Samuel Perry

Samuel Perry

Alexandria, Deed Book Recorded September 3, 1816

Whereas the said heirs of the said Samuel deceased did agree to make a division of 1000 acres of land, lying in the County of Campbell on the Ohio opposite to the Mouth of the Little Miami on the lower side.  It is properly understood that Ann Perry, one of the legal heirs is to hold the place known as the Ferry place with all the improvements belonging thereto. 

Also to have the privilege of making any improvements on said lot so as not to interfere with the right and privileges of Rees Gaddis, so long as the Mother of said heirs shall live which the Rees Gaddis is now in possession of reserving to the said heirs their own ferriage and family and the said Ann will be bound to give up said Ferry place at the death of our Mother. 

Heirs of  Samuel Perry deceased-William, David, John, James Walton and Margaret, his wife, Samuel Perry and Robert and Ann Perry.

Alexandria, Deed Book G, page 68-Recorded 21 Mar 1825

Deed made 21 Mar 1825 between Samuel Perry of the County of Switzerland in the state
 of Indiana of the one part and Richard Southgate of the county of Campbell of the other
part. Samuel, for $175 sells all the undivided estate of said Samuel in a certain tract of 140
acres lying in Campbell County which was allotted to Ann Perry for her life time, now
 deceased, as one of the children and heirs of Samuel Perry, deceased.

Sealed and delivered in presence of: William Wright Southgate, Robert Lewis

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