Kansas History and Heritage Project--Trego County Schools

Trego County Schools


School report of district No. 2, for the month ending March 27, 1885, will be of general interest, though a little late: Number of pupils in attendance, 32; average daily attendance, 26; scholars neither absent nor tardy, Walter Siebert, John Walsh, Lizzie Hartfield, Fritz Ebeling, John Ebeling, Bessie Siebert, Rose Power, Amanda Hartfield, Paul Phillips.
Miss M. York, teacher


Report of the Collyer school for the month ending Nov. 6th, 1886.
School opened Sept. 6th.
Total enrollment 36, average daily at tendance 57. All have taken a deep in terest in their studies, and the teacher takes this opportunity to thank the patrons of the school for the interest manifested in helping to make the school what it should be. The school is divided into three grades. Below is average standing of grades A and B.

Walter Siebert, 87.
Bert Norton, 83.
Sam'l. Swiggett, 97.
S. I. Cober, 95.
Bessie Siebert, 93.
Mary Bundy, 95
Rosa Power, 90.
Maud Morgan, 95.

Eddie Phillips 80.
Jessie Bartlett, 90.
Arthur Hallenbeck, 80.
Clide Sheets, 80.
Geo. Hallenbeck, 80.
John Ebeling, 90.
Carrie Norton, 95.
Lulu LeBron, 90.
Libbie Hallenbeck, 90.
B. F. ARNOLD, Teacher.
Number of pupils enrolled 15.
Daily average attendance 9.
Neither absent nor tardy Fredie Musgrave.
Names of those having highest average:
Iva M. Mason, Dora Harris, Orda Runyon, Fredie Musgrave, Ora Runyon, Maudie Cook, Alva E. Harris.
Minnie V. Staple, Teacher
Scholars not absent: Alma Ham, Ella Stone, Richard Stone, George Chalk, Bella Chalk, Sarah Chalk, John Wonner, Susie Wonner. Number enrolled 26.
Average daily attendance 20.
M. L. Ferris, Teacher.


Fairview School. Report for the Month Ending Sept. 30, 1887.
Monthly enrollment 30.
Average daily attendance 24.
The average grade of each scholar is given below:
Lettie Rhoades, 92; Bernie Thompson, 90; Otie Thompson, 89; George Mathers, 89; Willie Rhoades, 90; Fred Thompson, 89; Harry Wolff, 70; Gilbert Wolff, 75; Eddie McGregor, 90; Eddie Lawrence, 92; Jamie Rhoades, 90; Ellen Schwanbeck, 85; Otto Schwanbeck, 88; Maud Thompson, 90; Fannie Wolf, 75. Dessie Wolf, 75; Fred Schwanbeck, 80; Hattie Wolff, 70; Edna Wolff, 70; Mary McGregor, 85; Lulu Mathers, 92; Emma Mathers, 92; Minnie McGregor,93; Bertha Mathers, 95; Lulu Lawrence, 90; May Rhoades, 91; Alvista McGregor; 87 Andy Breunig, 90; Mary Breunig, 87; Lewis Breunig, 70. The following scholars have neither been absent or tardy since entering school:
Lettie Rhoades; Bernie Thompson; Oat Thompson; Fred Thompson; Eddie Lawrence; Jamie Rhoades; Maud Thompson. Mary McGregor; Lulu Mathers; Emma Mathers; Minnie McGregor; May Rhoades.

W. B. Robinson, Teacher.


School Report District 18.
Following is the report for the month ending Dec. 20, 1889:
Number enrolled 11.
Averago daily attendance 9.02.
Pupils standing "10" - Etta Plants, John Spena, Fannie Vculek, Henry Spena, Johnnie Plants.
Gertrude Snyder, Teacher.
School Report District 5.
Term ended December 20, 1889.
Number of pupils enrolled 19.
Average daily attendance 12 23-59.
Average deportment 98.
No. of tardy marks 25.
Pupils averaging 90 or above in scholarship: Willie Ballmes, Ida Freas, Fred Snyder, John Snyder, Chester Snyder, Katie Halsey, Monroe Stimits. John Snyder was neither absent nor tardy.
Number of visitors 13.
Lizzie Cooper, Teacher.
School Report District 19.
Month ended December 20, 1889.
Number of pupils enrolled 13.
Averago daily attendance 11.
Pupils neither absent nor tardy during the month John Wonner, Walter Wonner, Susie Wonner, Hugh Wonner, Newton Brown.
Pupils averaging 90 or above in scholarship: Newton Brown, Susie Wonner, Walter Wonner, John Wonner, Hugh Wonner.
Pupils perfect in deportment during the month: Minnie McCormick, Lizzie McCormick, Walter Wonner, Johnny Chalk, David Chalk, Bella Chalk, Susie Wonner, Hugh Wonner, Newton Brown, John McCormick.
Jessie M. Welch, Teacher.
Wa-Keeney School Report.
Pupils neither absent nor tardy during the month beginning Nov. 11 and ending Dec. 6, 1889:
Room 4:
Paul B Conger; Fritz Conger; John Charvat; George J Baker; Gregg Marshall; Roy Carson; David McCollum; Bertha Avery; Mamie Brown; Arthur Robb; William Mumert
G. A. Wilson, Teacher

Room 3.
Number of pupils enrolled 53.
Average daily attendance 50.
Pupils perfect in deportment: Hugh Marshall; Mollie Saum; Levantia Hopkins; Clifford Baker; Lillie Barrett; Bertha Holmes; Carrie Mumert; Mary Charvat.
Pupils neither absent nor tardy: Hugh Marshall; Arthur Charvat; Roy Marshall; Joe Sigler; Fred Olson; Charlie Priestley; Tomim Barrett; Nellie Smith; Bertha Holmes; Mand Pinkham; Agues Loder; Mary Charvat; Carrie Mumert; Cora Paull; Rosie Schlyer; Johnnie Cowick; Willie Dann; Stella Sigler.
Viola Welch, Teacher.

Room 3.
Pupils neither absent nor tardy: Eddie Robb; Bertha Marshall; Bessie Dann; Charlie Dewey; Bertie Gibbs; Reynold Cosby; Woodio Marshall; Charlie Hille; Robbie Holmes; Aggie Hogan; Willie Moe; Mabel Brown; Daisy Hoar; Rennie Dewey; Bessie Pinkham.
Mart Kilpatrick, Teacher.

Room 1.
Papils neither absent nor tardy: Harry Wheeler; Johnnie Wheeler; Margaret Cosby; Harry Robb; Jonnnie Moe; Johnnie Robb; Carroll Kelly; Jonas Minot; Odie Sigler.
Lulu Wilson, Teacher.
District 34.
Report for term beginning October 7 and ending December 24, 1889:
Number of visitors, 11.
Number of pupils enrolled, 12.
Average daily attendance, 7.
Pupil neither absent nor tardy, Eddie Locker.
Pupils perfect in deportment, Ellen Sundell, Hannah Olson, Emma Olson, William Locker.
Elsie C. Pershing, Teacher.
Fairview School.
Report for month ending December 24, 1889:
Average grade of scholars: Mary Rhoades, 95, Lettie Rhoades, 92; Eda Wolff, 90; Otto Schwanbeck, 87; Ella Schwanbeck, 87; Ella Schwanbeck, 92; Walter Schwanbeck, 80; Mary Krhut, 92; Stephen Krhut, 89; Hattie Wolff, 88; Johnie Krhut, 89; Willie Rhoades, 94; Hattie Tetzloff, 91; Alvina Wolff, 90; Timmie Rhoades, 90.
Visitors for the month, Mary Robinson and Nellie Rhoades.
W. B. Robinson, Teacher.
District 28 report for month ending Dec. 29, 1889
Number of pupils enrolled, 4.
Average daily attendance, 3 7-9.
Pupils neither absent nor tardy, Erie and Lloyd Morgan.
Pupils averaging above 90 in scholarship, Erle Morgan, Harry Wollner, Frank Chapman and Lloyd Morgan.
Pupils perfect in deportment, Frank Chapman and Lloyd Morgan.
Visitors, 3.
Bertha E. Morgan, Teacher.
Trego Center School.
Report for month ending Dec. 30, 1889:
Enrollment 18.
Average attendance, 14.
Perfect in attendance, William Claude, John and Moses Peacock.
Perfect in deportment, Mamie Bales, Eddie Bales, Will Kulp, Ed. Hobbick, Avria Adams, Emmet Adams, Claude Adams and Pearl Benson.
Ninety or above in recitation. Pearl Benson, Will Kulp, Ed. Hobbick, Avria Adams and Claude Adams.
Visitors for the month, A. P. Hinshaw, Mrs. Jennie Harvey and H. Hobbick.
A. S. Peacock, Teacher.
Hackberry School.
Report for the month ending December 30, 1889:
Number of pupils enrolled, 14.
Average daily attendance, 12.70.
Pupils neither absent nor tardy during the month, Julia O'Toole, Israel Reynolds, Mathilda Neuenschwander. Pupils averaging 90 and upwards in in scholarship, Julia O'Toole 94, Mathilda Neuenschwander 94, Eveline Whitlock 92, William Jones, 92, Israel Reynolds, 91, William Harlin 81, Susan Harlin 90.
Elise Neuenschwander, Teacher.
District 7.
Report for the month ending December 21, 1889:
Number enrolled, 19.
Number of visitors, 7.
Pupils neither absent nor tardy, Minnie Miller, Frank Purinton. Pupils 90 or over in scholarship and deportment, Delia Purinton, Maria Miller, Blanche McKnight, Florence Purinton, Frances Hawkes, Alton Hawkes, John North, Lizzie North.
Carrie M. Sweet, Teacher.
Fairview School Report.
Month ended November 26, 1889.
Average grade of scholarship: May Rhoades, 96; Lettie Rhoades, 94; Willie Rhoades, 89; Jamie Rhoades, 92; Eda Wolff, 89; Otto Schwanbeck; 90; Ella Schwanbeck, 92; Hattie Wolff, 90; Walter Schwanbeck, 83; Mary Krhut, 94; Steven Krhut, 88; Johnie Krhut, 85.
W. B. Robinson, Teacher.


Report of school in district 18. for the month ending November, 21, 1890:
No. of boys enrolled, 10.
No. of girls enrolled, 4.
Total number enrolled, 14.
Average daily attendance, 13.
No. of visitors, 7.
Names of pupils not absent: Mary Clark, Frank Howe, Will Howe, John Barnes, Frank Barnes, Josie Barnes, Elmer Barnes, Rosetta Lombard, Edgar Cockrell.
Elsie C. Pershing, Teacher.
Excelsior School Report. Report for the month ending January 31, 1890.
Number of pupils enrolled, 5.
Average daily attendance, 3.3.
Names of those averaging 90 or over in scholarship, and perfect in deportment: Erle Morgan, Thomas Hinshaw, Harry Wolner, Loyd Morgan and Frank Chapman. Loyd Morgan was neither absent nor tardy.
Visitors 4.
Bertha E. Morgan, Teacher.
School Report District 7. Report for the month ending Jan. 31, 1890:
Number of pupils enrolled, 23.
Average daily attendance, 13.
Pupil neither absent nor tardy, Minnie Miller.
Number of visitors, 3.
Pupils 90 or over in deportment; Della Purinton, Maria Miller, Francis Hawkes, Florence Purinton, John North, Blanche McKnight, David North, Alton Hawkes, Ella Morrison, Robbie Tague.
Carrie M. Sweet, Teacher.


DISTRICT 25. Report for term ending Dec. 24, 1891
Ardella Holmes- days attended, 18; deportment, 100; average standing 90.
Etta Plants- days attended 18, deportment 100; average standing 90.

Albert Holmes- days attended, 184; deportment, 100; average standing, 82.56.
Charley Spena- days attended, 14; deportment, 94; average standing, 72.

PRIMARY GRADE. Arthur Holmes- days attended. 19; deportment, 100; average standing, 87. Effa Plants- days attended, 17; deportment, 100; average standing, 80.
Eva Plants days attended, 17; deportment, 100; average standing 81.
Henry Spena days attended, 12; deportment, 95; average standing, 80.
Clinton Plants Days attended, 15; deportment, 100; average standing, 72.

H. F. Stouts, Teacher.
District 18.
For the month beginning Nev. 13. and closing Dec. 18, 1891. Number of pupils attending the last month, 11. Average attendance, 8.
Pupils neither absent nor tardy, Josie Barnes, Elmer Barnes, Nellie Hughes.
Mart Clark, Teacher.
School report for first month, begin ning Nov. 9, and ending Dec 4, 1891.
Enrollment, 16; eight centered school the first week three the second week and five the third week. Percent of attendance, 68: cases of tardiness, 4; visitors 1.
Pupils neither absent nor tardy, Clyde Cypher, Ethel Cypher, Leola Thomas, Ettie Thomas, George Thomas, Minnie Chapman, Frank Chapman, Marion Hunt.
Mrs. M. Hunt.
Banner School District No. 7., Term Ending Dec. 24, 1891
Pupil's name is following by their scholarship/deportment grades.

Grammar Department
Blanche McKnight, 94/99
Clyde McKnight, 93/99
John North, 93/99
Anna Morrison, 88/99

Intermediate Department.
Frances Hawkes, 93/100
Herbert Jones, 88/99
Delia Jones, 95/100
Leo Riggs, 95/99

Primary Department.
Roy Rule, 89/96
Ethel Rule, 81/69
Lizzie North, 82/100
Bessie Morrison, 87/97
Myrtle Fuller, 89/99
Ella Morrison, 88/97
Alton Hawkes, 88/100
Samuel North, 78/97
Cora March, 76/96
Ivy March, 87/89
Roy Riggs, 90/100
Arthur Hawkes, 75/100

H. Harlan, Teacher.
SCHOOL REPORTS. District No. 29.
School report from district 29, Wilcox, Kan., for the second month beginning Dec. 7, 1891, and ending Jan. 1, 1892. Enrollment 16; per cent, of attendance 24; cases of tardiness 26; days absence 25; visitors 2.
Pupils neither absent nor tardy, Jacob Hoobler, Clyde Cypher, Ethel Cypher, Eddie Bales, Marian Hunt.
Mrs. M. Hunt, Teacher.


District No. 19.
Report of district 19, for the month ending Jan. 15, 1892, number pupils enrolled 14; males, 7; females, 7. Average daily attendance 11. Pnpils neither ab sent nor tardy, Susie Wonner Hugh Wonner. Names of pupils with deportment of 90 or over. Susie Wonner, 100; Walter Wonner, 100; Bella Chalk, 100; Sadie Chalk, 100; Ella Bryant, 100; Harry Bryant, 98; John Chalk, 97; Lizzie Chalk, 99; John Wonner, 95.
Lillie Smith, Teacher.
District No. 4.
School report from district 4, for the month ending Jan. 15, 1892. Number of pupils in attendance, 11. Average daily attendance, 10. Scholarship nearly the same as proceeding mouth. Pupils neither absent or tardy during the month. Earl Marquand and Chas. Goble. Number of visitors, 3.
D. B. Rogers, Teacher.
Report of Spring Valley School, District 31, for the month ending December 9th, 1892
Number of pupils enrolled 11.
Daily attendance 6.2.
Pupils coming every day, Earl Douglass.
Rank of pupils who were present at examination Friday, December 9, 1892:
Bertha Hallock, deportment 100, grammar 98, geography 99, history 99, reading 100. phypiology 100, orthography 98, constitution 100, composition 98, arithmetic 99, penmanship 100.
Lou Douglass, deportment 100, reading 98, orthography 84, physiology 98, penmanship 99, history 98, arithmetic 89, constitution 98, composition 99.
Fred Hallock, geography 99, penmanship 99, history 100 reading 99, arithmetic 92, physiology 99, orthography 100, deportment 100.
Earl Douglass, geography 99, penmanship 94, history 80, reading 95, arithmetic 80, physiology 90, orthography 100, deportment 100.
Kate Orcutt, reading 85, orthography 98, arithmetic 98.
Hiram Orcutt, reading 80, arithmetic 98, orthography 90.
Chester Orcutt, orthography 98. Visitors 2.
Ollie Jeffers, teacher
Monthly Report of Wa-Keeney Schools.
Report of high room for month ending December 9, 1892:
Pupils neither absent nor tardy, Ray Gleason, Adrian Tallman, Willie Dann, Bert Dann, Herbert Robinson, Willie Rhoades, Walter Cross. Hugh Marshall, Roy Marshall, Joe Sigler, Mary Charvat, Molly Saum, May Rhoades, Pearl Courtney, Grace Welch, Esther Wilson.
C. W. Laverty, Teacher

Wa-Keeney Primary Department, report for month ending December 9, 1892:
Names of pupils neither absent nor tardy during the month: Rosa Andrews, Ella Brown, Luther Gregory, Fred Gregory, Minnie Hankins, Myrtle Hankins, Ethel Hoar, Lizzie Lewis, John Lewis, Fern McCready, Ethel Dann, Willis Sims, Robert Sims, Lewis Sigler, Georgia Virmond, Chase Wilson, Rose Wolf, Pearl Weekley, Thomas McCune, Lawrence Cheney.
Elise Neuenschwander, Teacher

School report of Wa-Keeney grammar room for month ending December 9, 1892
Names of pupils neither absent nor tardy during the month: Ferd Blaisdell, Ida Courtney, Matthew Cross, Bessie Dann, Charlie Hille, Wood Marshall, George Welch, Esther Wolf, Lulu Cheney.
Ranks in class. Sixth grade:
Esther Wolf, rank 1, total average 98.
Stella Sigler, rank 2, total average 96.
Matthew Cross, rank 2, total average 96.
Ida Courtney, rank 3. total average 95.
Ranks in class. Fifth grade:
Bessie Dann, rank 1, total average 97.
Myrtle Priestley, rank 2, total average 96.
Wood Marshall, rank 3, total average 95.
Jessie Welch, Teacher.
Report of Glencoe school for the month ending December 2, 1892
Number enrolled 7. Per cent of attendance 95; Those present every day and not tardy were Herman Hillman, Earl Furbeck and Maud Furbeck. Number of cases of tardiness 3.
J. F. Barclay, teacher.
Valley School District No. 19,
Report for the month ending December 7th, 1892:
Number enrolled, girls 9, boys 12, total 21.
Average attendance, girls 8, boys 10, total 18.
Number not absent or tardy 4.
Student's name, followed by scholarship/deportment score:
Maggie Chalk, 88/100
Bella Chalk, 78/100
Sadie Chalk, 79/98
Susie Chalk, 78/100
Faith Wonner, 84/100
Maggie Reddig, 77/99
Lizzie Chalk, 88/100
Ella Bryant, 85/100
Minnie Bryant, 78/99
Hugh Wonner, 79/96
Jimmie Chalk, 80/100
David Chalk, 79/100
George Chalk, 85/100
Joseph Reddig, 80/98
Tracy Reddig, 75/100
Bansom Reddig, 83/99
John Wonner, 86/96
Walter Wonner, 84/100
Harry Bryant, 86/99
Irving Reddig, 77/96
John Chalk, 73/97

H. Harlan, Teacher

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