Souvenir Edition, The Williamstown Courier, Williamstown, Ky, May 30, 1901, reprinted September 19, 1981 by the Grant County KY Historical Society. HON. WILLIAM POINTS is a native of Grant County, having been born March 18, 1811, and until quite recently, though a nonagenarian, was active and looked after the interests of a large estate. When he was ushered into the world Grant County was a wilderness, with giant forest of deciduous trees covering her hillsides, and thousands of wild turkeys and other wild game to be had for the seeking. Grant County was then not a county at all, but only the part of another county. Her history has been made since then. Babies have grown to manhood and womanhood, and their children have grown to manhood and are now active citizens. All this has taken place within the scope of ninety years, which has passed since the birth of Hon. William Points, one of the oldest and wealthiest citizens of Grant County. Land in his neighborhood was worth from fifty cents to a dollar an acre. Now it is worth $100 per acre. He was at one time the largest land owner in the county, owning more than a thousand acres of the virgin forests in and around Sherman. He has given it all away to his large family of children, and now has nothing but bank stock and Government bonds to worry with in his ripe old age. He was always a farmer. Mr. Points contracted a marriage with Miss Margaret Franks--we have not the exact date--but early in life. Sixteen children blessed this union, eight of them yet living. They are J. T. Points, Daniel Points, Martha Spillman, W. H. Points, Rosa Franks, Hulda Vest, Dora M. Johnson and D. C. Points, the fourteenth child. While Mr. Points has always been a farmer, he has also been a lawmaker. A quarter of a century ago he and O. P. Hogan, Sr., were rival candidates for Representative. A campaign was waged the like of which the present generation never dreamed. Thousands of dollars were spent on each side to secure the coveted prize, and to this day men speak of the Hogan- Points campaign, and point to it as a criterion by which all campaigns may be measured. Mr. Points was victorious, and served in the lower branch of the General Assembly for four years, reflecting both credit on himself and the county. He served from 1878 to 1882. Since coming to manhood Mr. Points has always been wealthy. He was one of the incorporators of the Grant County Deposit Bank in 1882, and was the first President, and remained President until 1894. Until within recent years he was always one of the largest tax payers in the county. He yet owns 58 shares of the capital stock of the Grant County Deposit Bank. He is a Baptist in religion, having been a leading light of the Mount Zion Baptist Church for many years. He lives at present time with his son-in-law, W. A. Vest, at the homestead where all his children grew to manhood and womanhood. At the present writing he is quite ill, but is reported considerably improved in health and will probably entirely recover, and will perhaps yet round out his hundredth birthday. The Courier hopes that it may be so. Points Franks Spillman Vest Johnson Hogan = none