Revolutionary War Soldiers That Lived In Kentucky

Revolutionary War Soldiers That Lived In Kentucky


Excerpt from "History of Kentucky" by Judge Lewis Collins, Vol. 1

Revolutionary War Soldiers -- Those living in KY, including those who moved there after the war, as of 1840. As Judge Lewis Collins said, "It is evident from their age, (some) were too young to be in the Revolutionary war, except as drummers or wagon-boys; while a few others were probably in the Indian Wars soon after the Revolution." Some names are of their widows who are receiving pensions. There were also veterans who refused a pension.

Adair County
Henry Armstrong 85
Flisha (or Elisha) Bailey 75
Thomas Cochran 77
Alexander Elliott 75
Samuel Ellis 79
John Hamilton 83
Zach. Holliday 78
William Hurtt 82
James Irvin 85
William James 82
John Montgomery 78
William Mosby 85
Solomon Royce 76
William Wornack 76
Thomas White 77
Philip Winfrey 76

Allen County
John Brooks 86
John Durham 88
Christopher Haines 80
Michael Hatter 81
George T. Hector 89
James McElroy 80
Stephen Merritt 78
Daniel Pitchford 79
George Stovall 79
Dorcas Alexander 74
Nancy Gatewood 74
Elizabeth Wright 81

Anderson County
Reuben Boston 75
George Jordan 87
Roadham Petty 89
James Robertson 86
Benjamin Warford 89
Jane Hawkins 77
Ann Hill 75

Barren County
Callam Bailey 92
Richard Bailey 78
William Bell 89
William Carson 80
Philip Carter 74
John Cole 88
John Cosby 99
John Duff 80
Thomas Goodman 77
Ambrose Huffman 86
Absalom Hughes 86
Jonathan Hunt 80
R'dham Lawrence 78
John Renfro 80
Philemon Sanders 78
Frederick Smith 86
John Watson 77
Liddy Harris 78
Margaret Higdon 74
Sarah Key 78

Bath County
Moses Botts 94
William Boyd 74
Josiah Collins 83
Gordon Griffin 86
William Kearns 84
Andrew Linam 81
James McElhany 80
Michael Moores 84
Holman Rice 82
John Sims 79
Richard Thomas 81

Boone County
Joseph Barlow 80
William Brady 81
Jacob Brenno 86
Peter Brumback 87
John H. Craig 77
Daniel Goff 80
Richard Hubbell 74
Cave Johnson 79
A. Ross 77
Hugh Steers 81
John Tomlinson 81
George Vest 80
Jerusha Alexander 86
Elizabeth Allen 65
Jane Bridges 74

Bourbon County
Archibald Bell 84
William B. Branham 77
John Brest, Sr. 81
George Bryan 82
Isaac Clinkinbeard 81
James Davis 79
John Debruler 92
Nathaniel Harris 81
Andrew Hawes 94
Thomas Hays 80
John Hinkson 69
Joseph Jackson 85
Edward McConnell 68
Wm. Scott, Sr. 67
Abner Shropshire 76
Michael Smith 88
Joseph L. Stevens 76
Henry Towles 54
Henry Wiggington 84
Henry Wilson 84
Phoebe Prichard 78

Bracken County
James Arbuckle 80
John Hamilton 76
John King 78
Wm. King, Sr. 80
William Sargent 81
Barth'mew Taylor 80
John J. Thomas 82

Breathitt County
Jesse Bowling 82
Drury Bush 82
Roger Turner 83

Breckenridge County
James Bramlette 78
John Goattey 88
George Pullen 81
George Seaton 86
James Wells 77
Susanna Sharp 71

Bullitt County
Lawrence Bishop 79
John Buzan 84
Jacob Hubbs 78
John Humphrey 77
Joseph Lloyd 79
Reuben Northern 81
Larkin Pilkenton 70
Isaac Skinner 83
John Stringer 85

Butler County
Willliam Beasley 78
John Clark 103
Matt. Kuykendall 82
Jesse Scofield 83
Mark Whitaker 92
Abner Wornack 76

Caldwell County
William Asher 79
Thomas Beck 75
Wm. Blackburn 82
John Blick 77
Reuben Bowers 74
Wil--- Ford 77
Michael Freeman 76
Solomon Freer 76
Major Groom 75
John Hart 88
Judith Freeman 80

Calloway County
Joseph Dunn 89
Nathan Frizell 82
Charles Galloway 83
Nicholas Henson 81
Kimbrough Oglivie 78
Rolling Stone 75
Peter Waterfield 80
William Wilkins 81

Campbell County
Wm. DeCourcey 85
Joseph Dickens 75
Thos. Harris, Sr. 93
Nicholas Long 85
Jacob Mefford 77
Edward Morin 96
Wm. Orcutt, Sr. 81
Henry Smith 90
Benjamin Sutton 85
Samuel Todd 83

Carroll County
James Coghill 82
John Deen, Sr. 84
David Driskill 79
Amos V. Matthews 79
Robert Scott 77
John Short 78

Carter County
William Bates 77

Casey County
James Carson 70
Jacob Coffman 84
John Royalty 70
Wm. Sutherland 95
Elizabeth Haifley 83

Christian County
John Cain 77
Jonathan Clark 81
William Gray 86
Isaac Palmer 93
James Sullenger 77
Charles Thomas 76
Thomas Woolsey 79

Clark County
Smallwood Acton 82
John Arnold 86
Lincefield Burbridge 80
James Bush 83
Vachel Faudre 79
Reuben Franklin 85
Thomas Lowry 79
Richard Oliver 97

Clay County
David Burge, Sr. 80
William Burns 87
John Chandler 75
John Garland 102

Clinton County
Nicodemus Barnes 80
John Davis 83
John Miller 78
Richard Wade 88
James Woody 79
Charles Worsham 88
Frances Pierce 81

Cumberland County
Elijah Bledsoe 68
Thomas Brothers 62
Thomas Cash, Sr. 65
Abrah Esters 68
John Gibson 95
Martin Grider 88
John Hurtt 71
Joseph Jewell 88
George King 90
Solomon Prewet, Sr. 96
Josh Self 78
James Sewel 85
Samuel Smith 98

Daviess County
Benjamin Field 84
Charles Hansford 80
James Jones 79
Benjamin Taylor 84

Estill County
William Harris 72
Wm. Johnson, Sr. 81
Andrew Leckey 78
Ambrose Powell 79
Joseph Proctor 86
John Stufflebean 101
Mary Eastes 81
Martha Elkins 74
Susan Horn 77
Barbara Meadowes 91
Barbara Noland 80
Elizabeth Ward 107
Susan Winkler 81
Phebe Witt 82

Fayette County
Thomas Clark 85
Daniel Cowgill 85
Abraham Ferguson 79
John Fowler 85
Fielding Jeter 81
Lyttleton Jeter 86
John Graves, Sr. 83
Randall Haley 84
James Lafon 78
James McDowell 84
Joseph Mosby 84
John Peck 70
Cornelius Sullivan 84
Sarah Bowman 84
Francis Epperson 90
Francis Falconer 79
Elizabeth Scruggs 74

Fleming County
Samuel Blackburn 80
Moses Clark 76
Zacheus Cord 64
Jesse Davis 76
William Davis 83
Hugh Drennon 80
Daniel Terhune 81
John Frazier 78
Joseph Goddard 79
Alex. Humphreys 86
Peter Mauzy 80
Patrick McCann 80
John McKee 88
John Page 78
William Proctor 82
Burtis Ringo 78
Redman Smith 80
Elizabeth Madden 87

Floyd County
Thos. C. Brown 80
Anthony Hall 78
Mexico Pitts 75
John Proter 74
Cudbth Stone, Sr. 80
Reuben Thacker 65
Benedict Watkins 84
Philip Williams 87
Patsey Harris 85
Rebecca Henrel 90
Amy Justice 80
Sally Moore 80
Elizabeth Preston 85

Franklin County
James Biscoe 80
John Crutcher 78
Silas Douthard 76
Robert Hedges 80
John McDonald 75
Virgil Poe 83
George Swingle 83
Charles Tyler 78
Frances Brown 85
Mrs. Etherton 90
Mrs. Polly Reading 78

Gallatin County
John Birks 67
James Furnish 74
Charles Goins 71
Jere'h Haydon, Sr. 78
Abijah North 80
William Thompson 77
Mary Slaughter 89


Garrard County
Robert Brank 79
John Buford 73
Goldsb'ry Childers 85
John Crutchfield 87
Averriler Edgington 75
John Floyd 82
William Haggard 84
David Kennedy 70
Timothy Logan 84
Thos. Ramsey, Sr. 85
Jesse Robards 80
Naaman Roberts 75
Michael Salter 82
John Slavin 83
John Walden 78
Thaddeus Warmoth, Sr. 79
Arabia Brown 86
Sarah Bryant 70
Leanna Pollard 77
Jane Poore 72
Jane Rasson 65
Mary Sutton 68

Grant County
Aaron Adams 71
Stephen Barker 81
Joshua Jones 79
John Jump, Sr. 96
John Lawless 89
John Linn 79
Daniel Seward 79
James Theobald 81

Graves County
John Brimage 85
Daniel Fox 75
Joshua Gamblin 75
Charles Gilbert 84
Joseph Glover 80
Willis Odem 85
John Stafford 74
Wm. Thompson 80

Grayson County
William Decer 90
Edward DeHaven 84
Isaac Goar 80
Simon Pryor 80
John Row 98
Henry Skaggs 80
Isaac Vanmetre 85

Greene County
Adrew Barnett 81
James Bibb 87
Andrew Chaudoin 78
James Cowherd 85
John Dinkin 81
Thomas Gaines 81
John Greenwell 80
Sherrod Griffin 81
Jeremiah Ingram 81
Joshua Lee 83
Moses Mears 80
Thomas Parsons 92
Richard Purcell 99
James Sherrill 81
Thomas Smith 77
Peter D'Espagne 75
William Sturman 85
John Thurman 73
Daniel Tribble 80
Mary Wright 75

Greenup County
John Chadwick 75
Thomas Dixon 75
Thos. Hackworth 77
James Lawson 80
James Norton 73
James Patton 89
Godfrey Smith 76

Hancock County
Edmund Newman 78

Hardin County
Anthony Ament 83
Samuel Aubrey 82
Warren Cash 80
Michael Hargan 85
Thenas Hoskins 82
Patrick Marvin 82
Alex. McDougle 101
John Scott 99
Joseph Smith, Sr. 78
John Smoot 89
Rich'd Winchester 86
Susan Hardin 79
Margaret Haycraft 80
Revecca VanMeter 63

Harlan County
Benjamin Cozad 80
Jas. Jackson, Sr. 84
Stephen L. Jones 99

Harrison County
James Bean 77
Samuel Caswell 77
Leonard Eddleman 79
Benoni Jameson 67
Wm. H. Layton 83
Thomas McCalla 87
Jacob Miller 75
Phillip Roberts 77
William Sutton 78
Lewis Wolf, Sr. 89
John Wood 90
Mrs. Mears 76
Ann Whitaker 79

Hart County
John Bomar 83
Law'ce Campbell 75
Benjamin D. Corder 77
Joshua Crump 75
Jeremiah Harber 47
Daniel Morris 74
John Patterson 77
Joseph Timberlake 88

Henderson County
Edward Baldwin 78
John Ramsey 84

Henry County
William Adams 92
Thomas Bell 81
Elisha Bishop 83
John Blakemore 78
Barak Bryant 99
David Criswell 77
Joseph Davis 77
Peter Force 96
Benjamin Haydon 82
Samuel Hisle 78
Charles Hugely 80
William Jeffreys 77
Archib'd Johnston 94
James Johnston 77
Henry Kephart 78
Jacob List 81
James Logan 76
John Martin 80
Richard Minyard 91
George K. Mitchell 77
William Morgan 78
Thomas Pettit 76
Matthias Shuck 84
William Simmons 97
Joshua Wallace 79
Littleberry Wells 79
Thos. Wooldridge 89
Dorcas Antle 77
Rebecca Goode 85
Mary Jourdan 75
Sarah Powell 83

Hickman County
John Bane, Sr. 84
Murril Cunningham 81
John Depayster 86
Lewis Huey 79
Jesse Meshew 79
Henry Pickett 96
Thomas Vincent 81
Jacob Williams 75

Hopkins County
James Curtis 84
Samue Downey 78
William Givens 78
John Herron 102
John Montgomery 72
George Timmonds 82
Manley Winstead 80

Jessamine County
Benjamin Adams 96
Daniel Bryan 82
Robert Campbell 79
John Carroll 85
Abraham Cassell 84
James Ervin 85
James Graves 79
Jacob Grindstaff 88
Giles Hawkins 86
Kesiah Jenkins 78
Jeremiah King 81
James Martin 82
John Magee 79
Henry Overstreet 76
James Walker 81
Alex. Willoughby 80
Mary Hicks 80
Ann Hunter 75
Betsy Knight 77

Jefferson County
Samuel Conn 78
Levin Cooper, Sr. 87
John Murphy 76
Benj. Wilkeson 95
Jane Wilson 78

Kenton County
Joseph Casey 78
Stephen Collins 85
John Ducker 81
John Keen 81
Edmucd Massey 95
Wm. Worthington 90
Nancy McGlassen 72

Knox County
Richard Ballew 72
Edward Browning 100
Jacob Cooper 109
Peter Hammonds 78
John B. Horton 81
James Miller 93
Joshua Mullins 82

Laurel County
John Faubush 81
Titus Mersham 91
John Nicks 84
Ambrose Pitman 72
John Simpson 87
Solomon Stansberry 85

Lawrence County
Gilbert Bloomer 87
George Hardwick 82
Moses Henny 83
William Lyons 88
Josiah Marcum 81
James Ward 80
Silas Wooton 84

Lewis County
Richard Bane 88
John Dyal 77

Lincoln County
John S. Alverson 85
Samuel Duncan 80
Abraham Eastes 76
Micajah Frost 79
Anthony Gale 78
Robert Givens 83
Joseph Hall 79
Mark McPherson 86
Dunn Salyers 81
Abraham Sublett 84
Caldwell Wood 83

Livingston County
James Clinton 80
William Fires 81
Arthur Travis 76
William Wells 89

Logan County
William Addison 72
George Blakey 91
John P. Gillum 79
Alexander Guffey 77
John Ham 95
Moses Hendricks 75
George Herndon 78
Lawrence Howke 80
Rodham Kenner 77
William Patillo 80
James Stevenson 75
John Wited 76
Judith Williams 75

Madison County
Thomas Becknell 77
Robert Burnside 80
John Cook 81
James Cooley 80
Robert Covington 77
John Crook 74
Jacob Dooly 85
Henry Duke 81
Thomas Dunbar 80
Gabriel Duncan 80
Richard Gentry 77
Nathan Guttridge 76
Richard Harris 78
John Hunter, Sr. 78
Joseph Kennedy 81
Wm. Kindred 80
Isham Lane 82
John Land, Sr. 86
Ralph Magee, Sr. 86
Thomas Mason 74
Thomas Morris 80
Jesse Oglesby 76
Richard Oliver 87
Yelverton Peyton 86
Loftus Pullen 80
Anthony Perkins 76
John Ross 78
George Tennal 89
Joseph Todd 81
Samuel Walkup 82
Joseph Watson 86
Mary Barnett 77

Marion County
Coonrod Beams 82
James Corbett 81
James WhiteCotton 91
William Hendrick 95
James Ramsey 79
Geo. Spalding, Sr. 84
Perry Tharp 83
Mrs. Hardin 80
Margaret Smock 79

Mason County
Leonard Bean 80
Daniel Bell 76
William Bickley 83
John Campbell 65
William Devin 71
William Owens 77
John Rust 86
John Solomon 85
Samuel H. Stitt 49
John Ward 78
John White 82
Abram Williams 98
Elizabeth Cole 81
Isabella Pelham 74
Mary Ann Shepherd 75

McCracken County
Benjamin Jones 79
Nancy B. Lovelace 84
Sarah Moore 83

Mercer County
Philip Board 80
Claib’ne Bradshaw 83
Charles Brown 88
Ebenezer Carey, Sr. 83
Matthew Colter 81
John Comingore 90
Timothy Cunn 84
Henry Deshazer 81
Elias Fisher 87
Isaac Fallis 77
Geo. Gabbard, Sr. 79
James Galloway 84
Thomas Graham 78
John Grant 85
Samuel Hackney 79
Henry Hamler 8
Charles Hart 81
Edward Hutchins 80
Peter Huff 85
Robert Jones 75
William Kelly 84
Thomas Kyle 83
John Potter, Sr. 79
Jdames Rains 82
John Rice 78
Reuben smithy 85
Christian Snail 89
John Sneed 86
Henry Sparrow 79
Leonard Taylor 83
Cornelius O. Vanarsdale 80
Lewis Webb 83
Edward Willis 78
Sarah Bohon 76
Susanna Jourdan 79
Elizabeth Moore 75
Mary Pipes 81
Martha Sandefer 83
Jane Shelton 82
Rebecca Verbryck 83
Mary Wilson 76

Monroe County
Thomas Bartley 77
Thos. Brown, Sr. 84
Hardin Denham 78
Solomon Dickerson 80
John Giles 84
Joseph Gist 89
Jacob Goodman 80
Matthew Kidwell 80
John Morehead 90
John Rainer 85
Fleming Smith 96
Elijah Veach 89
Pleasant Haily 84

Montgomery County
James Bourn 78
William Conner 74
Beverly Daniel 78
James Dunlap 99
John B. Fisher 70
Robert Garrett 88
William Gray 85
Benjamin Grigsby 91
Daniel McCarty 78
Samuel McKee 76
James Ramsey 78
Benj. Robinson 84
Edward Steen 70
John Stephens 79

Morgan County
David Ellington 78
B. Hamilton 76
John Kulby 87
Isaac Kuton 79
Thomas Lewis 85
John Prewitt 85
Levi Stevenson 85
John Smothers 79
Gilbert Stevens 78
Benjamin Wages 106
Rebecca Day 74
Mary Hopkins 84
Martha Jones 80

Muhlenburg County
John Bone 79
Joshua Elkins 86
Sihez Garris 77
Andrew Glenn 88
William Hopkins 73
Benjamin Neal 80
Britain Willis 80

Nelson County
John Bell 91
Barnabas Carter 84
John Lawson 83
Benjamin Smith 79
Wm. Thompson 101
Susan McCown 74

Nicholas County
Edward Adkins 85
Coleman A. Collier 61
James Fitzpatrick 88
Wm. H. Layton 86
Hugh McClintock 82
Esau Ritchey 63
Edward Stoker 77
Reuben Walls 86
Sarah Barnett 76

Ohio County
Zebra Arnold 83
William L. Barnard 81
Chesley Callaway 81
William Campbell 87
William Carter, Sr. 80
Peter Parks 81
Francis Petty 87
Diadama Shutts 78

Oldham County
Edmund Archer 81
John Austin 102
Benjamin Coons 66
James Hoskins 83
Merrett Humphrey 80

Owen County
John Bond 78
Samuel Boone 83
Robert Burke 78
Henry Carter 91
John Grill 82
Jacob Hunter 83
Edward D. Kenny 78
William Ligon 78
William Lawrence 77
Thomas Parsley 78
John Sanders, Sr. 89
John Searcy 78
Lewis Vallandingham 79
Nancy Ellis 77
Reb’ca McCormack 88

Pendleton County
William Cleveland 83
Isaac Conner 85
James Cordy 87
Peter DeMoss 88
John Glinn 80
James Hammerty 70
Gabriel Mulllins 87
James Pribble 79
Adam Taylor 78
Robert Taylor 82
James Tilton 94
Phebe Clarkson 66
Jene Hand 75
Elizabeth Wyatt 78

Perry County
James Cuadill 90
Archelaus Croft 81
Simon Justice 87
Edmund Polly 84

Pike County
Joseph Ford 88
Moses Stepp 86
Christian Trant 87

Pulaski County
Robert Anderson 70
George Decker 80
Barnabas Murray 80
Robert Sayers 80
John Wilson 70

Rockcastle County
William Abney 86
Humphrey Bates 70
Elijah Denny 7oo7
Moss Farris 78
George Harloe 80
Nicholas Howke 100
William Lawrence 76
Reuben C. Pew 81
F. Ramsey, Sr. 76
George Sigmon 83
Jacob Stephens 84
William Sweeny 80

Russell County
Jordan George 76
Thomas Graves 77
Henry Law 82
William Perryman 81
John Polly 80
Matt. Robertson 78
Isham Sharp 85

Scott County
Samuel Bamhill 82
William Beatty 78
Joseph Burch 77
John Campbell 75
James Dooly 106
Daniel Gano, Sr. 82
John Gatewood 77
John Hiles 80
Herman Hill 87
John Jacobs 78
James Jones 74
David Keer 93
Paul Leathers 96
Jeremiah Miner 95
Achilles Stapp 86
Mary Chisham 86
Henri’ta Downing 95
Kindness Gresham 97
Abigail Patterson 70
Eleanor Tarlton 78

Shelby County
Bland W. Ballard 81
Francis Basket 73
Nicholas Blankenbaker 82
Samuel Burke 84
Peter Carnine 88
Benjamin Conyers 91
Wm. French, Sr. 80
Robert F. Gale 72
Elisha Gibson 95
George Hawkins 92
James Hickman 81
Daniel McCalister, Sr. 80
Edward Miller 89
Charles Mitchell 83
Meshach Pearson 86
Joseph Reeves 73
John Reily 79
Seth Stratton 78
Joseph Thompson 70
Benj. Washburn 72
Samuel White 64
Henry Wiley 95
Robert Woolfolk 85
Sarah Christy 79
Nancy Clark 76
Elizabeth Collett 71
Nancy Davis 81
Sarah Ford 75
Delilah Maddox 72

Simpson County
Layton Cooper 82
James Moore 84
George Pearce 85
William West 87
Nancy Kelly 85
Mary Roper 75

Spencer County
John Barr 85
John Davis 82
M. Reason 85
John Ringo 80
Brant Stone 90
John Strange 90
Philip Taylor 75

Todd County
Robert Aycock 85 (or 86)
John M. Boyd 77
James Flack 79
Goerge Gibson 78
Samuel Gordon 81
Benjamin Pannel 83
Peter Petree 77
Jonathan Smith 83
William Turner 85
Alla Boone 67
Jeanette Mahon 70
Elizabeth Quarles 75

Trigg County
James Barham 78
Balaam Ezell 84
Miles Hallowell 79
Jno. Mayberry, Sr. 76

Trimble County
Isaac Gray 66
Thomas Hardin 81
John Logan 82
Thomas McIntosh 83
Thomas Morgan 79
Joshua Prewett 77
Samuel Vanhorn 86
George Wright 76
Kennard Younger 85

Union County
Armisted Anderson 83
A. Davenport 81
Lewis Richards 77

Warren County
Miles Bellowes 80
John Billingsley 87
Christopher Haven 88
William Hayes 77
Jesse Kirby, Sr. 83
Leonard Kirby 79
Ralph Young 87

Washington County
Peter Adams 79
Samuel Booker 82
Philip Burns 84
John Combs 81
Elijah Farris 80
Amos Graham 85
Martin Hughes 81
John Lambert 81
Nathan Lawson 85
Jacob Lea 75
Joseph Sweeny 81
Jonathan White 78
Andrew Young 82

Whitley County
Thomas Adkins 82
John Hood 80
Thomas Laughlin 77
Pierce Dant Hamblen (Hamblin)
Henry Porch 75
James Rogers 86
Darley Smithheart 81
Daniel Trigg 86
Anes Witt 80

Wayne County
John Adair 87
Peter Catron 86
Reuben Coffey 81
Caleb Cooper 80
Frederick Cooper 80
Patrick Coyle 71
Isaac Crabtree 82
William Doss 76
Mastin Durham 85
Barthol’w Haden 64
Abram Hunt 80
James Jones, Sr. 81
John Parmley 79
James Piercey 80
Stephen Pratt 75
George Rogers 76
Zachariah Sanders 81
James Turner, Sr. 77
Charles Washam 80

Woodford County
Peter Alexander 83
Stephen Chilton 80
John Cox 78
Dennis Dailey 79
John Gregory 84
James Hamilton 77
John McQuiddy 80
John Mitchell 75
George W. New 76
Jane Ellis 77


It must be kept in mind that the foregoing list of Revolutionary soldiers, and of widows of deceased soldiers, includes only those who were living in Kentucky as late as July, 1840, nearly sixty years after the close of the great struggle. Besides these, several thousand more of those soldiers, with their families, emigrated to Kentucky, and died before 1840; among them, many who became leading men in the State, and some of them in the Nation. The following are a few of the names:

Maj. John Allen
Col. Richard C. Anderson
Maj. Herman Bowmar
Maj. John Bradford
Hon. John Brown
Maj. John Brown
Gen. Richard Butler
Col. Wm. Christian
Gen. George Rogers Clark
Gen. Richard Collins
Gen. Henry Crist
Maj. John Crittenden
Maj. John Finley
Col. John Floyd
Gov. James Garrard
Gov. Christopher Greenup
Col. John Hardin,
Col John Howard
Gen. Samuel Hopkins
Capt. Wm. Hubbell
Capt. John Jouett
Col. Matthew Jouett
Gov. George Madison
Col. Thomas Marshall
Col. James Morrison
Col. George Nicholas
Maj. Charles Pelham
Maj. Valentine Peers
Maj. Edmund Rogers
Col. William Russell
Gov. Charles Scott
Gov. Isaac Shelby
Col. Richard Taylor
Col. John Todd”

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