1859-60 City Directory, Lexington, Kentucky
Residents S through T

Source: Williams' Lexington [Kentucky] Directory, City Guide, and Business Mirror, Volume I - 1859-60, Compiled by C.S. Williams, Lexington [Kentucky]: Hitchcock &  Searles, 1859.


al - alley or allopath ec - eclectic
atty - attorney eng - engineer
b - between ex - exchange
bar k - bar keeper h - house
bds - boards ho - homoepathic
b h - boarding house lab - laborer
bk - book or brick manuf - manuf'ry or manuf'er
b k - book keeper mer - merchant
bldr - builder mkr - maker
bldg - building n - north
bo - botanic not pub - notary public
c - corner nr - near
cab mkr - cabinet maker                opp - opposite
carp - carpenter prov - provision
clk - clerk res - residence
cof h - coffee house s - south and side
com - commission w - west
confec - confectioner wh - wholesale
e - east * - Colored Persons


Sage Osmer C., clk. bds Mrs. Mary B. Reed's
St. Catherine Female Academy, e s Mulberry b Constitution and 3d, sister Gabriella Todd, Superior
St. John's Male Academy, w s Walnut b 3d and Constitution
St. Peter's Church, e s Church b Constitution and 3d, Rev. H.G. Allan and Rev. Peter McMahon, Pastors
Sallee Andrew J., blksmith, s s Short b Broadway and Spring
     (Caleb J.S. & John I.B.) Forwarding and Commission Merchants, Insurance Agents, and Dealers in 
     Agricultural Implements, Grain &c. s e c  Main and Broadway
Sanders Caleb J., (S. & Bryan), n s 3d b Jefferson and Georgetown Pike
*Sanders Jane, n s 2d b Broadway and Mill
Sanford David C., clk. bds w s Mulberry b High and Maxwell
Savill Edward, gas inspector, w s Spring b Maxwell and Pine
Sawyers Miss Bettie, s s Cedar b Mulberry and Upper
Saxton Henry A., varnisher and sign painter, s s Spring b Maxwell and Cedar
     Plain, Ornamental and Sign Painter, and Gilder, s s Water b Mill and Upper, next L. & L.R.R. Depot
Sayre David A., (David A.S. & Co.) n e c Mill and Short
     Bankers, n e c Mill and Short
Sayre Ephriam D., banker, w s Upper b Church and 2d
     e s Mulberry opposite 2d, Rev. Henry V.D. Nevius, Principal
Sayre James, butcher, Harrodsburg Pike b Copr. Line and Toll Gate
Scanlan Wm. M., clk. Hugh Mann's
Schattner Chas., clk. bds s s Main b Mulberry and Rose
Schattner Fred, clothing, s s Main 2d door e of Upper, h s s Main b Mulberry and Rose
Schmidt Nicholas, carriages, n s Main b Mulberry and Walnut, h n s Main b Walnut and Back
Schneider Henry, grocery, w s Mulberry opp Constitution
Schneider Geo., harness mkr. bds Solomon Rice's
Schooley Mrs. Americus, dress mkr. e s Mill 2d door s of 2d
Schooley Edward, cabinet finisher, bds Broadway b Main and Short
     Bakery w s Broadway b Main and Short
     Family Grocery, w s Broadway b Main and Short
     Agent Staple and Fancy Dry Goods s s Main b Broadway and Mill, h w s Broadway s of High
Schweibold John, baker, wks s s Main b Upper and Mulberry
Scott David, bds Broadway Hotel
Scott Isaac W., cotton factory, h s s 2d b Jefferson and Georgetown Road
Scott Isaac W., (Oldham & S.) s s 2d b Jefferson and Georgetown Pike
Scott James F., w s Broadway b 3d and 4th
*Scott James H., barber, H.H. Britton's
Scott Mrs. Lucy, bds J. Keiser's
Scott M. Thompson jr., clk. s s 2d b Jefferson and Georgetown Pike
Scott P., bagging manuf. w s Broadway nr 3d
     Bakery and Confectionary, n s Main b Broadway and Mill
*Scroggins Geo., livery stable, s s Vine b Upper and Mulberry h e s Upper b High and Maxwell
*Scroggins, Leana, e s Upper b High and Maxwell
*Scroggins Louisa, s s Short b Georgetown and Payne
Scruggs E.B., bds Parker Craig's
Serugam James, foreman, Lex. Observer and Reporter, h n s Constitution b Walnut and Back
Serugam Mrs. Mary, n s Constitution e of Walnut
Sculler Mrs. Elizabeth, bds n s Main 3d door e of Mulberry
Scully Frank, tailor, bds Mrs. Sarah McAllister's
     Coffee House, w s Mulberry b Main and Water, h s s Church b Market and Mill
Scully Patrick, lab. n s 3d b Todd and K.C.R.R.
*Seals Dennis, n s High b Upper and Mulberry
Searcy Geo. W., carp. n s Short b Georgetown and K.C.R.R.
Searcy Hiram B., pattern mkr. bds Mrs. Jane Vanpelt's
Searles Miss Amelia, bds n s High b Mulberry and Rose
Searles James, bds n s High b Mulberry and Rose
Searles James L., (Hitchcock & C.) bds s s Main b Mulberry and Rose
Seaskint Saml., agt. Mann & Straus, s s  Main b Upper and Mulberry
*Seely Sanders, h e s Lower b Maxwell and Pine
Segar Mrs. Sarah, w s Spring b Maxwell and Pine
     Family Grocery and Provisions, n s Short b Broadway and Mill h n e c Broadway and Short
Selle Julius, marble cutter, wks M. Pruden's
Sellman H., shoemkr.. w s Broadway b Main and Short
Sharp Miss Elizabeth, milliner, n s Main b Broadway and Mill
Sharp Mrs. Emeline, bds John W. Cannon's
Sharp Frank, tinner, w s Upper b Maxwell and Pine
Sharp Franklin, tinner, w s Upper b Maxwell and Pine
Sharp Wallar, (S. & Young), s s Short b Jefferson and Georgetown Pike
     (Waller S. & Daniel W.Y.) Carpenters and Builders, Mechanics alley b Short and 2d and Broadway and Jefferson
Shattuck Mrs. Eliza A., n s 2d b Broadway and Mill
     (Hiram S. & Mrs. Emma S.) Hats, Caps, Furs, Trunks, &c. s s Main b Mill and Upper
Shaw Mrs. Emma, (H.S. & Co.) h s s Short b Spring and Jefferson
Shaw H., hat mer. h s e c Merino and High
Shaw Hiram (H.S. & Co.) h s s High w of Locust
Shaw Hiram jr., clk. bds s s Short b Spring and Jefferson
Shaw Joshua P., clk. H. Shaw & Co's
Shay C., lab. s e c Broadway and Spring
Shay Mrs. Catherine, h s e c Spring and Broadway
Shay John, lab., h s e c Spring and Broadway
Shay Miss Julia, s e c Broadway and Spring
Shay Matthew, lab. n s Water b Broadway and Mill
Shea Michael, stone mason, e s Mulberry b Constitution and 3d
Shears Wm., carp. e s Upper b 3d and 4th
Shears Wm., cab, mkr. s w c Upper and Bolivar
     w s Mulberry b Main and Short, A.J. Loecher & Co. Agt.
Shelby Isaac, banker, bds E.R. Spotswood
Shelby Miss Mary, bds Mrs. Mary B. Reed's
Shelby Thos., farmer, w s Mulberry s of Fair Ground
Shelly John, coach trimmer, bds E.A. Beach's
Shelton Robt., bds Megowan Hotel
     Wholesale and Retail Grocery, n e c Broadway and Short
Shely Mrs. Magdalena, e s Broadway b Vine and High
Shely Miss Susan, e s Broadway b Vine and High
Shely Washington, h e s Broadway b Vine and High
Shepard Andrew J., clk s s Short b Jefferson and Georgetown
     Family Grocery, n w c Georgetown Road and Short
Sheppard Miss Genevieve, bds John H. Hunter's
     Blacksmith, Wagon and Plow Manufactory, n s Short b Broadway and Jefferson, h n s Short b Jefferson & 
     Georgetown Pike
Sheppard Lyman, printer, bds John H. Hunter's
Sheppard John, clk S. Straus'
Sherman Miss Annie, bds n e c High and Mulberry
     Family Grocery, e s Jefferson b Short and 2d
Shiddell Barnet, machinist, w s Broadway b Vine and High
Shiddell J.J., cooper, w s Broadway b Vine and High
     (Worsham & S.) e s Jefferson b Short and 2d
Shrewsberry Mrs. Cynthia, bds Wm. A. Pullum's
Shrewsberry Sidney, blksmith, bds I.N. Sheppard's
Shrock Edward, student, bds n e c Upper and High
     (James H.S. & John L.C.) Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, and Bolting Cloths, s s Main b Mill and Upper
Shropshire James H., (S. & Cassell) bds Broadway Hotel
Shropshire Richard H., clk, bds n s Main e of Walnut
Shryock Cincinnatus, (S. & Jones) s e c Georgetown and Short
     (Cincinnatus S. & Wm. J.) Flour, Grist, Saw and Plaining Mill and Carpenters and Builders, n s Short 
     b Broadway and Jefferson
Shryock Miss Mary, bds P. Harkins'
Shultz Samuel R., coach painter, s w c Walnut and Short
Shumate Mrs. Ellen, w s K.C.R.R. b Main and Short
Shumate Mrs. Mary, s s Pine b Spring and Lower
Shumate Wm., lab. s s Pine b Spring and Lower
Shute Thos. W., shoemkr. bds Solomon Rice's
Shuter Miss Kate, e s Upper b Church and 2d
Shuter Mrs. Tabitha, n s Water b Broadway and Mill
Shy Mrs. Jane, bds John D. Cornwell's
     Fringle and Tassel Manufacturer, Ladies' Dress Trimmings, Gancy Goods, &c., n ec Short and Upper
Simpson Henry C., harness mkr. bds e s Upper b Church and 2d
Simpson John, clk. S. Marshall's
Simpson John R., cutter, w s Mill b High and Maxwell
Simpson Wm. S., (Galphin & S.) e s Mulberry b Main and Short
Sims Miss Jane, bds Mrs. Martha Norwell's
*Sinclair Benj., s w c Market and 3d
Sinclair Wm., overseer, s s L. & L.R.R. w of Freight Depot
*Singleton Campbell, s s High b Broadway and Mill
Skain Martin, grocery, s s Vine b Mill and Upper
Skalley Francis, tailor, bds s s Main b Mulberry and Rose
Skelly Patrick, lab. s e c Spring and Broadway
Skillman Mrs. A.T., s w c 2d and Upper
Skillman Mrs. Elizabeth, bds Joseph B. Cooper's
Skillman Henry M., (Dudley & S.) n w c Church and Mill
*Slaughter H., e s Upper b Main and Short
*Slaughter Thos., hostler, w s Mulberry n of 7th
Slavin James, lab. bds John McCracken's
Smedley Wm. E. (Hale & S.) bds e s Limestone n of Constitution
Smith ______, shoemkr. bds Mrs. Sarah McAllister's
Smith Miss Alice, e s Walnut opp Barr
Smith Miss Belle, bds Ayres alley b Main and High
*Smith Beverly, brick mkr. s s Short b Walnut and Back
Smith Daniel, carp. wks Shryock & Jones'
Smith Daniel M., carp. w s Georgetown b Short and 2d
Smith Miss Eliza, s s Cedar b Mulberry and Upper
Smith Miss Ellen, n s Main b Walnut and Back
Smith Jacob, bds Solomon Rice's
Smith Jasper, w s Upper b Cedar and Bolivar
     Barber Shop, e s Mill b Main and Water, h e s Mulberry b High and Maxwell
Smith John, shoemkr bds Mrs. McAllister's
Smith Miss Margaret, e s Walnut opp Barr
Smith Mrs. Mary A.R., s e c Mulberry and 4th
Smith Mrs. Milly, bds n e c Upper and 3d
Smith Nicholas, carriage mkr. n s Main b Walnut and Back
*Smith Robt., w s Upper b Cedar and Bolivar
Smith Mrs. Sarah, n s Main b Walnut and Back
     Blacksmith Shop, w s Broadway b Short and 2d, h n s High b Spring and Lower
Smith Wm. M. (Bain & Co.)
Snyder Geo., harness mkr. bds s s Vine b Upper and Mulberry
Snyder Philip, coach mkr. s s 3d b Mulberry and Walnut
Solomon Edward J., jeweler, bds Solomon Rice's
Spencer E.R., machinist, n s Short 2d door e of Broadway
*Spencer Moses, second hand store, n s Main b Broadway and Mill
     Saddles, Harness, Trunks, &c. n s Main b Upper and Mulberry, bds Jesse Woodruff's
Spillman Chas. F., clk. Bassett and Emmel's, bds e s Mulberry b High and Maxwell
Spillman John, clk. bds Mrs. Skillman's
     Lumber Yard and Steam Flour Barrel Manufactory, s s Main b Mulberry and Rose opp Back, 
     h s s Main 2d door w of Rose
     Principal Morton City School No. 1, bds John W. Dudley's
Sprake John O., carder, n s Main b Walnut and Back
     Blacksmith Shop, s s Short b Broadway and Mill, h s s High b Mulberry and Rose
Stafford Mrs. Sarah, bds John O. Sprake's
Stagwald Joseph, tailor, bds w s Broadway b Main and Short
Stahel Jacob, machine shop at Thompson & Van Dolsen's s s Main b Mulberry and Rose, h s s Constitution e of Walnut
Standeford David W., (Warner & S.) e s Walnut b Barr and Constitution
Steele Mrs. Mary, e s Upper b Church and 2d
Steele Thos., s e c Cox and R.R.
Stefani C., plaster paris toy maker, n w c Cedar and Upper
Stephan Mrs. A., embroidress, bds n e c Short and Upper
Stephens Mrs. P., w s Mulberry b Maxwell and Pine
Stephens Patrick H., carrier e s Upper b Vine and High
Stevens Miss Catharine, bds s s Bolivar b Broadway and Mill
Stevens Wm. R., tinner, shop s s Water b Mill and Upper, h e s Mill b High and Maxwell
*Stevenson Lucy, w s Mulberry b High and Maxwell
Stevenson Miss Mary, attendant Eastern Lunatic Asylum
     (Jacob B.S. & Henry A.B.) Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, s s Main b Mill and Upper opp Court House
Steves Jacob B., (S. & Bowne) bds J. Keiser's
Stewart ____, traveling agt. Wheeler & Wilson's sewing machines, s s Main b Upper and Mulberry
Stewart Geo. W., Adams' Express agt. in Danville, h e s Mill b Church and 2d
Stifler James M., machinist, n s Main b Georgetown and Payne
Stifler John W., machinist, n s Main b Georgetown and Payne
Stillfield Andrew, gardener, Eastern Lunatic Asylum
     House, Sign and Ornamental Painter, e s Mill b Main and Short, h e s Mill b Maxwell and Pine
Stoll Geo., constable, e s Upper b Main and Short, h s e c Constitution and Walnut
Stoll Geo. jr., student, s w c Walnut and Constitution
     Wholesale Liquor Dealer and Commission Merchant, n s Water b Mill and Upper, h s s Main b 
     Mulberry and Rose
     (Wm. D.S. & Aaron S.T.) Dentists, n s Main b Mulberry and Walnut
Stone Wm. D., (S. & Talbert) n w c Main and Walnut
Story Miss E., dress making,  s s Short b Broadway and Mill
Story Mrs. Sarah, h s s Short b Broadway and Mill
Story Smith, carp. wks Shryock & Jones
Strange J., brakesman, bds Mrs. H. Rogers
Strange Sanford, carp. e s Upper n 3d and 4th
Straus David, (Mann & S.) res Cincinnati, O.
     Clothing Store and Gents' Furnishing Goods, s w c Mulberry and Main
*Stuben Abaline, h s w c Spring and Short
     Vice President Transylvania University High School, s w c Upper and 3d
Suggett Lewis C., h s s Main b Lower and Cox
    Cigars and Tobacco, s s Main b Broadway and Mill
Sullivan Danl., brakesman, bds Mrs. Sarah McAllister's 
Sullivan John, bds n s High b Broadway and Spring
Sullivan John W., plasterer, s s Constitution b Walnut and Back
Sullivan Julia, servt. n s Main e of Back
Sullivan Patrick, lab. h e s Spring b Main and Water
Sutphin John, clk. bds s e c Mill and Pine
Sutphin John B., clk. bds s e c Mill and Cedar
Sutton Geo. W., hemp manuf. n s 2d b Broadway and Jefferson
Sutton John T., clothing, n s Main b Upper and Mulberry, h n s High b Mulberry and Rose
Sutton Miss Mary J., milliner, bds Mrs. Mary Cloud's
Sutton Thomas J., cab mkr. e s Upper b Church and 2d
Swift ______, engineer, bds Mrs. Sarah McAllister's
Swift Chas. clk bds n s Short b Broadway and Jefferson
Swift Chas., clk. bds s s High b Mulberry and Rose
Swift Stephen, s s High b Mulberry and Rose
Swift Wm. jr., atty. s s Short b Upper and Limestone, bds n s Short b Broadway and Jefferson
Swift Wm. sen., n s Short b Broadway and Jefferson
Talbert Aaron S., (Stone & T.) bds Phoenix Hotel
Talbott Leon B., baggage master, n s Short b Broadway and Jefferson
*Tandy John, white washer, h s s Maxwell b Spring and Lower
*Tandy Geo. (Leo & T.) h w s Mulberry b Vine and Hill
Tankersley Fountain, peddler, s s 2d b Broadway and Jefferson
Tankersley Geo., s s 2d b Broadway and Jefferson
Tarlton Leo, planter, e s Mulberry b Maxwell and Winslow
*Taskell Nathan, n s High b Mill and Upper
Taylor Berry, saddler, bds A.C. Berry's
Taylor Mrs. Caroline, s s Short b Georgetown and Payne
Taylor Chas. T., market master, e s Jefferson b Short and 2d
Taylor Geo., shoemkr. s s 2d b Broadway and Mill
Taylor Jackson, constable, s w c Broadway and Pine
Taylor James M., omnibus agt. bds Broadway Hotel
*Taylor John H., (John H. & Wm. L.T.) n s Church b Mulberry and Upper
     Livery and  Sale Stable, s s Church b Mulberry and Upper
     Dry Goods, s s Main b Broadway and Mill, h w s Broadway b 3d and 4th
*Taylor Louisa, w s Upper b 2d and Mechanic
*Taylor Matilda, w s Walnut b Barr and Constitution
Taylor O., conductor, bds Mrs. Sarah McAllister's
     Barber Shop, s w c Main and Mulberry, h n s Short b Upper and Mulberry
Taylor Samuel, carder, s s Main b Mulberry and Rose
*Taylor Saml., s s Mill nr Upper
Taylor Thomas, farmer, n s High b Broadway and Mill
*Taylor Wm., confec. w s Mulberry b Main and Short
*Taylor Wm. L., (John H. & Wm. L.T.) w s Upper b Church and 2d
     Confectionery, Fruits &c. s s Main b Broadway and Mill, h w s Broadway c 3d
Theobald Griffin P., n s High b Mulberry and Rose
Thomas Chas. B., atty at law e s Upper b Main and Water
*Thomas Jane, e s Broadway b Main and Water
*Thomas Moses, boots and shoes, s s Short b Broadway and Mill
*Thomas Sarah, s s Short b Upper and Mulberry
Thomason Edwin, coach smith, bds J.M. Lawrence's
Thompson _____, hatter, bds Mrs. Mary B. Reed's
Thompson Col. A.L., auctioneer, bds Broadway Hotel
Thompson Butler F., (Zimmerman, Appleton & Co.) n s Main e of Walnut
Thompson Chas. R., constable, e s Upper b Main and Short, h n s Short b Jefferson and Georgetown Pike
     (Milton G.T. & Geo. W.C.) Stoves, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware Coppersmiths, &c. e s Upper b Main and Water
     Hats, Caps, Furs, Trunks, &c. s s Main b Upper and Mulberry, h w s Upper b High and Maxwell
Thompson Milton G., (T. & Creighton) s s Main b Jefferson and Georgetown Pike
Thompson Miss Rebecca, s s Main b Lower and Cox
Thompson, R.H., slave dealer, office s s Short b Spring  and Jefferson, h s s 3d b Mulberry and Walnut
Thompson Saml., tinner, bds n s Short b Upper and Mulberry
Thompson Saml. S., (T. & Van Dalsen) Georgetown Pike 1 1/2 miles from Court House
(Saml. S.T. & Wm. Van D.) Jeans and Linsey Manufactory, s s Main b Mulberry and Rose
Thompson W.L., coach trimmer, bds M. L. Lawrence's
Thwaits Mrs. Hannah, b.h. s s Short 1st door e of Georgetown Road
Thwaits James, atty at law, office n s Short opp Court House, h s s Short 1st door e of Georgetown Road
Thwaits Walter, student, s s Short 1st door e of Georgetown Road
Tibbalts Miss Mary A., w s Upoer b High and Maxwell
Tiefenbach Andrew, cof. h. n s Water b Broadway and Mill
Tighe Peter, clk. W.J. Hanly & Co's
Tilford Mrs. Anna M., at Dr. B.W. Dudley's
     (John B.T. & John L.B.) Bankers, s e c Upper and Short
Tilford John B., (T. & Barclay) res "Woodlands" s s Main e of Rose
*Tillman Betsey, n s Main e of Back
Timberlake F.M., reg. phys. bds Solomon Rice's
Timberlake Wm., student, bds Solomon Rice's
Tingle John P., (T. & Quinn) bds Parker Craig's
Tingle Miss Margaret, bds Miss Nancy McWain's
     (John P.T. & Thomas Q.) saddles, harness, &c. w s Mulberry b Main and Short
     Speculator, n s Market 2d door w of 3d
Todd Sister Gabriella, superior of St. Catherine's Female Academy, e s Mulberry b Constitution and 3d
     Regular Physician, e s Upper b Main and Water, bds s s High b Mulberry and Rose
Todd Levi O., com. mer. n w c Broadway and Main, h n s High b Mulberry and Rose
Todd Miss Lucy, teacher, Sayre Female Institute
Todd Robt. S., clk. bds s s High b Mulberry and Rose
Todd Miss Sara, teacher, Sayre Female Institute
*Tolbert Hampton, baker, h w s Broadway b Short and 2d
Toles John, boots and shoes, s s Vine b Broadway and Mill
*Tolliver L., lab. Ayres alley, b Main and High
Tompkins Mra. Elizabeth, e s Walnut b Short and Constitution
Totton, Miss Elizabeth, milliner, bds n s Main b Broadway and Mill
     House and Sign Painter, Paper Hanger, &c. s e c Mill and Water, h w s Broadway b Maxwell and Pine
Townsend Henry, saddles, harness, &c. s s Short b Broadway and Mill, h e s Market b 2d and Mechanic
Transylvania Law Library, Court House Square, over County Clerk's Office, L.P. Young, Librarian
Transylvania University, Richard Ford, President, Wm. K. Stuart, Vice President, n w c 3d and Upper
Transylvania University (Medical Department), n w c 2d and Broadway, Robt. Peter, Dean of Faculty
Trap Joseph D., cigar mkr. bds n e c Church and Mill
Traynor James, carp. bds Mrs. Sarah McAllister's
Traynor James, grocery, s s Vine b Upper and Mulberry res 1 1/2 mile on Nicholson Pike
Traynor John A., grocer, s s Vine b Upper and Mulberry
Travis John, cartman, s s Bolivar b Broadway and Mill
Travis John, lab. w s Broadway b Short and 2d
Travis John, marble cutter, w s Broadway b Short and 2d
Trebein Adam W., clk. Wm. Scott's, n s Main b Broadway and Mill
Tribbue ______, fireman, bds Mrs. H. Roger's
*Trimble Elvira, n s Water b Broadway and Mill
Trotter Col. A.S. agt. Northern Bank of Ky. bds John R. Tilford's
True ______, n s High b Mulberry and Rose
True Robt., lab. n s Bolivar b Mill and Upper
True Willis, watchman, e s Mulberry n of 7th
Trumbull Mrs. Jane, n s Short b Jefferson and Georgetown
Trumbull John, moulder, n s Short b Jefferson and Georgetown
*Tucker Mrs. Phoebe, h s e c Upper and 3d
Tuder Mrs. C., e s Jefferson b 3d and 3d
Tudor Martin, stone mason, e s Jefferson b 2d and 3d
Turner Isaiah, engineer, e s Jefferson b 2d and 3d
*Turner James, plasterer, w s Mill b High and Maxwell
Turner John, carp. h s s 3d b Broadway and Mill
Turner Martin, carp., s s Short b Broadway and Mill
Turner Nelson, s e c Broadway and Church
Tuttle John, s s L. & L.R.R. w of Cox
Tuttle Mrs. Mary E., s s L. & L.R.R. w of Cox
Tweedie Wm. J., h s e c Broadway and 2d
Tweedie Mrs. W. J., grocery, s e c 2d and Broadway
Twyman Geo. W., printer, Ky. Statesman Office
Twyman Mrs. Sallie A., n s Constitution b Mulberry and Walnut

transcribed October 2002 by pb

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