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New Branches from Old Trees: A New History of Wabaunsee County by the Wabaunsee County Historical Society
Biographies (by township):
Alma/Farmer/Garfield | Kaw/Maple
Hill/Mill Creek | Mission
Rock Creek/Wabaunsee | Washington/Wilmington
Washington Township
Brabb 759 |
Casey, George 759 |
Fix 760 |
Grunewald, Otto E. 761 |
Meseke, Arthur H. 761 |
Moege, Adolph W. 762 |
Schultz, Arthur G. 763 |
Schultz, Gustav L. 764 |
Schultz, William W. 765 |
Simon, Harlan 764 |
Sisson, Henry 765 |
Wilmington Township
Bennett, Howard 766 |
Burns, Albert G. 768 |
Burns, Effie B. 769 |
Burns, Frances Z. 771 |
Burns, George A. 770 |
Burns, George W. 767 |
Burns, Henry H. 772 |
Burns, Mary J. 769 |
Burns, Samuel T. 772 |
Dunn, Preston 773 |
Edgerton 774 |
Hughes, Oliver W. 775 |
James, Karl L. 777 |
Jennings 777 |
Kinzy 778 |
Lockhart, Joseph C. 780 |
McDowell, James P. 782 |
Parsonage, Phillip H. 782 |
Rissler, Isaac W. 784 |
Schwartling 788 |
Shaw, Charles F. 785 |
Shaw, Everett W. 787 |
Simmons, Virgil J. 789 |
Taylor 790 |
Waugh 791 |
Wilson, James H. 792 |