The Dry Ridge Christian Church held it's homecoming and basket dinner on Sunday, August 26, with a large crowd present and a splendid program. At the Lord's table were John N. Gosney and R. H. Martin, two of the founders of the church. A splendid sermon was delivered by the pastor, Rev. Herbert Tinsley.


After conducting several revivals in the Baptist Church, which the members so graciously loaned for our services, the members of the Disciples of Christ living in or near Dry Ridge decided that they need a church organization at this place. So at 10 a. m. on December 11, 1897, they met at Atkins Hall to complete a church organization. Song services were conducted by Bro. Will Fryer of Osesprea, Kentucky. Scripture and prayer by Rev. Mills of Falmouth, who had just finished a revival here. After prayer, Bro. Mill was then asked to act as chairman and Bro. J. N. Gosney as secretary.

The following names were then enrolled as those willing to help with the organization of the church: Napoleon Ashcraft, Nannie Ashcraft, Lee Ashcraft, Hattie Ammerman, Lila Ammerman, Martha Bannister, Samuel Bonar, Annie Blackburn, Nathan Butler, Hattie Carter, J. M. Conley, Martha Conley, Masilla Carter, Ninivan Carter, J. W. Dunn, Thomas Evans, Laura M. Lucas, Manoah Lucas and wife, R. H. Martin, J. M. Milliner, Sarah Milliner, W. G. McNay, Nick Northcutt, Mary E. Northcutt, Lutie P. Points, Mary E. Prather, Charles E. Prather, James L. Ramey, J. D. Rankins, Mary P. Daubdman, Jacob Daubdman, Hattie Evans, Lizzie Evans, Newt Gill, Atha Gill, J. N. Gosney, Mila A. Gosney, Addie Hutchinson, Florence Hutchinson, J. T. Hinton, Emma Mae House, J. T. Hurt, Newt Lemon, Fannie Lemon, George Spaulding, W. H. Spaulding, Eva Sechrest, Ora Sayers, Marion Sayers, Flora Thomas, W. T. Thornsbury, Alex Trowbridge, Nannie M. Vest and Mary York.

The above named members selected for officers whom they unanimously elected: Elders, J. N. Gosney and J. T. Hinton; deacons, R. H. Martin, J. N. Lemon and Florence Hutchinson; treasurer, J. M. Conley; clerk Tandy House. These officers served of one year. Bro. J. W. Maddox was called as pastor.

The church moved along nicely and during the year 1898 the following were added to the roll: Artie Anderson, Annie Butler, Fred Bailey, Sarah Blackwell, Nora Cox, Jerry Carter, Louisiana Carter, James A. Carter, Leona Dickerson, Eva Hughes, George Holton, Mattie Holton, Sadie C. Martin, Joseph Martin, Annie Martin, Ada Milliner, Missouri Milner, Edwin Milliner, Edwin Milliner, Claude Preston, Beatrice Preston, Elsworth Preston, Mabel Spaulding, Ellen Spaulding, Alfred Wilson, Claude Wilson, Effie Wilson, Sally York, Elisha York, Daisy Jeffers and Walter Frakes.

After worshiping in the hall for over a year they purchased the resent site from Mr. Tucker, paying during the year $300 and the balance at a later date. J. T. Hinton gave the first $100 donated on the church and always loved dearly to come here. They started to build this building, some members furnishing work, others rock and teams, and after the foundation was laid Bro. Lewis Martin did the stone work. With all helping, it was soon complete.

From time to time new officers were needed as some moved from the vicinity and some went to the great beyond. The following officers have served the church during its lifetime and some are serving at the present times as elders: J. N. Gosney, J. T. Hinton, C. E. Prather, B. T. Crouch, H. H. Penick, Henry Marshall, T. C. Powers, Russsell Lawrence and R. H. Martin.

Mr. Martin has served as an elder since 1901 and is still an elder, he being the only officer of the church to serve continuously since its organization.

Deacons-R. H. Martin, Newt Lemon, Florence Hutchinson, Charles E. Prather, J. M. Conley, Nick Nortcutt, Walter Frakes, J. W. Dunn, T. M. Lawrence, Alonzo Sorrell, R. T. Rash, George Sebree, John Sebree, Walter Lanter, William Marksberry, Holton Hume, Abraham Hedges, Roy Gardiner, William Newkirk and Joseph Spillman.

Clerks-Tandy House, Sr., served from Dec. 11, 1897 to Dec. 1, 1898; C. E. Prather from Dec. 1, 1898 to May 21, 1905; T. S. Latimer from May 21, 1905 to May, 1920; R. T. Rash from May, 1920 to 1930, when Russell Lawrence was made clerk and financial secretary. R. T. Rash has severd as treasurer of the church since 1920 and is still treasurer. Holton Hume was elected clerk in 1933 and is also secretary of the board.

Dry Ridge Church has much to be proud of, for though she is young (37 years since it was organized) it has had some of the very best men of the brotherhood as its evangelists. A partial list I will now give: Bros. D. Y. Donaldson, S. D. Grubbs, Heldebrandt, Haley, Milton, Mills, Hawkins, Calhoun, Lois, Clark, Runyen, Webb, Laws, Small, Watson, Foster, Bowen, Baugh, Baker, Bowling, Johnson, McGowan and Bamber. Some of these have held their second meetings.

As pastors this church has had: Revs. J. W. Maddox, B. F. Cato, L. B. Haskins, Case, Gifford Gordon, W. S. Buchanan, J. T. Brown, D. T. Buck, Lawrence Weil, R. M. Sims, N. K. McGowan, Edwin Marx, D. D. Dugan, G. L. True, Ernest L. Ford, George C. Fry, J. H. Moore, L. N. Bowling, R. H. Jones, R. L. Harrel, H. A. Windley and T. H. Tinsley, our present pastor. Five of these former pastors have passed to the great beyond to hear the plaudit, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant."

Dry Ridge has always been a missionary church. The first year it gave $15 for missions and, though not being able to give what it wants to, it keeps on in a feeble way hoping to do better.

This church is thankful that it was able to give the following young men to the work of the Master: Fred S. Carter, W. A. Wolfe, William Hogan and Harry C. Dougherty. These are all promising young ministers. Bro. Robert Carter was also a student in our Sunday School and we feel an interest in his work. Bro. Edwin Marx we claim as our missionary, as he closed his pastorate at this church to enter the field of China as a missionary.

Our church is still growing and we pray God's richest blessings on its work and especially send our prayers up for the eleven charter members who are still enrolled at this place: Mrs. Flora Thomas, R. H. Martin, J. W. Dunn, Marion Sayers, Mrs. Lizzie Vest Webb, Mrs. Mry Nortcutt Mulford, Lee Ashcraft, Mrs. Hattie Evans, Mrs. Lutie P. Points, Tandy House, Sr., and J. D. Rankins. May their good influence, with the help of all the members, continue to make this church stand out as one of God's choicest blessings in the community, ever holding high the banner of Christ.

Written and read by Mrs. R. T. Rash, August 26, 1934.

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