
Bullitt County Kentucky Genweb


Census GIF

Bullitt County Census Records

1790 Census of Kentucky

1810 Census of Bullitt Co. KY

Households A-N  N-Z

1820 Bullitt County Census
Shepherdsville, Paris, Mt Vernon

1850 Census of Bullitt Co. KY -
Annotated by "KyBullitt" mail list members
Households 1-280, 281-499, 500-979

1860 Census of Bullitt Co. KY -
Index annotated by KYBullitt list members
(project only begun - hoped to be continued)
households 41-91
 households 92-126
households 127-150

For other census check the census databases at FamilySearch (you need no subscription though you may need to register a free account)

1850 U.S. Census

1860 U.S. Census

1870 U.S. Census

1880 U.S. Census

1900 U.S. Census

1910 U.S. Census

1920 U.S. Census

1930 U.S. Census

     Bullitt Co. Home Page

For additional information contact Tom Hembrey or Anne Livingston

This page was last updated on Monday October 10, 2011