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my name is
Yelton Shephard,
and I am the County Coordinator for this KYGenWeb
site. Please feel free
to contact me at any time. Please note, I do not live in
Kentucky any longer and can not do research for anyone, so please don't ask!
interested in adopting a Kentucky county, please contact
Hall Bradley, KYGenWeb State Coordinator.
Contributions of material
for this site are
always welcome and gratefully accepted!
You are visitor
since 3/18/2004
Design Copyright © 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007,
2008 - Suzanne Yelton Shephard, as coordinator and intermediary for
this Carroll County, KYGenWeb site, and it's contributors. All rights are
reserved. This information belongs solely to the submitter but may be used by libraries, genealogical societies and
personal researchers; however, commercial use of this information is strictly
prohibited without prior permission of the owners and/or submitters of
this material. When copied for non-commercial and personal use, this copyright
notice should appear with the information.
The Coordinator of this site is
An Honorary Kentucky Colonel
March 4, 1974