1859-60 City Directory, Lexington, Kentucky
Residents N through R

Source: Williams' Lexington [Kentucky] Directory, City Guide, and Business Mirror, Volume I - 1859-60, Compiled by C.S. Williams, Lexington [Kentucky]: Hitchcock &  Searles, 1859.


al - alley or allopath ec - eclectic
atty - attorney eng - engineer
b - between ex - exchange
bar k - bar keeper h - house
bds - boards ho - homoepathic
b h - boarding house lab - laborer
bk - book or brick manuf - manuf'ry or manuf'er
b k - book keeper mer - merchant
bldr - builder mkr - maker
bldg - building n - north
bo - botanic not pub - notary public
c - corner nr - near
cab mkr - cabinet maker                opp - opposite
carp - carpenter prov - provision
clk - clerk res - residence
cof h - coffee house s - south and side
com - commission w - west
confec - confectioner wh - wholesale
e - east * - Colored Persons


Neale Chas. C., b.k. J.T. Miller's
Neblin W.C., cab. mkr. wks Patterson & Erd's
Neippert Henry, cook, bds Broadway Hotel
Nelson Henry, clk. s e c Maxwell and Mill
Nelson Henry P. h s e c Mill and Maxwell
*Nelson Maria, s s 4th b Mulberry and Upper
Nelson Wm., mail agt. h s e c Mill and Maxwell
Principal Sayre Female Institute, e s Mulberry b Barr and Constitution
Nevius Mrs. L., Sayre Female Institute
     Blacksmith, Wagon Maker, Machinist, &c. s e c Barr and Mulberry, h s e c 3d and Mulberry
Newbold David O., tailor, h w s Upper b 2d and Mechanic
Newdigate Miss Catherine, shirt manuf. s s 2d b Broadway and Mill
Newland Miss M.A. milliner, bds s s Main b Broadway and Mill
Newman John O., painter, bds W.W. Graves'
Nichols Erasmus, n s Short b Jefferson and Georgetown
Nichols J.F., twister, wks Thompson & Van Dalsen's
Nichols James, carp. wks Shryock & Jones'
Nichols James Alex., carp n s Short nr Jefferson
Nichols John, carp. wks Shryock & Jones'
Nichols John S., carp. n s Short b Jefferson and Georgetown
Nichols Thomas J., clk. bds Phoenix Hotel
Nichols Wm. C., lumber, s s Barr b Mulberry and Walnut, h s s 3d b Mulberry and Walnut
Nichols Wm. P., carp. bds n s Short b Jefferson and Georgetown
Nixon James, lab. bds n e c Broadway and Pine
Nixon Joseph, peddler, h e s Walnut b 3d and 4th
Nixon Thos., n e c Broadway and Pine
Norris Thos., clk. h n s High b Spring and Lower
Norris Thos., finisher, wks Patterson & Erd's
Norton Geo. H., clk. s w c Upper and Main
Norton Geo. W., (Geo. W.N. & Fitch), s s High 3d house e of Mulberry
     (Geo. W.N. & Frank F.) Druggists and Dealers in Surgical Instruments, Fancy Articles, &c. s w c Upper and Main,
      Melodeon Building
Norton Martin, attendant Eastern Lunatic Asylum
     Clerk Fayette Circuit Court, office Court House, bds Phoenix Hotel
Norton Mrs. Virginia C., bds W.E. Bell's
Norton W.H., notion store, n s Main b Mulberry and Walnut
Norton Wm. H., tailor, s s 2d b Upper and Mulberry
Norvell Mrs. Martha, s s 3d b Broadway and Mill
Nunnely Benj. F., saddler, bds n s Main b Broadway and Jefferson
Nunnely Miss Eliza, bds s e c Main and Locust
Nunnely John C., saddler, rooms n e c Upper and Main
*Nuther Mrs. C., n s Main b Broadway and Spring
*Obey Elizabeth, s s Vine b Broadway and Mill
O'Bryant Miss Helen, milliner, bds Mrs. E. Webb's
O'Connell Daniel, n s 7th e of Mulberry
s e c Broadway and Main
O'Donnell C., peddler, bds City  Hotel
Offutt Mrs. Mary, h s s Short b Broadway and Mill
O'Hearn Daniel, shoe mkr. e s Mulberry b Barr and Constitution
O'Keefe John, tailor, s s Constitution b Walnut and Back
Oldham Edward, (O. & Scott), res. Sandersville, Fayette Co.
     (Edward O. & Isaac W.S.) Cotton and Woolen Manufs. factory Sandersville, office s s Main b Broadway and Mill
     Barber Shop, s s Main b Upper and Mulberry
*Oldham Samuel C., barber, n w c High and Mulberry
Oliver R.D., saddler, bds Megowan's Hotel
O'Mara Wm., fam. grocer, w s Broadway b Main and Short
Omelia Sarah, laundress, Eastern Lunatic Asylum
Oots Sampson, cooper shop, n w c Georgetown and Main, h n s Main b Georgetown and Payne
Orear Thos. C., auctioneer, High b Mulberry and Rose
Osmond John, dealer in agri. imp.. Higgins' Block, h n s Short b Jefferson and Georgetown
O'Toole James, marble cutter, bds Mrs. Sarah McAllister's
Otwell Thos., upholsterer, wks Patterson & Erd's
O'Toole Thos., tailor, bds s s Main b Mulberry and Rose
Ott Geo., butcher, bds Mrs. Sarah McAllister's
Ott Jacob, butcher, bds Mrs. Sarah McAllister's
Overstreet M., tinner, bds n e c Broadway and Main
Overstreet Melville L., tinner, wks n e c Mill and Water, bds Evans Hotel
Owens Mrs. Catherine, w s Upper b High and Maxwell
Owens Peter, lab. s s Cedar b Mill and Upper
Owens Richard, boots and shoes, w s Mulberry b Main and Water
Owens Wm. T., bar k. Phoenix Hotel, h w s Upper b High and Maxwell
Owings Elkanah J., saddler, h n s Main., 1st door e of Back
Owings Wm., cab mkr. n s Main b Walnut and Race
Page, Mrs. Charlotte, s s Short b Broadway and Mill
Page James, tinner, s s Short b Broadway and Mill
Painter ________, cooper, bds n e c Upper and High
Parker Alex., clk. bds E. Lilly's
Parker Alex., clk bds J. Keiser's
Parker Alex. T., clk. s w c Main and Mill, bds e s Broadway b 2d and 3d
Parker Cassius C., painter, bds Mrs. H. Roger's
*Parker Chas., wks James Schooley's
Parker Chas., baker, s s Main b Mulberry and Rose
*Parker Geo., huckster, s s Short b Walnut and Back
Parker Mrs. Margaret, s e c Mill and Cedar
Parker Oswald, carp. bds H.A. Saxton's
Parker Richard B., clk. of City Court, s s High b Upper and Mill
Parish Edwin H., clk. Mulberry b High and Maxwell
(Wm. D.P. & Alex. B.) Hardware, Cutlery, Stoves, Grates, &c. n w c Cheapside and Main
Parrish Wm. D. (P. & Butler), bds w s Broadway b High and Maxwell
Patterson Archie W., bds n s Constitution e of Walnut
(John W.P. & Francis J.E.) Furniture Manufacturers and Undertakers, warerooms n e c Short and Market and
     s s Main b Upper and Mulberry
*Patterson Henry, w s Walnut b Barr and Constitution
Patterson John W. (P. & Erd), n s Constitution b Walnut and Back
Paul Leroy, horse trainer, w s Cox b Main and R.R.
Paul Samuel, bk. layer, w s Cox b Main and R.R.
     Attorneys at Law, s s Short b Mill and Broadway
Payne Daniel McCarty, (Daniel McC. & John B.P.) s s Main b Locust and Cox
Payne Edward, s s Main b Lower and Cox
*Payne Harriet, milliner, w s Mill b Short and Church
Payne Judge Hugh B., b.k. s s Short b Spring and Jefferson
*Payne I., bds s e c Broadway and Maxwell
Payne John, bds n s Short b Broadway and Jefferson
Payne John B. (Daniel McC. & John B.P.) s s Main b Locust and Cox
Payne Dr. John B., farmer, n w c Walnut and Barr
Payne John B. M.D., n w c Walnut and Barr
Payne Mrs. Matilda, n s Main e of Back
Payne Mrs. O.F. n s Short b Broadway and Jefferson
Payne Orlando F., clk. bds n s Short b Broadway and Jefferson
Payne Richard, farmer, s s Main b Locust and Cox
     Coal and Wood Yard, s s Short b Mill and Broadway and s e c Short and Jefferson, h s s Main b Cox and Locust
     Farmer, four miles on Versailles Pike and s s Main b Locust and Cox
Paynter Geo., cooper, bds n e c High and Upper
Pebworth Mrs. Edith, w s Broadway b Short and 2d
Peck ________, painter, bds M. Johnson's
Peck, Mrs. Augusta D., bds e s Mill b Short and Church
Peck J.W., painter, e s Mill b High and Maxwell
Peck Mrs. Lucy A., dress making, e s Mill b High and Maxwell
*Pee Parker, shoemkr., s s Main b Broadway and Spring
Peel Caleb, n w c 3d and Mulberry
Peers Mrs. Eliza J., e s Upper b Pine and Cedar
Perkins Jacob, scale agt. C.W. Wailey's
*Perry Geo., n s High b Upper and Mulberry
*Perry Prissa, c Bolivar and Upper
Perry Richard, shoemkr. e s Walnut b Constitution and 3d
Peter Benj. D., miller, s e c Market and Mechanic
Peter Robt., chemist, office Medical Hall, res s e c Mechanic and Market
Peter Thomas, painter, wks M.C. Foushee's
Pettit Geo., cab. mkr. w s Broadway b Vine and High
Petty Wm., b.k. G.W. Stone's
Petty Wm. C., b.k. e s Upper b High and Maxwell
Pew John, clk. n s Frankfort Road 2d h w of K.C.R.R.
Pfeiffer Sebastian, blksmith, n s Short b Georgetown and K.C.R.R.
Phipps Aaron, family grocery, s s Vine b Mill and Upper
     Ambrotypes, Photographs, &c. s w c Mulberry and Main, bds n s Short b Upper and Mulberry
Phoenix Hotel, (J.G. Chiles), s e c Mulberry and Main
Pickett Geo. P., bds Isaac W. Scott's
Pigg James H., carp. s s Frankfort Road w of Cox
Pigg Saml, steamboat mate, e s Upper b Pine and Cedar
Pilcher Miss Sarah A., school, s s 3d n Mulberry and Walnut
Pillkington Mrs. Mary L., s e c 2d and Market
Pilkington Joseph M., (W.J. Hanly & Co.) res Jessamine Co.
Pinckard Mrs. Mary R., school, n s High b Spring and Lower
Pinckard, Dr. T.B., regular phys., n s High b Spring and Lower
     Attorney at Law, office s s Short b Upper and Mulberry, h e s Broadway b Church and 2d
 Pipkin Andrew J., law student, bds s e c Mill and High
Plunkett Wm. F., (Allen, P. & Co.) s w c Mill and Cedar
Pohlmeyer Theo., cigar mkr. bds Mrs. McAllister's
     Dealers in Watches, Jewelry, &c., s s Main b Mill & Upper
Poindexter, Charles H. (C.H. & W.A.P.) bds e s Upper b High and Maxwell
Poindexter Wm. A., (C.H. & W.A.P.) bds Phoenix Hotel
Porter C.A., clk bds Postlethwaite House
Polk Chas. E., watch mkr. s s Main b Broadway and Mill
Porter Cuthbert A., clk. Gilliss & Harney's
*Porter Joseph, lab. wks R. Loud's
     Proprietor Postlethwaite House, s s Vine b Mill and Upper
Post Office n s Short b Broadway and Mill, Jesse Woodruff, P.M.
Powell James, engineer, w s Mulberry b 3d and 4th
Prather Lloyd, carp. s s 3d b Mulberry and Walnut
     Pastor First Baptist Church, res n s High b Mulberry and Rose
Presbyterian Cemetery, s w c 7th and Mulberry
Prewitt Richard H., Harrodsburg Pike b Corp. Line and Toll Gate
Prewitt R. Hickman (Hanson & P.) s s Short b Upper and Mulberry
*Price Harriet, s e c Broadway and Maxwell
Price J. bds E. Lilly's
Price James, clk, e s Broadway nr High
Price James H., bds Evan Lilly's
Price John A., n s Winchester Road opp Scott's Pond
Price Robt., clk. e s Broadway b High and Maxwell
     Marble Yard, s e c 2d and Upper
Pugh John, clk. bds Jonathan Woodruff's
Pullum A.B., clk. s s High b Broadway and Mill
Pullum Wm. A., trader, s s High b Broadway and Mill
Pumfrey Philip, engineer, bds. Mrs. H. Rogers
     Agent K.C.R.R. and Kentucky Stage Co. office n e c Mulberry and Main, bds. W.W. Boyd's
Quenot Mrs. Louisa, n s High b Spring and Lower
Quinn Thos. (Tingle & Q.) bds Wm. McCracken
Quirk Thos., candle mkr.. n e c Upper and 3d
Rainey Wm. H., b.k. (Oldham & Scott) bds John Keiser's
Randall A.T., clk. bds n s Main b Mulberry and Walnut
Randall Achilles, clk. bds L.C. Randall's
Randall Charles S., clk. n e c Water and Upper, bds n s Constitution b Walnut and Mulberry
     (Larkin C.R. & Thos. G.R.) Wholesale and Retail Grocers, n e c Water and Upper
Randall Larkin C., (L.C.R. & Co.) n s Main b Mulberry and Walnut
Randall Thomas G., (L.C.R. & Co.) n s Constitution b Walnut and Mulberry
Ranger Wm. D., w s Mulberry b Maxwell and Pine
Ratliff John, engineer, bds Mrs. H. Rogers'
Rattelle _______, tailor, e s Mulberry b Main and Short
Rea John, blksmith, bds N. Smith's
Read Mrs. S., dress mkr, s s 2d b Upper and Mulberry
Read Wm., harness mkr. s s 2d b Upper and Mulberry
Read Wm. H., saddler, bds s s 2d b Mulberry and Upper
Redd Saml. sen., n s Main e of Back
Redford Thos., lab. e s Rose b Main and High
Redman Mrs. Susan, n e c Locust and High
Reed Andrew J., (Henry W.R. & Sons) e s 6th n of Broadway
Reed Henry W., (Henry W.R. & Sons) e s 6th n of Broadway
Reed Henry S., (Henry W.R. & sons) res Rockcastle Co.
     (Henry W., Andrew J. & Henry S.) Coach and Saddlery Hardware, Leather, Shoe Findings, &c. 51 Main b Broadway
     and Mill
Reed Mrs. Mary B., b.h. w s Upper b High and Maxwell
Rees ______, bds w s Upper b High and Maxwell
Rees Miss Ann, bds B.C. Keiser's
     Freight and Ticket Agent, office c lower and Vine, h s s Main b Lower and Locust
Rees Thomas B., w s Mulberry b Church and 2d
Regan Jeremiah, lab. n s Water b Broadway and Spring
Reid C. Marshall, clk s s High b Upper and Mulberry
Reid Charles, newspaper carrier and col. h s s High b Mulberry and Upper
Reid Joseph, marble cutter, s s High b Upper and Limestone
Reidy J. & Co., (James R. & Davis Burbank) wh. and ret. boots and shoes, s s Main b Mill and Upper
Reidy James, (J.R. & co.) s s Main b Mill and Upper
Reidy John, bds n s Water b Mulberry and Upper
Reidy Mrs. Mary, b.h. n s Water b Mulberry and Upper
Reiley Chas., n s High b Upper and Mulberry
Reilly James, lab. High b Broadway and Spring
Reilly John, lab. n s Winchester Road e of Episcopal Cemetery
Reily John, foreman, s s Main b Mulberry and Rose
Reinhart Chas., soap mkr. e s Upper b 3d and 4th
Renfro John, clk. bds e s Broadway b Main and Short
Reordan Mrs. Mary, bds Hugh McManus'
     Reordan's Social Hall Saloon, w s Mill b Main and Short
Reynolds J. Alfred, bds w s Broadway b Main and Short
Reynolds Elias, saddler, bds n e c Upper and High
Reynolds Mrs. Frances, s s 2d b Broadway and Jefferson
Reynolds Jeremiah, family grocer, w s Broadway b Main and Short
Reynolds John L., bds O.A. Reynolds'
     Family Grocery and Produce Dealer, s w c Upper and Vine, h s w c Upper and High
Reynolds Patrick, bds s e c Walnut and Constitution
Reynolds Samuel W., sign and ornamental painter, w s Broadway b Main and Short, h e s Broadway b Short and Church
Rheins, Caspar, shoe mkr. bds John R. Henesey's
Rhines Miss Elizabeth, bds P. Harkin's 
Rhines Miss Helen, bds P. Harkin's
Rhoton Mrs. Sarah, n s High b Upper and Mulberry
Rice, J.M., reg. phys. s s Vine b Upper and Mulberry
Rice Mrs. J., matron Eastern Lunatic Asylum
Rice Solomon, b.h. s s Vine b Upper and Mulberry
Rice Wm., carder, bds Megowan's Hotel
Rice Wm., steward, Eastern Lunatic Asylum
Richards Miss Eliza, bds w s Broadway b Short and 2d
Richards John, tinner, bds w s Broadway b Short and 2d
Richards Miss Kate, dress making, w s Broadway b 2d and Short
Richards Mrs. Mary, h w s Broadway b Short and 2d
Richardson Dr, David D., bds Masonic Hall
*Richardson Francis, Ayres alley b Main and High
Richardson Henry C., dep. co. clk. res Masonic Hall
Richardson John B., clk. bds Masonic Hall
Richardson Mrs. Sarah, Masonic Hall
Richardson Thomas, carp. s s Short b Broadway and Spring
Riddell Nathan C., s s Frankfort Road w of Cox
Riddle Alfred, grocer, w s Mulberry b Mechanic and 3d
Ridgely Henry A., clk. bds E. Lilly's
Rieley John, h s s Main b Mulberry and Rose
Roach Elmira, bds n s Water b Mulberry and Upper
Roach Fielding, shoe mkr. w s Mulberry b Mechanic and 3d
Roach John, music teacher, bds Mrs. Sarah McAllister's
Roach Wm., carder, w s Mulberry b Mechanic and 3d
Roarck ______, coach trimmer, bds J.M. Lawrence's
Robb, Mrs. Ann L., n e c Upper and 2d
Robb Mrs. Ellen, s s Constitution b Walnut and Back
Robb Geo. W., clk. bds n s Short b Upper and Mulberry
Roberts B., stone mason, w s Cox b Main and R.R.
Roberts Mrs. Jane, s s 2d b Jefferson and Georgetown
Roberts Mrs. Nancy, w s K.C.R.R. opp Short
Roberts Mrs. Virginia, bds s w c Mulberry and High
     Attorney at Law and City Judge, e s Upper b Main and Short, bds s w c Broadway and High
Robertson Geo., atty. at law, s e c Mill and High
Robertson James B., atty. at law, s e c Mill and High
Robertson John, engineer, bds n e c Main and Jefferson
Robertson Wm., engineer, bds n s High b Lower and Locust
Robinson Mrs. Eliza S., bds s s Main opp Jefferson
*Robinson Ferdinand, mattress mkr. h e s Mulberry b Main and High
Robinson Henry, w s Cox b Main and R.R.
*Robinson Isaac, shoe mkr. s s Short b Spring and Jefferson
Robinson John, s s Vine b Mill and Upper
Robinson Mrs. Priscilla, n w c Walnut and Constitution
*Robinson Robert, whitewasher, h w s Mulberry b 3d and 4th
Robinson Miss Sarah, seamstress, Eastern Lunatic Asylum
     Clothing Store and Coffee House, w s Mulberry b Main and Water, bds Mrs. Sarah McAllister's
Rodgerson John, clk. bds J. Keiser's
Rodolf ________, clk. bds J. Keiser's
Roger C.C., atty. h e s Broadway b High and Maxwell
Roger Mrs. Dollie, bds W.F. Plunkett's
Roger Mrs. Henrietta, b.h. n s High 2d door e of Lower
Rogers Christopher C., (R. & Flanagan), e s Broadway b High and Maxwell
     (Christopher C.R. & Frank G.F.) Attorneys at Law,  n s Short b Mulberry and Upper
*Rogers Philip, h n e c Upper and Cedar
Roman C., fringe mkr. bds s s Vine b Mulberry and Upper
Rose Andrew J., carp. n w c Mechanic and Mulberry
Rosell John, carder, bds n e c High and Locust
Ross Mrs. Amelia, 1st assistant Morton City School, bds P. Harkin's
Ross Mrs. J. Charlotte, n s Main b Mulberry and Walnut
*Ross Lucretia, n s 2d Broadway and Mill
Roszel Stephen G., clk. bds s s High 2d door w of Broadway
Ruckel Henry, carriage manuf w s Broadway b Short and 2d, h n s Main b Georgetown Road and Jefferson
Rucker Mrs. Nancy, n s 3d b K.C.R.R. and Todd
Rucker Miss Rebecca, n s 3d b K.C.R.R. and Todd
     (Peter S. & Wm. S.) Carriage Manufactory, n w c Walnut and Short
Rule Peter S., (R. & Bro.) w s Upper b Church and 2d
Rule Wm. S. (R. & Bro.)  bds w s Upper b Church and 2d
     Wagon Manufacturer, s s Barr b Mulberry and Walnut, bds Evans Hotel
Russeli ______, fireman, bds Mrs. H. Rogers'
Russell Wm., med. student, bds e High and Upper
Ryans Casper, cigar mkr. wks S.N. Meyers'
Ryland Mrs. Ann E., bds Elisha Warfield's
Ryner Mrs. Jane, bds Francis Curry's

transcribed October 2002 by pb

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