

                                       Contributed By David Tucker - [email protected]


YEAR     NAME                                    ACRES WATER COURSE                               CHILDREN

1839[3]     Wm. Holsey

                William Horsley

1840       HIRAM HOSLEY                100                         TROUGH                                              (2) 7 TO 17          




1842       HIRAM HORSLEY             100                         TROUGH                                              (2) 7 TO 17


1843       HIRAM HORSELY             50                           TROUGH                                              BLANK

                JAMES HORSELY             NO LAND                                                                             BLANK


1844       JAMES HORSELEY           NO LAND                                                                             BLANK

                HIRAM HORSELEY           150                         TROUGH                                              (4) 5 TO 16


1845       WM HORSELY                   NO LAND                                                                             (3) 5 TO 16

                JAMES HORSELY             NO LAND                                                                             BLANK


1846       WILLIAM HORSELY        NO LAND                                                                             (2) 5 TO 16

                JAMES HORSELY             NO LAND                                                                             BLANK

                HIRAM HORSLEY             NO LAND                                                                             (3) ? 5 TO 16

                GABRIEL HORSLEY         NO LAND                                                                             BLANK


1847, 1848, 1849, 1850 AND 1851                NO TAX RECORDS  EXIST FOR CARTER COUNTY


1852       GABRIEL HORSLEY         NO LAND                                                                             BLANK

                HIRAM HORSLEY             400                         TYGERT                                                (1) 5 TO 16

                WILLIAM HORSLEY        NO LAND                                                                             (3) 5 TO 16

                JAMES HORSLEY             300                         H........G ?[4]                                             BLANK


1853       WILLIAM HORSLEY        NO LAND                                                                             (2) 6 TO 18

                GABRIEL HORSLEY         500                         BUFFALO                                             BLANK

                HIRAM HORSLEY             200                         TIGERT                                                 (4) 6 TO 18

                GIMAMAH HORSLEY       NO LAND                                                                             (1) 6 TO 18


1854       GABRIEL HORSLEY         500                         BUFFALO                                             (1) 6 TO 18

                WM HORSLEY                   NO LAND                                                                             (4) 6 TO 18

[1] The number of horses, cattle, hogs and values have been left out for space reasons but the numbers varied from none to two or three in most cases. The children are shown as between 7 and 17 or between 5 and 16, I have assumed that it is inclusive.


[2] The William and James shown in these records cannot be identified positively, but based on the ages of the children shown for William and lack children shown for James I would suggest that they are possibly the brothers shown in the 1850 census of Greenup and the sons of Taylor Horsley. At the time of the 1850 census of Greenup James was living in the household of his brother William. The fact that they are shown as tithe’s over 21 years of age in Carter and yet recorded in Greenup in the 1850 census would seem to confirm their residence as right on the county line.


[3] These two names are taken from the 1839 Tax data shown on the Carter County GenWeb page.


[4] The word appears to start with an “H” and end with a “G” but it could possibly be a “G” and “Y” in which case it may be Grassy which was certainly in the right area. It might also be Harvey.