1804 Property Tax Delinquents

1804 Property Tax Delinquents

Copied by Margaret Strebel Hartman

A list of Insolvents and persons having removed from Campbell County and who have not paid their revenue tax for the year 1804.

Brady, Charles-removed Ohio State
Cooper, Christen-removed to Fayette
George, William-insolvant
Hardesty, Uriah-Boone County
McCollum, Dan'l-removed
Miller, William-Ohio State
Peak, Frances-Boon Count
Reaner, David-Boon County
Reed, Thomas-Ohio State
Rower, Francis-insolvant
Sandford, Laurence-Boon County
Tounsley, William-Ohio State
Vice, John-insolvent
Weaver, John
Wilson, James-Boon County

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