1773 Ohio River, Tygarts Creek map

1773 Ohio River, Tygarts Creek map

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This is an interesting map of the Ohio River in the area where Tygarts Creek merges with it.
The Ohio flows west from the upper left to the lower center on this map.

Note the Scioto River flowing from the north (left) into the Ohio (near present day Portsmouth, Ohio).

"Scioto" is one of the local Native American names that have survived to current usage.
Tygarts Creek enters the Ohio just east of Portsmouth, but is apparently not noted on this map.
"Conhoway" is apparently an early name given the Konawha River.

The map comments read:

"The boundary line of the new province.
Land ceded to His Majesty by the Cherokee
but not to be occupied by any
of his white subjects by a special order
from the King."

Here's the same map with true north at the top.

The river labeled "The old bondary line agreed to and marked" appears to be the Licking River (flowing up from the south-south-east).
This river is named "Louisa River" on the map, but the modern Louisa River flows into the Big Sandy, 100 miles to the east.

The caption "John Stuart's survey of the new Province of Vandalia on the Ohio is inexplicable. I can find no historic reference to it.

This map is from the Mason County Museum map collection. They also have bound maps of an 1819 survey of the shoals of the Ohio River.
The Ohio was typically 4-6 feet deep then (American bison wading depth!) Cool!

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