Kansas - Sumner County Genealogical Society

The United States FlagSumner County Historical and Genealogical Society, Box 402, Wellington, Kansas 67152 The Kansas Flag

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SCHGS Calendar of Events

SCHGS Newsletter - Heritage Harvester

SCHGS Membership Form

SCHGS Online Library

Sumner County Historical and Genealogical Center

Sumner County Cemeteries

Sumner County Web Sites

Sumner County Surnames List

Kansas Genealogical and Historical Society Addresses

Pioneer Certificate Form

Publications for Sale

2001 - 2002

President - Lawrence Norris
1st Vice-President - Sherry Kline
2nd Vice-President - Sherri Theurer
Secretary - Jane Moore
Corresponding Secretary - Della Shafer

Treasurer - Lora Topinka

Joyce Church
Pat Gaddie
Donnis Whaley
Jared Scheel
Melvin Shafer
Della Shafer
Don White

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What's New with the Sumner County Historical and Genealogical Society?!

A Lot - The Chisholm Trail History & Family Center
is Now Open and Helping Researchers! SCHGS members move books into the new Chisholm Trail History and Family Center.

The Chisholm Trail History and Family Center will be open to welcome and serve researchers for the All-Class Reunion on May 25th, 2002, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Come and see your old classmates, and come by and say Hi!

Sumner County genealogists and historicans moved books from storage to the new Chisholm Trail History and Family Center on March 10, 2001, and researchers stop each week at the Sumner County Historical and Genealogiical Center.  For more information on hours and contact info please check out the Center's website.

Centrally located in Wellington at 208 N. Washington in the the North-east corner of the Memorial Auditorium just two blocks from the Sumner County Courthouse, right around the corner from the Wellington Public Library, and down the street from the City of Wellington offices.

Centrally located in the county as well, for an easy drive to cemeteries, towns, or your family's farm or homestead. Since its opening in the spring of 2001, the center has already almost outgrown it's current facilities thanks to the hard work of the members, and generous donation of books and materials.

Don't know how to do genealogy?
Volunteers are teaching classes, check at the Center for beginning dates and times.

Want to know who is buried where?
Several volunteers have transcribed cemetery books that are now for sale, and information is available on the web. The books are name indexed, and include maps to the gravesite.

Want to use a microfilm reader to do newspaper research?
The Center just purchased a good used one, and researchers are welcome to bring in their own films, or use the ones available in the library.

Go to the library!
But before you go, please check out the On-line Library for links to Sumner County Web Sites, Family Web Sites, census information, and look for your teacher ancestor on the One-Room Schoolhouse Teacher's List. And just in case someone else is looking for you and your family, leave your query on the queries page and be sure and add your name to the surname list before you go.

Click here for a membership application to join.

Sumner County - the Early Days...

Did your ancestor homestead in Sumner County? Run in the Cherokee Strip Race for land in 1893? Did they ride the rails to Kansas, or come by horse or wagon? What was life like for your early Sumner County Pioneer?

If you have family stories or old letters about life in early day Sumner County, we hope you'll share them with us, so we can share them with others. Read some Pioneer Stories here, and for some information about Sumner County's rich history, click here.


Why Subscribe to Ancestry.com?

It's convenient, reasonable, and you don't have to get dressed and drive to the library to check out the census records or databases. What's more, Ancestry is adding indexes to their on-line census, and database records. And, when you subscribe through the SCHGS website, a percentage of your subscription will help support the Society and allow them to continue making more records available to you!

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Author - Sherry Kline       Last updated - 19 May, 2002