Grant County, Kentucky is a WORK IN PROGRESS, we are learning and need your help. If you have any book's, CD's, or family records from this county and will do lookups, please mail Sandra Burbridge I am the new county coordinator for Grant County and would like to make this county a center for your Kentucky research.
Please submit your family data or volunteer to do lookups in your research
materials. To exchange ideas with other researchers for the Grant County area,
be sure and join the Grant County
Kentucky List.
The "1858 Atlas of Grant County Kentucky" includes 31 maps of
Williamstown, Crittenden and the rural districts of the county, plotted from
the deeds of Grant County, and her predecessor counties of Pendleton, Campbell
and Harrison, as well as from Estate Divisions and early surveys and patents.
One map is devoted to the many overlapping deeds and surveys that kept Grant
County lawyers occupied for so many years. Each tract on the maps is labelled
with all of the transactions which applied to that tract, so you can easily
locate the original deeds. There is a 22 page every name index which includes
both personal and geographical names.The book is printed on 11" x 17"
archival paper with a hard cover binding. The $42 price covers only the cost of
printing, binding, marketing and shipping. PA residents add sales tax.
This is a hard cover version of the edition recently published by the Grant
County News (which was produced from my computer disks), minus the
advertisements. If you email me your address, I will be happy to send a flyer
which describes the book in more detail and illustrates a section of one of the
maps so you can judge the amount of detail. If you want to order immediately,
send your address, with a check, to:
Thomas H. Hutzelman
3226 Rustic Lane
PA 16506
Phone- 814-833-6870
Jo Thiessen" History of Grant County, KY
by John B Conrad.
Sandra Burbridge I have several volumes of
Janet Pease Abstract Court Records for Pendleton, Harrison and Grant Co.
Joyce Gentry Davis; GRANT CO. KY Newspaper Abstracts Vol. 1
(9/1880-12/1894) Vol.11 (1895- 1899) Vol 111(1900-1902) Vol.1V (1903-1909)
Bonnie Snow I have several Grant and
Pendleton County Reference books.
Don't forget to thank our volunteers for the generous use of their time. This
page was last updated and edited on June 23, 2000.