Henry Hunt Mayo
The Dailey Ticket, Covington, Saturday, 6 Jan 1877, page 1
The death of two of our highly respected
citizens Mr. H H Mayo Sen. and Capt. Thomas P Jack is announced with regret.
Newport Local, 6 Jan 1877 page 2
The Dailey Ticket, Covington, 27 Jan 1877, page 3
The Committee of Condolence on the part of Covington Chapter No 35 and Covington Commandery No 7 on the death of Companion and Sir Knight H H Mayo would respectfully report as follows:
Your committee to whom was assigned the duty of preparing an obituary notice of our late companion, H H Mayo, beg leave to offer the following:
That at a very early age our brother became impressed with the beauty of Masonry and as soon as he had reached his majority he knocked at its door and it kindly opened to him, for he was from his youth marked by those traits of character, gentleness, goodness and faithfulness, that he was gladly initiated into the Masonic family; and from his long continued association with the fraternity most deeply impressed his companions and brethren with the many characteristics that ever marked his intercourse with us, ever willing to lend a helping hand to a brother in distress or whisper consolation into his willing ear. Indeed in looking over the long history of Comp. Mayo was early initiated into Licking Valley Lodge, the first Lodge instituted in the city of Newport when our own city was a farming place. He was the Master of the Lodge in 1845 and removed to his city in 1856. Born in Newport, Campbell county, which at that time embraced the whole of Kenton county and was the county seat of said Campbell county, he was ever known amongst his associates, as one in whom their perfect confidence might be fully reposed. He was never known to deceived a friend or companion, and by the uniformity of his life endeared himself to all who knew him. At an early period he became a member of this chapter and of Covington Commandery No 7 and was ever punctual in his attendance upon the meetings of the bodies and faithful in the discharge of his duties.
Resolved That in the death of Comp. H H Mayo, this Chapter has just cause for the expression of its truly felt regret in his death, and in the removal of one whose "walk and conversation" was so well calculated to impress purity of conduct and integrity of life upon his companions.
Resolved, That to his family we extend our heartfelt sympathy in the loss they sustain, but triumphantly point with pleasure to the fruit he bore while being and moving amongst us.
Resolved, That a copy of the above be sent to the family of the deceased and also be entered on record and published in the Daily Ticket.
Respectfully submitted, L D Croninger, N B Stephens, A L Greer
Comp. Mayo was a charter member of Covington Commandery No 7 Kenton County No 13,R & A M & Covington R A Chapter No 35 and at his death was a life member of Covington Commandery and Covington Chapter.