515   Clure                  Lawrence
17  520   Coals                  Hezakiah
32  505   Cockran                James
18  519   Cole                   Wm I Charles (Free Negroes)
20  517   Coleman                Henry
20  517   Coleman                Robert
20  517   Collien                Wm
26  554   Collins                John
18  519   Colliti                Joseph
18  519   Con                    Richard
17  520   Conn                   Edward
32  505   Conn                   John
17  520   Conn                   Saml
18  519   Conner(?)              James
18  519   Conner(?)              John C
18  519   Connote                Conrad
32  560   Conod                  Val
17  520   Conrad                 Adam
33  504   Conrod                 Daniel
18  519   Cooley                 Jose(?)
28  556   Cooney                 Ann
18  519   Coons(z)               Adam
18  519   Cooper                 Levin
20  517   Core                   John
19  515   Cornwall               Peter
20  517   Cornwall               Simon
20  517   Cornwell               Charles
20  517   Cornwell               Jeremiah
20  517   Corwell                Wm
19  515   Cosegrove              Hugh
19  515   Coston                 Aham
18  519   Cottonham              George
19  515   Covington              Abel
33  504   Cowan                  John
17  520   Crable                 Christo
20  517   Cramfort               John
33  504   Cremer                 Moses
18  519   Crisley                Elijas
19  515   Cromwell               Fielding
18  519   Cronton                Cornelius
17  520   Crook                  Michael
19  515   Crow                   Thomas
19  515   Crum                   Elizabeth
31  506   Crutchfield            Thomas
33  504   Crutchfield            Wm
17  520   Crutchfield            Wm
19  515   Crutchlow              Wm
28  556   Crutsinger             George
32  505   Cumic                  Daniel
18  519   Cummings               Cornelius
18  519   Cummings               John
18  519   Cummings               Mary
18  519   Cummings               Wm
33  504   Cump                   Ambrose
33  504   Cump                   Michael
18  519   Cumpton                Jacob
19  515   Cumpton                Richard
33  504   Cupenberry             Aaron
33  504   Curd                   Woodford
33  504   Curenberry             Stephen
33  504   Curl                   Bennet
32  505   Curl                   Saml
33  504   Currie                 Daniel
33  504   Currie                 Edward
30  507   Danbar                 Sidney
32  505   Daniel                 John
17  520   Daniel                 Reuben
31  559   Daniel                 Thomas
32  505   Davidson               Daniel
16  521   Davis                  Caroline
32  505   Davis                  Evan
32  505   Davis                  John
17  520   Day                    Archer
17  520   Day                    Archibald
17  520   Deal                   Daniel
16  521   Dean (or Dun)          Presilla
27  555   Degallon               Henry
28  556   Delany                 Ann(?)
16  521   Dellan (?Dollan)       Jane
32  505   Demford                John
16  521   Denny                  Nancy
16  521   Densford               James
16  521   Desnit                 Wm S.
32  505   Dick                   Jacob
16  521   Dickerson              Fagge
16  521   Dickerson              Mrs
25  553   Dillar                 Jeremiah
16  521   Dodd                   Edward
17  520   Dodd                   George
30  558   Dodge                  Gimaliel
16  521   Dodson                 John
16  521   Dolton                 Michael
16  521   Donaldson              John
16  521   Donaldson              Robert
32  505   Dorkins                Wm
17  520   Dorsey                 Nimrod
16  521   Dorsey                 Noah
17  520   Dorsey                 Susanna
17  520   Dougherty              George
17  520   Dougherty              John
17  520   Dougherty              John
16  521   Dougherty              John
17  520   Dougherty              Wm
29  557   Dougherty              Wm
32  560   Doupe                  George
32  505   Douthet                Thomas J.
16  521   Dowland                John
16  521   Dowland                Wm
16  521   Doyle                  Peggy
32  505   Duggins                Alexander
31  559   Dunbar                 Robert
16  521   Duncan                 Charles
16  521   Duncan                 Coleman
24  552   Duncan                 Henry
25  553   Duncan                 Jas
31  559   Dunhart                Christian
24  552   Dunn                   John
32  505   Duson (or Duron)       Thomas
32  505   Duson (or Duron)       Wm
15  522   Eaglin                 J.
29  557   Eaglin                 Zachariah
15  522   Eanorn(?)              Charles
15  522   Eastin                 Philip
31  559   Eastis(?)              Nathan
32  505   Eaton                  Henry
32  505   Edmondson              John
15  522   Edward                 Frederick
32  505   Edwards                James M.
16  521   Edwards                John
15  522   Edwards                Richard
15  522   Edwards                Stanton
32  505   Edwards                Wm
15  522   Eletone(?)             Jonathan
15  522   Ellensworth            Bartholemew
32  505   Engram                 Thomas
15  522   Engrim                 Jas.
32  505   Enid                   Garret
31  506   Enin                   David
31  506   Enin                   Isaac
31  506   Enin                   Thomas
15  522   Evans                  Fanny
32  505   Evans                  John
27  555   Evans                  John
32  505   Evans Sr.              John
15  522   Evinger                George
15  522   Evinger                George
15  522   Ewing                  Robert
15  522   Fait                   Henry
25  553   Fait                   Peter
13  524   Faris                  John
31  506   Farr                   James
26  554   Farriscon              John A.
30  558   Farriscon              Lewis A.
30  507   Faulkner               John
20  517   Ferce                  Joel
27  555   Fergmon                Richard
31  506   Ferguson               Jacob
24  552   Ferguson               John
15  522   Ferguson               John
25  553   Ferguson               Saml
24  552   Ferguson               Wm
14  523   Fetheringell           John
31  506   Fethersingile(?)       Mary
15  522   Fewell                 John
31  506   Field                  Bejmn
14  523   Fields                 Abner
13  524   Fields                 Abraham
14  523   Fields                 Ezekail
13  524   Fields                 John
14  523   Fields                 Lewis
14  523   Fields                 Reuben
31  559   Fine                   Jacob
14  523   Finley                 George
14  523   Finley                 Isaac
31  506   Finley                 John
15  522   Finley                 John H.
15  522   Finley                 Richardson
14  523   Fipps                  Rowley
14  523   Fishback               Charles
15  522   Fishback               Wm
14  523   Fishman                Ferdinand
26  554   Fitzhugh               Dennis
13  524   Flore                  Saml
14  523   Floyd                  Charles
13  524   Floyd                  Nathl
14  523   Follice                Isaac
14  523   Follice                Jacob
14  523   Fontain                Aaron
26  554   Fontain                James
14  523   Fontain                Peter
26  554   Fontaine(?)            Eatone ???
14  523   Ford                   John
13  524   Foredise               Syrus
13  524   Forewood               Wm
31  506   Forsythe               David
31  506   Forsythe               James
31  506   Forsythe               Marguret
14  523   Foster                 Thomas
15  522   Fowler                 Joshua
32  560   Fraicunder(?)          Conrad
32  560   Fraicunder(?)          Frederick
13  524   Franley                James
13  524   Frasien                Alex
31  506   Frasier(?)             James
14  523   Frederick              Andrew
13  524   Frederick              Augustus
14  523   Frederick              George
13  524   Frederick              George
13  524   Frederick              John
14  523   Freeze                 James
13  524   French                 David
13  524   French                 Henry
31  506   Frisel                 Evan
13  524   Frutty                 Henry
14  523   Frye                   Abraham
14  523   Funk                   John
14  523   Funk                   Peter
12  525   Gaitay                 John
31  559   Garrard                Wm
31  506   Garrett                Ambrose
31  506   Garrett                Elijah
31  506   Garrett                Wm
30  558   Gates                  Jacob
12  525   Gatewood               James
12  525   Gatewood               Leonard
24  552   Gault                  Wm C.
31  506   Gaurney                James
31  506   Gaurney                John
31  506   Gaurney                Wm
12  525   Gaykin                 John
13  524   Geater                 John
11  526   Geater                 Wm
12  525   Geen(?)                Joseph
13  524   Geiger                 Frederick
12  525   Geiger                 Frederick
13  524   Geiger                 George
12  525   Gentry                 John
12  525   Gentry                 Wyall(?)
29  557   Gevathency             John
31  506   Gieger                 Jacob
12  525   Gilkerson              James
31  506   Gill                   Thomas
31  506   Gilman                 John
12  525   Gilman                 Timothy
24  552   Gilmore                George
12  525   Gilmore                Saml
13  524   Gimblin                Joseph
28  509   Givathincy             Owen
27  555   Givathnuy              Temple
29  557   Glap or Glass          Thomas
30  507   Glass                  Jos
30  558   Glen                   Joseph
12  525   Glore                  Solomon
31  559   Glover                 Ezekiel
12  525   Gobin                  James
12  525   Gobin                  Wm
12  525   Goldily                Tarlton
11  526   Goldman                George
11  526   Goldman                John
11  526   Goldman                Martin
12  525   Goodman                Amos
13  524   Goodman                Joab(?)
32  560   Goose                  Wm
11  526   Goose                  Wm
11  526   Grady                  Thonisen
31  506   Grant                  Thomas
24  552   Gray                   George
25  553   Gray                   James
24  552   Gray                   John F.
12  525   Grayham                Elias
12  525   Grayham                Thomas
12  525   Grayson                John
13  524   Green                  Francis W.
13  524   Greffey (Gressey)      Samuel
11  526   Gregory                Joseph
12  525   Griffey                Joseph
11  526   Griffy                 Bartlett
13  524   Grimes                 Andy
12  525   Grimes                 John
27  555   Grolind(?)             John
12  525   Grosse (Groffe)        John
12  525   Grosshart (Groffhart)  Adam
12  525   Guthrie                James
11  526   Hace                   John
29  557   Hagen                  Henry
 9  528   Hagerman               Aaron
 9  528   Hagerman               Simon
 9  528   Hall                   James
11  526   Hall                   John
 9  528   Hall                   John
 9  528   Hall                   John
23  551   Hall                   Nathan
10  537   Hall                   Nathan
 8  529   Hammon                 Huston
28  556   Hammond                Solomon
11  526   Hampton                Ephraim
30  507   Hampton                Oliver
 8  529   Han                    Peter
11  526   Hancock                Charles
30  507   Hancock                John
30  507   Hancock                Wm
30  507   Hanks                  Fleetwood
10  537   Hannirson              Easter
30  507   Harain (Hardin?)       Henry
11  526   Harbolt                Leonard
30  507   Hardin                 George
11  526   Hardin                 Henry
11  526   Hardin                 Rebecca
30  507   Hardin                 Wm
11  526   Hardin                 Zephemiah
31  559   Harland                Thomas
 9  528   Harris                 Tira
 9  528   Harryman               Job
10  537   Hart                   Ezekiel
26  554   Hart                   William
10  537   Hashfield              Martin
31  559   Hathhorn               Robert
10  537   Hathhorn               Wm
30  507   Hathhorn(?)            Robert
 9  528   Hathman                Thomas
 8  529   Hause                  John
 8  529   Hause                  Peter
11  526   Hawkins                Elijah
 9  528   Hawkins                Henry
30  507   Haws                   Isaac
30  507   Haymaker               Eliza
 9  528   Hays                   George
 9  528   Hays                   John
 9  528   Hays                   Peter
11  526   Hayward                George
10  537   Hayward                Wm
30  507   Head                   Anthony
31  559   Head                   Benjm
10  537   Head(?)                Alen Sherner(?)
10  537   Helms                  Wm
32  560   Heloclaw(?)            Kelly
11  526   Henning                Saml
10  537   Henrylider(?)          Frederick
10  537   Henrylider(?)          Michael
10  537   Henrylider(?) Sr.      Michael
10  537   Herrenton              Jabes
10  537   Hikes                  George
11  526   Hikes                  Jacob
 9  528   Hinch                  Saml
26  554   Hinkle                 John
30  507   Hinkle                 Windle
25  553   Hinkler                Jacob
 8  529   Hite                   Abraham
 9  528   Hite                   Andrew
 8  529   Hite                   Joseph
10  537   Hite                   Wm
11  526   Hobbs                  Bazil
10  537   Hoke                   Adam
 8  529   Hoke                   Andrew
 8  529   Hoke                   Conrad
 8  529   Hoke                   George
20  548   Hoke                   Jacob
10  537   Hoke                   Peter
30  507   Holdron                Enoch
10  537   Hollice                Andrew
10  537   Hollice                Catherine
10  537   Hollice                Fielding
10  537   Hollice                John
10  537   Hollice                Vincent
10  537   Hollice                Wm
 9  528   Hollinsworth           Joseph
11  526   Hollis                 Nancy
 9  528   Holmes                 Moses
24  552   Holmes                 Robert M.
 9  528   Holt                   Benjn
 9  528   Holt                   Isaac
 8  529   Holt                   Rachel
25  553   Honore                 J.A.
10  537   Hopewell               John
30  507   Hord                   Willis
 9  528   Hord                   Willis
 9  528   Horine (or Houne)      Jacob
10  537   Hoskins                Robert
30  507   Hosley                 James
10  537   Howard                 John
30  507   Howard                 Joseph
28  556   Howard                 Wm
 9  528   Hubbs                  Jabob
27  555   Hugan                  Allen
 8  529   Hughes                 Abner
10  537   Hughes                 Chise(?)
26  554   Hughes                 Fitter I.
 8  529   Hughes                 John
10  537   Hughes                 John
11  526   Hughes                 Robert
30  507   Hulet                  John
 8  529   Humes                  Jane
25  553   Humphreys              Elijah
11  526   Humphreys              John
29  557   Hunter                 Jas
 9  528   Huston                 George
28  556   Huston                 Wm
 9  528   Hutchinson             Hiram
 9  528   Hutchinson             Nancy
 7  530   Ireland                Alen.(?)
 7  530   Irice (or Trice)       Thomas
 7  530   Jackson                Charles
 8  529   Jackson                John
 7  530   Jackson                Saml
 7  530   James                  Charles
 7  530   James                  Wm
 8  529   Jeans                  John
 8  529   Jeans                  Joseph
 8  529   Jeater(?)              Elijah
33  561   Jefferson County Counting
 8  529   Jeffries               Gowen
 8  529   Jen(?)                 Presley
27  555   Jennings               Elnathan
 7  530   Jewell                 David
 7  530   Jewell                 Smallwood
 8  529   Johnson                Anson
 7  530   Johnson                Eliza
29  557   Johnson                Gabriel J.
 8  529   Johnson                George
 7  530   Johnson                Thomas
30  507   Johnson (man of color) Wm
 7  530   Jones                  Alice
 8  529   Jones                  Edward
 7  530   Jones                  Edward
 8  529   Jones                  John
 8  529   Jones                  John
 7  530   Jones                  John
 7  530   Jones                  John
 8  529   Jones                  Price
 8  529   Jones                  Robert
25  553   Jones                  Susanna
 8  529   Jones                  Wm
 7  530   Jones                  Wm
 7  530   Jordan                 John
25  553   Joyce                  Thomas
26  554   Kampton(?)             Kyron(?)
27  555   Kaye                   August
30  507   Keating                Wm
 6  531   Kelfos (or Kelsos)     Frederick
17  545   Keller                 Abm
 6  531   Keller                 John
 7  530   Keller                 Joseph
 7  530   Kelley                 John
 6  531   Kelley                 John
28  556   Kelley                 Thomas
26  554   Kennedy                Moore
 6  531   Kennedy                Robert
 6  531   Key                    Thomas
 7  530   Keysucker              George
 6  531   Kilbrith               Joseph
 6  531   Kill                   Wm
30  507   Killer                 Wm
30  507   Kindall                Jacob King
 6  531   Kinder                 George
 6  531   Kindle                 Rowley
 6  531   Kindle                 Rowsey
 6  531   Kindle                 Tomas
 6  531   Kindle                 Willis
30  507   Kindle                 Wm
 7  530   King                   Thomas
 7  530   Kinnerson              David
 7  530   Kinnerson              John
 6  531   Kinnett                Joshua
 6  531   Kirkpatrick            John
30  507   Kirkpatrick            Joseph
 7  530   Kirkpatrick            Wm
26  554   Kirkwood               Wm
 7  530   Kister(?)              Lewis
 7  530   Knuckles               Wm
 5  532   Lacy                   Barberry
26  554   Lampton                Mark
29  557   Lampton                Wm
 5  532   Lane                   Daniel
 6  531   Lanman                 Griffon
 5  532   Laurence               Saml
29  508   Lavill                 Joseph
 6  531   Lawrence               Benjn
31  559   Lawrence               Levin
 6  531   Laws                   Wm
 6  531   Laws (or Lewis)        Thomas
 5  532   Lea                    Nancy
 5  532   Leatherman             Michael
 6  531   Leathers               Mary
 6  531   Leathers               Moses
 5  532   Lee                    Rowland
 5  532   Leisure                Abraham
 5  532   Lewis                  Henry
29  508   Lewis                  Nicholas M.
29  508   Lewis                  Robert W.
 6  531   Lewis                  Thomas
 5  532   Lewis                  Wm
 6  531   Lighter                Elizabeth
 6  531   Lighter                Henry
 6  531   Lightfoot              Edward
 5  532   Linam                  David
 5  532   Litherland             James
 5  532   Litherland             John
27  555   Litle                  Wm
29  557   Little                 Edmond
 5  532   Little                 Jacob
 5  532   Little                 John
 6  531   Livingston             Wm
29  508   Lock                   John D.
24  552   Loftin                 John
29  508   Logan                  Wm
27  555   Long                   Thomas
29  557   Louallen               Saml
33  561   Louisville
 5  532   Love                   Mathew
29  508   Lowman                 Joseph
 5  532   Lowrey                 Jeremiah
 6  531   Luckett                Saml N.
 6  531   Lurton(?)              Jacob
 5  532   Lynn                   James
 5  532   Lynn                   Samuel
 5  532   Lyon                   Elizabeth
29  508   Lyon                   Hezakiah
27  555   Mac?onnell             James
29  508   Main                   John
23  551   Major                  Nowell
 6  534   Malot                  Elias
 8  536   Malot(?)               Hiram
 5  533   Maloy                  John
 7  535   Maple                  John
 6  534   Mardis                 Nathan
 5  532   Mardis                 Rowley
29  508   Maris                  John
 7  535   Markwell               George
 7  535   Markwell               John
29  508   Maron                  Thomas
 7  535   Martin                 Ann
26  554   Martin                 John
 7  535   Martin                 Nicholas
24  552   Mason                  Jonathan
 8  536   Mason                  Levin
 8  536   Mathews                Briscoe
29  508   Mathews                Henry
 5  533   Matthews               Jeremiah
 5  533   Matthews               John
 5  533   Matthews J             James
 5  533   Matthews S             James
29  508   Mayfield               Elijah
25  553   McBarn                 John
 5  533   McBrume                Wm
 8  536   McCarty                John
 8  536   McCarty                Mary
 5  533   McCashin               Jas
 5  533   McCaughery             Saml
25  553   McClain                Mary
 6  534   McColla                Christopher
 6  534   McColla                James
 6  534   McColla                Joshua
 7  535   McColla                Joshua
 7  535   McColla                Wm
 8  536   McConebs(?)            Wm
27  555   McConnell              Robert
 7  535   McCrary                James
 8  536   McDaniel               Isabel
 8  536   McDaniel               James
27  555   McFadin                Patrick
 5  533   McGee                  Asa
 7  535   McGlaughlin            John
 8  536   McGlaughlin            Wm
29  508   McGruder               Aquilla
29  508   McGruder               Enoch
 5  533   McHatton               James
 8  536   McInter (or Minter, Winter)  Thomas
 7  535   McIntire               Robert
 5  533   McKay                  Alen
 7  535   McKeg                  Saml
 8  536   McKinley               James
 6  534   McKown                 Edward
32  560   McKown                 John
 7  535   McKoy                  Wm
 5  533   McManaway              Wm
 5  533   McMullin               Lydia
 8  536   McNickle (or McMickle  Jacob
25  553   Meddice                John
 7  535   Meddice(?)             Godfrey
24  552   Mercer                 Carver
 6  534   Meriwether             Wm
 6  534   Meriwether             Wm
33  561   Middletown
 7  535   Miles                  Nathan
 5  533   Miller                 Abraham
29  508   Miller                 Frederick
 5  533   Miller                 Isaac
29  508   Miller                 Jacob
 6  534   Miller                 Jacob
 5  533   Miller                 John
 6  534   Miller                 John
 8  536   Miller                 John
 8  536   Miller                 John
 6  534   Miller                 Joseph
32  560   Miller                 Michael
 6  534   Miller                 Peter
 6  534   Miller                 Peter
 6  534   Miller                 Robert
 7  535   Miller                 Samuel
 7  535   Miller                 Wildol
 6  534   Million                John
28  556   Mills                  Abraham
 7  535   Mills                  Saml
 6  534   Minin(?)tihis          Sarah
 5  533   Miriwether             John
 5  532   Mitchell               Charles
 6  534   Mitchell               Levin
23  514   Monday                 Wm
 6  534   Monroe                 John
29  508   Moody                  George
22  515   Moody                  Thomas
 8  536   Moody                  Wm
 7  535   Mooney                 Jacob
24  552   Moore                  Catharine
 7  535   Moore                  Daniel
 6  534   Moore                  Elizabeth
 6  534   Moore                  Evans
 8  536   Moore                  George
 6  534   Moore                  Hector
 7  535   Moore                  James
 5  532   Moore                  John
 8  536   Moore                  John
 7  535   Moore                  John G.
29  508   Moore                  Michael
 8  536   Moore                  Philemon
 5  533   Moore                  Thomas
 7  535   Moore                  Thomas
 7  535   Morgan                 Zadir
 6  534   Morris                 Absolom
 5  533   Morrison               Elizabeth
29  557   Morrison               Hugh
 8  536   Muckleroy(?)           Peggy
 6  534   Murphey                John
29  508   Murray                 Fielding
 5  533   Murray                 Sarah
 5  533   Murtle                 Phebe
 5  533   Murtle                 Wm
 5  533   Myers                  Barberry
 9  537   Nailor                 John
28  509   Nary                   Joseph
28  509   Nary                   Saml
28  509   Nash                   Harman
 9  537   Neel                   Saml
24  552   Nelson                 John
29  508   Netherton              Abraham
29  508   Netherton              Henry
28  509   Netherton              John
 9  537   Netherton              Jonathan
 8  536   Newkirk                Benjn
 9  537   Newkirk                Jacob
 9  537   Newkirk                Peter
31  559   Newland                Wm
 9  537   Newman                 Obediah
 9  537   Newnesnnoin(?)         Geo. H.
 9  537   Newton                 Peter
29  508   Nill                   Laurence
25  553   Nims(?)                George
29  508   Nixon                  Jonathan
 8  536   Noon                   John
 9  537   Novington              John
 9  537   Nowell                 Caleb
29  508   Nowell                 Edmond
31  559   Nowell                 Silas M.
25  553   Nuner(?)               Free
30  558   Obrian                 Ann
 9  537   Oldham                 Conaway
 9  537   Oldham                 Saml
 9  537   Oldham                 Wm
 9  537   Oliver                 Benjn
 9  537   Oliver                 Thomas
28  509   Oljlesby               Joseph
28  509   Oljlesby               Michael
28  509   Oljlesby               Nancy
 9  537   Omer                   David
29  557   Oneal                  Joseph
30  558   Onion                  Ely
26  554   Ormsby                 Peter B.
 9  537   Ormsby                 Stephen
28  509   Overstreet             Saml
 9  537   Owings                 Isaac
24  552   Ozburn                 John
10  538   Paggett                Henry
10  538   Paggett                Jas
10  538   Paggett                John
10  538   Paggett                Jonathan
10  538   Paggett                Thomas
12  540   Paggett                Wm
10  538   Parker                 Jose(?)
10  538   Parker                 Thomas
12  540   Patterson              John
25  553   Patton                 Jas
10  538   Pawin                  Mark
28  509   Payne                  LaVarn
 9  537   Pea                    John
 9  537   Pearce                 James A
10  538   Peck                   Christian
11  539   Peck                   Christian
11  539   Pendergrass            Jope (?Jose)
30  507   Pennybaker             John
10  538   Perkins                Spencer
27  555   Perry                  Selvester
10  538   Peters                 George
12  540   Petoff                 George
10  538   Peyton                 Phillip
11  539   Phebe                  Tres(?)
28  509   Phelps                 Avington
28  509   Phelps                 Smith
11  539   Philips                Jenkin
11  539   Philips                Richard
28  509   Philips                Saml
10  538   Philips                Saml
12  540   Philips                Thomas
28  509   Pickett                John
11  539   Pierson                Isaac
28  556   Pierson                Waller
12  540   Pince                  Philip
28  509   Pinnell                John
25  553   Pitts                  Robert
11  539   Plarler (Plaster?)     John
10  538   Plummer                John
 9  537   Plummer                Nancy
11  539   Pohan                  Wm
28  509   Pollard                Robert
11  539   Polley                 Joseph
10  538   Poloff (?Potoff)       Jacob
28  509   Poole                  Wm
28  556   Pope                   Alen(?)
22  550   Pope                   John
29  557   Pope                   Worden
11  539   Pope Sr                Wm
11  539   Porter                 Nicholas
11  539   Porter                 Nicholas B.
10  538   Posthewait             Wm
10  538   Potoff                 Andrew
10  538   Potoff                 Jacob
11  539   Potoff                 John
11  539   Potoff                 Lewis
11  539   Potoff                 Simon
11  539   Potoff                 Sophia
11  539   Potts                  Andrew
27  555   Potts                  John
11  539   Potts                  John
10  538   Poulter                Wm
11  539   Pound                  Hezekiah
11  539   Pound                  John
11  539   Prather                Fanny
29  557   Prather                Thomas
10  538   Prewitt                Bright
 9  537   Price                  Wm
10  538   Prince                 Edward
23  551   Prince                 Nancy
11  539   Prince                 Thomas
28  509   Pringle                James
10  538   Pringle                John
28  509   Pullum                 John
12  540   Pumroy                 Francis
11  539   Pumroy                 George
12  540   Pusycar(?)             Wm
12  540   Querry                 Charles
12  540   Quin                   John
12  540   Ramsey                 Thomas
28  509   Randolph               David
13  541   Randolph               Wm
13  541   Ray                    Arron
13  541   Ray                    John
13  541   Read                   John
27  510   Red                    John
27  510   Red                    Mordica
26  554   Redman                 Isaac
13  541   Reed                   James
13  541   Reed                   James
27  555   Reed                   Wm
13  541   Reed                   Wm
12  540   Reedy                  Jacob
24  552   Reel                   John
12  540   Reel(?)                Jacob
14  542   Reese                  Joseph
29  557   Reeves                 Ann
28  556   Rettinger              Abraham
28  556   Reymond                Francis
28  509   Reynolds               Charles
25  553   Reynolds               David G
13  541   Rice                   Edmond(?)
27  555   Rice                   James
32  560   Rice                   John
27  510   Richards               Samuel(?)
12  540   Richardson             Stephen
13  541   Riley                  Amos
13  541   Riley                  James
31  559   Roach                  John
13  541   Robb                   Henry
30  558   Roberts                Alexr
13  541   Roberts                James
13  541   Rollins                Arail(?)
13  541   Rollins                Jane
12  540   Roney                  James
27  510   Rooksberry             Jacob
12  540   Rornine(?)             Christy
13  541   Rose                   Francis
13  541   Rose                   John
13  541   Rose                   Thomas
13  541   Roseberry              Wm
12  540   Ross                   Lawrence
28  509   Ross                   Philip
28  509   Ross                   Rheuben
12  540   Ross                   Robert
28  509   Ross                   Shapley
27  555   Rothwell               Kay
12  540   Ruben                  Tree(?)
12  540   Rudy                   Daniel
12  540   Rudy                   Henry
13  541   Rush                   Conrad
13  541   Rush                   Robert
13  541   Russell                Constantine
13  541   Russell                Levi
12  540   Russell                Wm
27  510   Rutter                 John
12  540   Ryley                  Wm
13  541   Rysinger               George
13  541   Rysinger               Jacob
14  542   Sail                   Anthony
14  542   Sail                   Lewis
15  543   Sammar                 David
15  543   Sampson                James
16  544   Samuel                 James
16  544   Schooling              Joseph
26  554   Schwing                John G.
27  555   Scoggins               Charles
15  543   Scoll                  Joseph
16  544   Scott                  John
28  556   Scott                  Mary
18  546   Scott                  Wm
18  546   Seabolt                George
18  546   Seaner                 Philip
18  546   Seaner                 Wm
27  510   Sears                  Christian
17  545   Seaton                 George
17  545   Seaton                 James
17  545   Seaton                 Mary
17  545   Seaton                 Ninner(?)
18  546   Seaton                 Sarah R
14  542   Sebastian              Benjn
14  542   Sebastian              Wm
27  555   Sewell                 Banford
18  546   Shadow(?)              John
32  560   Shake                  George
14  542   Shake                  George
18  546   Shaver                 Jacob
15  543   Shaw                   Wm
14  542   Sheadey                Wm
28  556   Shearer                Jacob
27  510   Shearly                Absolem
18  546   Shearman               Charles
16  544   Shelton                Wm
15  543   Ship                   Edmond
33  561   Shiping port
15  543   Shively                Christian
16  544   Shively                Jacob
15  543   Shively                Philip
27  510   Shrader                Adam
27  510   Shrader                Christopher
14  542   Shrader                Jacob
14  542   Shradon                Wm
14  542   Shrador                Jacob
18  546   Shrimp                 George
18  546   Shrote                 Peter
15  543   Shudburn(?)            Amos
25  553   Simmons                Arod
15  543   Simmonson              Lawrence
28  556   Simrall                Wm F.
18  546   Sink                   Daniel
18  546   Sink                   Jacob
16  544   Sipon                  John
17  545   Sipon (or Sisson)      Vincent
16  544   Skinner                Isaac
17  545   Slaughter              John
14  542   Slaughter              Randall
26  554   Sloan                  John
16  544   Smiser                 Jacob
16  544   Smith                  Adam
27  510   Smith                  Catherine
27  510   Smith                  Daniel
15  543   Smith                  David
14  542   Smith                  George
17  545   Smith                  Henry
17  545   Smith                  Jacob
15  543   Smith                  James
17  545   Smith                  John
17  545   Smith                  John
23  551   Smith                  John
25  553   Smith                  John
14  542   Smith                  Judy
14  542   Smith                  Michael
18  546   Smith                  Philip
27  510   Smith                  Wm
18  546   Smither                Reuben
17  545   Smoot                  Alenan
17  545   Smuck                  John
15  543   Snead                  James
27  510   Snell                  John
16  544   Snider                 Anthony
16  544   Snider                 Jacob
16  544   Snider                 John
18  546   Snider                 Jospeh
18  546   Snider S               Jacob
15  543   Snider Sr              Anthony
16  544   Snodter                John
16  544   Snodter                Thomas
27  510   Souther                Henry
14  542   Souther                Henry
27  510   Souther                Jacob
14  542   Spalding               Henry
17  545   Sparks                 Elizah
18  546   Sparks                 James
14  542   Sparks                 James
15  543   Sparks                 Stephen
17  545   Sparks                 Walter
17  545   Sparks                 Wm
14  542   Spear                  John
15  543   Spears                 George
18  546   Speed                  Lewis
16  544   Speed Jr               John
15  543   Speed Sr.              John
27  555   Spink                  Raphal
32  560   Stackey                George
18  546   Stafford               Benjn
17  545   Stafford               Thomas
17  545   Stafford               Thomas
16  544   Star                   Jeremiah
16  544   Starnetter             Joseph
27  510   Steele                 Andrew
29  557   Steele                 Richard
14  542   Steele                 Saml
18  546   Steeley                Hezekiah
16  544   Stemdiford             James
17  545   Stephens               Charles
17  545   Stephens               Hanson
16  544   Stephens               Joseph
17  545   Stephenson             James
14  542   Stewart                Alen
18  546   Stewart                Elizabeth
14  542   Stewart                James
15  543   Stewart                James
18  546   Stewart                John
15  543   Stewart                Mathew
27  510   Stewart                Nancy
23  551   Stewart                Sally
15  543   Stewart                Thomas
14  542   Stewart                Wm
15  543   Stinson                Richard
16  544   Stowens                John
15  543   Stowens(?)             Nicholas
15  543   Strange                John
30  558   Straud                 Joseph
27  510   Street                 Wm
14  542   Strother               Joseph
14  542   Strother               Stephen
14  542   Strother               Wm
18  546   Stucky                 Martin
27  510   Sturgeon               Robert
27  510   Sturgeon               Thomas
15  543   Sullivan               Nathl
27  555   Sutton                 John
18  546   Swensingen             Alijah
16  544   Swingler               Jesse(?)
19  547   Talbot                 Thomas
19  547   Tally                  Mary
19  547   Talmage                Thomas
26  511   Taly                   Wm T.
20  548   Tar (Far)              George
26  511   Taylor                 Benjn
27  510   Taylor                 Colby H.
19  547   Taylor                 Francis
19  547   Taylor                 Francis
19  547   Taylor                 James
19  547   Taylor                 Nathan
18  546   Taylor                 Reuben
19  547   Taylor                 Richard
26  511   Taylor                 Roger
19  547   Taylor                 Thomas
26  511   Taylor                 Thompson
20  548   Taylor                 Wm
26  554   Taylor                 Wm
19  547   Taylor                 Zachariah
26  511   Taylor Jr              Richard
26  511   Taylor Sr              Richard
19  547   Terrell                John
19  547   Thebbald(?)            Thomas
19  547   Thomas                 Isaac
19  547   Thomas                 Jonathan
27  510   Thomas                 Richard
19  547   Thompson               Elizabeth
26  511   Thompson               James
26  511   Thompson               James
19  547   Thompson               John
19  547   Thompson               Robert
20  548   Thompson               Robert
20  548   Thompson               Sally
26  511   Thompson               Wm
19  547   Thorn                  Anthony
19  547   Thorn                  Henry
27  555   Thurston               Thomas
26  511   Tirby                  Elizabeth
26  511   Tobbs                  Daniel
28  556   Todd                   John
27  510   Todd(?)                Thomas
26  511   Tonelly                George
19  547   Trasinrider            John
26  511   Trigg                  Daniel
26  511   Trigg                  Thomas
27  510   Trigg                  Wm
19  547   Tuly                   John
19  547   Tyler                  Edward
19  547   Tyler                  Moses
19  547   Tyler                  Wm
19  547   Tyler Jr               Moses
19  547   Tylor                  Robert
16  521   Vance                  Eliza
14  523   Vance                  James
18  519   Vance                  Samuel
31  559   Vanmeter               Rebecca
16  521   Veach                  John
24  552   Vernon                 Wm  I.(?)
25  512   Vigle                  Matthias
25  512   Vivale                 John
20  548   Waggle                 John
20  548   Waggoner               George
32  560   Walker                 Danl
 5  532   Walker                 John
20  548   Wallace                Wm
21  549   Waller                 Thomas
21  549   Wane                   Isaac
20  548   Ward                   David L.
22  550   Ward                   James
22  550   Ward                   John
21  549   Warnix (?Warnin)       Eliza
22  550   Washburn               Delany
20  548   Washburn               James
31  559   Waters                 Major
21  549   Watson                 John
25  512   Watson                 Saml
22  550   Watson                 Wm
21  549   Way                    John
21  549   Weir                   Saml
22  550   Wells                  Melberton P.
21  549   Wells                  Saml
22  550   Wells                  Saml
21  549   Welsh                  Andrew
20  548   Welsh                  James
21  549   Welsh                  Robert
26  554   Welsh                  Robert
20  548   Welsh                  Saml
20  548   Welsh                  Wm
21  549   Welsh                  Wm
19  547   Whalen                 James
21  549   Wheeler                George
21  549   Wheeler                Wm
22  550   Whips                  George
22  550   Whips                  John
12  540   Whitaker               Abraham
20  548   White                  Abraham
20  548   White                  Daniel
21  549   White                  George
21  549   White                  Henry
 5  533   White                  Henry
21  549   White                  Joseph
21  549   White                  Lafford
 9  528   White                  Mary
20  548   White                  Millay
20  548   White                  Sally
22  550   White                  Thomas
30  507   White                  Wm
24  552   White                  Wm
28  556   Whiteman               John
22  550   Whitson                Ruth
26  511   Wilhite                Elliott
26  511   Wilhite                Evan
26  511   Wilhite                Humphrey
26  511   Wilhite                John
26  511   Wilhite                Jope(?)
26  511   Wilhite                Joseph
22  550   Wilhite                Lewis
25  512   Wilhite                Simeon
26  511   Wilhite                Simeon H.
21  549   Wilks                  Saml
21  549   Wilks                  Wm
20  548   Willey                 Charles
20  548   William                Jeremiah
25  553   Williams               Daniel
 7  530   Williams               Evan
29  557   Williams               Jeremiah
21  549   Williams               Saml
20  548   Williamson             Elliott
21  549   Williamson             George
20  548   Williamson             Henry
20  548   Wills(Wells)           Wm
21  549   Wilson                 Alen
26  511   Wilson                 James
25  512   Wilson                 Robert
25  512   Wilson                 W.
21  549   Wilson                 Wm
15  543   Winam                  Philip
22  550   Winchester             Richard
21  549   Wise                   David
20  548   Wise Jr                Peter
20  548   Wise Sr                Peter
21  549   Wolfe                  Athel
22  550   Wolfe                  Eliza
32  560   Wolfe                  George
32  560   Wolfe                  George J.
21  549   Wolfe                  John
17  545   Wollett                John
25  512   Wood                   John
20  548   Wood                   John
22  550   Wooden                 Robert
21  549   Woodrow                Alen (?Alex)
25  512   Woods                  Timothy
25  512   Woods                  Wilham
25  512   Woolfolk               Edmond
25  512   Woolfolk               Richard
25  512   Woolfolk               Robert
26  511   Woolfolk               Wm
26  511   Worrel                 Thomas
25  512   Writehouse             Thomas
25  512   Wymore                 George
25  512   Yeager                 Jope(?Joseph)
23  551   Yeanewine              Jacob
22  550   Yeanewine              John
22  550   Yeanewine              Leonard
23  551   Yeanewine              Peter
22  550   Yeats                  Isaac
22  550   Yewell                 James
22  550   Yewell                 Jeremiah
22  550   Yewell                 Martin
22  550   Young                  Andrew
22  550   Young                  Andrew
22  550   Young                  Christian
26  554   Young                  Emanuel
25  512   Young                  Henry
23  551   Young                  John
31  559   Young                  John
22  550   Young                  Thomas
23  551   Young                  Wm
25  512   Zaringer               Benjn
25  512   Zaringer               Jacob
23  551   Zaringer               John
25  512   Zaringer               Philip
23  551   Zaringer               Philip
23  551   Zelhart                Philip