New Branches from Old Trees: A New History of Wabaunsee County by the Wabaunsee County Historical Society

Biographies (by township):
Alma/Farmer/Garfield | Kaw/Maple Hill/Mill Creek | Mission Creek/Newbury/Plumb
Rock Creek/Wabaunsee | Washington/Wilmington

Washington Township
Brabb 759
Casey, George 759
Fix 760
Grunewald, Otto E. 761
Meseke, Arthur H. 761
Moege, Adolph W. 762
Schultz, Arthur G. 763
Schultz, Gustav L. 764
Schultz, William W. 765
Simon, Harlan 764
Sisson, Henry 765
Wilmington Township
Bennett, Howard 766
Burns, Albert G. 768
Burns, Effie B. 769
Burns, Frances Z. 771
Burns, George A. 770
Burns, George W. 767
Burns, Henry H. 772
Burns, Mary J. 769
Burns, Samuel T. 772
Dunn, Preston 773
Edgerton 774
Hughes, Oliver W. 775
James, Karl L. 777
Jennings 777
Kinzy 778
Lockhart, Joseph C. 780
McDowell, James P. 782
Parsonage, Phillip H. 782
Rissler, Isaac W. 784
Schwartling 788
Shaw, Charles F. 785
Shaw, Everett W. 787
Simmons, Virgil J. 789
Taylor 790
Waugh 791
Wilson, James H. 792