Prairie Lawn Cemetery


A Big thanks to the city of Wellington for making the cemetery records available!

To view an alphabetical listing by surname (family name) click here.

It is recommended that you take note of the block and lot number of your ancestor. You will have the opportunity to view the same records sorted by block/lot number. Often you can discover relatives by noting who is buried near your kinfolk.

To view records sorted by block number, click here.

 There are usually 16 lots to the block. A general map is below. The links also include additional information that was listed in the register, such as residence at time of death.

prairielawnmap.jpg (84031 bytes)

click to enlarge the map

map is not to scale

Prairie Lawn Cemetery and Mausoleum are located within the city limits of Wellington, KS. The following lists were compiled by Cindy Ball and Lora Topinka in 1999. The majority of the information was taken from the cemetery registers located at the Wellington City Building. It was felt that indexing the cemetery by utilizing the registers was the most appropriate way to compile this data for public use for the following reasons: 

Knowing this, keep the following in mind: 

Comments? Additions? Corrections? E-mail [email protected]